Some over the top HM2 hardcore tones.

Tidal Disruption - HM2 hardcore
Brutal HM2 tone from baritone 28" scale guitar and the Tidal Disruption active humbucker.
Some over the top HM2 hardcore tones.
I think I got it hopefully solved. Maybe it was just dust/dirt from over the years, cleaned the contacts from the cables and it stopped cutting out.
Have been using the same setup for over a decade now. The spdif recording has started cutting audio randomly for a moment. I know it's the spdif since everything works normally through the analog outs. I also can see loss of sync from the Lynx mixer panel once in a while.
Soo, how would I find out if it's the Kemper or my cables that have gone bad? The cables cost 150 euros so I'd rather avoid buying them if it's avoidable.
NGD! Or maybe it's New Build Day? Some blurry shots, it started to rain after taking these, and I didn't want to put the guitar on wet grass after it.
Tru-oiled quilted mahogany neck, walnut top and wenge back. Lumi Pickups actives set. 28"-26" multiscale.
Some hardcore riffs (06 PV 6505C OD2 and 05 PV 6505C OD panned left/right)
Different guitar in drop-A
Uploaded a couple more. Crunch channel profiles were lacking in gain so I bumped it up a bit and slammed the front with a JHS 3 series OD.
OD is the switch up (open mode) and OD2 is the switch down (compressed mode).
Settings are the same as above post in the same order
04 PV 6505C OD
04 PV 6505C OD2
05 PV 6505C OD
05 PV 6505C OD2
06 PV 6505C OD
06 PV 6505C OD2
Sound (05 PV 6505C OD)
Decided to try something a bit unorthodox since I couldn't find my 57 anywhere.
V7 is a vocal mic, but looking at the specs it seems almost identical to the V7X instrument mic. V7 just has a small sibilance boost at 10k and 3k.
Personally quite happy with the tones. 1960BV cab with the stock speakers (Marshall Vintage), mic on the edge of the dust cap an inch off the cloth.
Short video of chug chug
Guitar with Lumi Pickups model Tidal Disruption.
01 6505C
01 6505L
02 6505C
02 6505L
03 6505C
03 6505L
01 settings
02 settings
03 settings
STL Tones DSL 100, with Tidal Disruption humbucker. Caveman chug chug chug
I spent all of 30 seconds on the master, plus soundcloud compression on top of that.
Another one, different pickup, same guitar and profile.
STL Tones 5150 II profile, my SMBH active humbucker in a korina neckthrough. Quad tracked.
Edit: Updated with less pumping compression.
Full playlist of three models:
Since people often listen with their eyes, here's some pics
I like that tone allot, what profile were you using?
Thanks, it's the STL Tones Jason Suecof pack, Plain Burger A profile (Peavey 6505, EVH 5153 V30 cab)
No real way of knowing how pickups sound playing a metal riff unless it was against a track. And then you may have to double it. Metal tones are really not pleasant to listen to on their own.
Here's a short one!
Testing a new pickup prototype in a korina neckthrough.
Excuse the playing.
My weird experiment. Got some odd 20 years dried pine blanks as a gift from my in-laws, so I had to use them for something. So I started with the idea of trying out how a P90 loaded Bass VI would sound like. Well it ended up as "not good" with P90's. Redid the pickups routes for EMG's and now it sounds fantastic.
6-strings, 30" scale, pine body, birch veneer top, maple neck, padauk board. Stainless frets, green glowy dots. Couple other experiments with this as well, again tried to rehearse my binding work, which ended not so good (again). I'll maybe redo the binding in the future. Also tried to do some inlays with my Aufero laser, which didn't work out very well either. The insides worked perfectly, but the board itself ended up taking some fire damage so I had to fill the gaps with CA and end result is not so pretty.
Oh well, it's a practice piece and it sounds good so enough for me.
Clip with STL tones profile
Try lowering the definition of your profile, first thing that comes to mind.
7-string version
Took over from my decade long Dual Rec profile favorite that I made from my rackmount rev G.
Pretty much all work great for metal rhythm guitar.
Short video: