Level II upgrade

  • So what does happen when you want to sell and quit Kemper ? You've got a licence for level 2&3 with no Player and a potential buyer that has a restart level 1 unit, he has to pay for LVL 2&3....

    Once activated, the license is tied to the device. If you want to sell a Player later, you sell the license with it.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • So what does happen when you want to sell and quit Kemper ? You've got a licence for level 2&3 with no Player and a potential buyer that has a restart level 1 unit, he has to pay for LVL 2&3....

    Yeah. For me it wasnt about resale but more about damage control but I guess you could transfer the license to the new buyer? For instance with the UA stuff like the Apollo, any plugins you buy stay with you if you sell the unit, but you have the option to either transfer them to your new replacement device, or transfer them to the buyer of your old device. (At least I THINK that's the case there. I sold the device but transfered the plugins to the new one)

  • So what does happen when you want to sell and quit Kemper ? You've got a licence for level 2&3 with no Player and a potential buyer that has a restart level 1 unit, he has to pay for LVL 2&3....

    Per Kemper support, the license is tied with the unit, not the account. You would (I guess) just advertise that it is an upgraded unit when you sell.

  • Limiting the posibilities as a hardware unit by software feels like a marketing strategy it is just my opinion! If others feel well with buying this option thats fine.

    I dont i get frustrated by owning something relying on software and paying for opening the doors......maybe im old fashioned

    I pay for hardware but do not get the software thats what im saying unless i pay extra money for it

    But after all i'm happy with the player as it is, no need for extra's

    I entirelly agree with you !!!!

    Because unlock features were announced (really quickly at the beginning), i bought a Player .

    I've made a bad bet.... I imagined, it would be less expensive, and /or that loyal customers would be taken in consideration and could have a substential discount but nothing in this sense....

    At the end, i just feel like a stupid idiot.

    It will be a good lesson....

    I'm just disgusted, sad and disapointed....

  • Funny thing is, I think that if they initially launched the player with all the level2 and level3 stuff built-in, and priced it at $1000, everyone would have bought it without complaints because that price point fits in when compared to all the other stuff out there. But this way there are lower tiers available for those not already used to the full kemper suite and dont need all that.

  • Funny thing is, I think that if they initially launched the player with all the level2 and level3 stuff built-in, and priced it at $1000, everyone would have bought it without complaints because that price point fits in when compared to all the other stuff out there. But this way there are lower tiers available for those not already used to the full kemper suite and dont need all that.

    Very true, I would have paid $999 easily to avoid the headaches of paid upgrades.

  • I'm not sure the price point fits exactly. The physical Player unit lacks a lot of the features of the Stage (actual display, several knobs and soft buttons, footswitches for tuner, tap tempo, looper, two effects loops for send and return, separate footswitches for pedal on/off, stereo XLR outs, etc.).

    Also....none of these paid upgrades allow you to profile amps which is what Kemper is known for in the first place. You don't get models of amps; you have to profile yours or buy profiles online (yes, I know - rig exchange. but a lot of them are not great).

    So...a "full feature" player is $1,000. A stage is $1,600. Is it only a $600 feature difference between the two? I'm not so sure.

  • I've made a bad bet.... I imagined, it would be less expensive, and /or that loyal customers would be taken in consideration and could have a substential discount but nothing in this sense....

    At the end, i just feel like a stupid idiot.

    It will be a good lesson....

    I'm just disgusted, sad and disapointed....

    Agreed. It represent a radical departure from their previous business model (which fostered goodwill and product devotion). I now feel duped by the initial spiel. My previous thoughts:


    Google said this when initially searched the product: "The PROFILER Player is a high-level multi-effects processor with a no-jokes tube amp simulation, ask your guitarist :) You have to try our rotary speaker Rig"

    It seems even Kemper didn't really know what this device was.

    Then, on the Player web page said:

    The PROFILER Player offers a selection of some the finest effects in the world.

    I feel it was disingenuous in a deliberate kind of way. It could easily be understood as meaning you have a selection of some of the finest effects in the world (meaning all of Kemper's present offerings). It could also mean you can select some of Kemper's present offerings (assuming they are the finest in the world).

    I was waiting for the (free) upgrades. Oh well. It's great for amp simulations - even without the costly upgrades. I'll keep mine. But if I made the decision again today, I would probably just load a few good amp sims on a Tonex One and rely on my real Kempers for the heavy lifting when required.

  • I've made a bad bet.... I imagined, it would be less expensive, and /or that loyal customers would be taken in consideration and could have a substential discount but nothing in this sense....

    I understand your PoV but am curious: what would be fair price for you for Level III, which elevates Player pretty much to 80% of Stage capabilities?

  • My crystal ball tells me we will see a fully loaded player bundle for $849 in two years or less.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • The Level 3 upgrade pretty much makes the player a fully loaded Kemper (minus the profiling bit obvs) in a size smaller than a breakfast cereal box... yep it's expensive, but you kind of get what you pay for.... if you buy a base BMW 3 series, thats equivalent to a level 1 KPP... it's not until you shell out a large chunk of money from the options list that it becomes the car you always wanted

  • I understand your PoV but am curious: what would be fair price for you for Level III, which elevates Player pretty much to 80% of Stage capabilities?

    A price at 850€ max for bigger unit owners would be fair and a price at 950€ for only Player Owners too.

    In fact, i realise that i don't use a lot of/every Stage's capabilities but would like to have homogeneous rigs and just drag and drop my perfromances.

    300€ for that is too much expensive. :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:

    When i see L6, the HX stomp is half the price ; basta.... And they give all FXs.... The chain is reduced but is what gives a Stage....

    Why not having a little increase to improve the device but 40% more : HONESTLY ?! :cursing::cursing::cursing::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:

    I've met many problems when i bought my first Kemper Stage and it had gone to Germany 3/4 times, it was boring but i've never surrendered and trusted in this company

    Today, i don't keep this point of view and i really think i should not have trust in loyalty and i just stay very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very disappointed and have a bad taste in mouth.....

  • I just bought LVL2 and am very happy with it. Cheaper is always desired, I don't have money to give away, but feel that the added functionality is worth the price. Strange that everyone still resists so much to pay for software, arguing that they would get ripped off. People, creating good software is darn expensive...

    Kemper Player (LVL2), EV ELX112P, Suhr S.Henderson Strat, Fender Ultra Tele, PRS S2 Custom24, Variax JTV-69

  • I just bought LVL2 and am very happy with it. Cheaper is always desired, I don't have money to give away, but feel that the added functionality is worth the price. Strange that everyone still resists so much to pay for software, arguing that they would get ripped off. People, creating good software is darn expensive...

    Usually, the software developpement (and updated) is drowned in the hardware price.

    I've bought my Stage the double i've bought my Helix (which needed programming too), it was an important financial effort i had to do but i didn't regret it.

    I'm not saying i want it all for free (even if i would like to) and i can catch this upgrade needs to pay something else but Kemper have done separates steps/levels, why can't they thanks loyal customers with a separate discount too ? It arrives sometimes in the commercial world, dunno ?!

    IMO, there are many levels in price point for customers :

    - Level 1 ; it's not expensive (or free) ; everyone agrees, it's very cool what we have for that price

    - Level 2 ; it's more important than expected but it's acceptable

    - Level 3 ; It's unacceptable, this price is insane, they really take me for a fool.....

    I'm in the third boat for the moment.....