Kemper sounds much better with headphones

  • I've found dozens of posts from people experiencing the same issues but I haven't found a fix. I have an Apollo Twin and an RME Fireface 800 and the Kemper sounds significantly worse in both compared to headphones. It almost sounds like a dry guitar signal with effects layered on top of it, or if the levels of guitar signal/amp/cab/effects are screwed up with the volume of the amp and cab turned way down. Here's what I've tried so far.

    Tried TRS, TS, and XLR cables. No audible difference.

    Turned off "Space" in the headphone settings

    Tried the guitar input on my Apollo

    Tried every option under Main Output settings (Mod Mono, Mod Stereo, Main Mono, etc.)

    I'm at a loss and hoping someone has some ideas.

  • How do you compare the sound of what you are hearing in headphones to what you're hearing in speakers? Im not sure I fully grasp what you're saying, but you're claiming the sound quality of the headphone output is better than the main outputs? And you are comparing this by listening to headphones connected to the headphone output and comparing the experience with listening to speakers connected to the main output? That'd not a 1 for 1 conversion. Have you tried connecting the main output and headphone output into your interface, record both,and compared the recordings? Sounds like you prefer the coloration of the headphone amp.

  • How do you compare the sound of what you are hearing in headphones to what you're hearing in speakers? Im not sure I fully grasp what you're saying, but you're claiming the sound quality of the headphone output is better than the main outputs? And you are comparing this by listening to headphones connected to the headphone output and comparing the experience with listening to speakers connected to the main output? That'd not a 1 for 1 conversion. Have you tried connecting the main output and headphone output into your interface, record both,and compared the recordings? Sounds like you prefer the coloration of the headphone amp.

    I'm comparing headphones plugged into the Kemper and Apollo Twin/Fireface 800. No speakers.

  • Well, now I'm super confused. I tried going directly from the headphone jack on the Kemper into input 1 on my Apollo and the quality is even worse. The difference in audio quality is a lot less noticeable on my bass vs guitar. Which makes me think I'm losing a lot of high frequencies. I'm using Mogami cables so I doubt it's an issue with cable quality too. I don't know, I'm at a loss.

  • Well, now I'm super confused. I tried going directly from the headphone jack on the Kemper into input 1 on my Apollo and the quality is even worse. The difference in audio quality is a lot less noticeable on my bass vs guitar. Which makes me think I'm losing a lot of high frequencies. I'm using Mogami cables so I doubt it's an issue with cable quality too. I don't know, I'm at a loss.

    This degradation in sound may be caused by connecting the TRS stereo headphone output to the TRS balanced mono line input. I assume you are using a TS guitar cable. Impedance mismatch may also contribute.

    Please enter the SYSTEM menu and click the Init Globals button. This will reset all global settings to factory default. Any setting you have applied that may have an impact on the Main Output will be reset.

    If you want to reinstate the settings you are using now create a backup before performing the reset.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • I use an Apollo twin with the SPDIF and a cheap converter from Amazon. No problems and it frees up the other inputs.

    what SPDIF converter are you using?how do you setup that converter?

    Guitar: Fender Strat HSS<3 Schecter Custom Solo II

    Signal Chain: Kemper->AxeFX 3>Neural QC>Apollo Twin->M-Audio Monitors

    Computer:Mac Studio

  • One speaker=mono. Two speakers=stereo.

    No. That’s over simplistic. There’s more to it than that.

    Mono (monophonic) sound is single-channel audio where all the instruments are mixed into one signal, intended to be heard as if emanating from one position. Stereo (stereophonic) sound is achieved by using two audio channels feeding 2 separate speakers.

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited 2 times, last by Ruefus (December 17, 2023 at 3:26 AM).

  • You do compare Headphone in Kemper with headphone in FF800.

    I don’t hear a difference,

    There should be no difference (analog oder digital connected, no matter of kabel within 2 or3 mtr ) and space effect off in Kemper headphone setup!

    Otherwise there is a difference in the settings

    It’s overwhelming to hear Kemper with my new Neumann KH150 Monitors but this is something different.

    No difference if they are connected to Kemper or to FF800, digital or analog

  • No. That’s over simplistic. There’s more to it than that.

    Mono (monophonic) sound is single-channel audio where all the instruments are mixed into one signal, intended to be heard as if emanating from one position. Stereo (stereophonic) sound is achieved by using two audio channels feeding

    It’s still stereo no matter what you say.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • It’s still stereo no matter what you say.

    I think Ruefus is correct on this one Jocke. If you set the Kemper output to Master Mono and send both main outs to speaker cabinets you still have a mono signal albeit coming out of two speakers. A Marshal JCM800 is mono even if it has two 4x12 cabinets attached. For it to be stereo it needs to be two different “channels “ of audio that combine to create a stereo image.

  • What if a bunch of other professional sources say it? I didn’t make this up and it isn’t an opinion.

    What I wrote was a copy/paste from one of a bunch of sources. Look it up.

    You are both right and/or are talking past each other. In total you have:

    Mono signal on mono connection (one signal)

    Mono signal on stereo connection (2 identical signals)

    Stereo signal on stereo connection (2 unique signals)

    If you set Kemper main out to "Main mono", you have number 2 in the list - mono signal on a stereo connection. You're saying the signal is mono, but he's saying the connection is still stereo. Both technically right and not actually in disagreement.

    I also offer marriage counseling. :P