• I would be quite pleased with the tuner in Rig Manager. :/

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  • I would probably never use it within RM due to the two following reasons 1) When I play and record my RM is hidden behind my DAW and 2) I find it to be really easy just to look at the physical screen of the Kemper to tune my guitar. It’s always “on” tuner mode.

  • I would prefer that Kemper spent their time on modeling more tone stacks. I have been playing for over 60 years, tuning is the first thing I learned, it's a simple operation that only takes a few seconds and I don't keep guitars that go out of tune easily. Besides that, computer monitors produce EMI.

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • You may have something here !

    Yes….a good point. Absolutely. Still I wonder why people doesn’t just put the physical Kemper on tuner mode at all times. That way the tuner is present at all times and one just has to look at the Kemper.

    Compared to that, it’s a hassle to press a bottom inside a software to pull out a tuner or even if it’s behind the DAW and you have to find the RM first, before you can press the tuner. I find it a lot less convenient. How many people can’t see their physical Kemper from where, the play the guitar?

    It’s not that i CANNOT see it being useful to others at all. It’s just nothing I find necessary at all. For my use it’s even completely useless.

  • Been wanting this for years. What's worse is my friend just took back his TU-3, so now I have no choice but to use the Tuner mode on my rack. It just feels like a lot

  • Yes….a good point. Absolutely. Still I wonder why people doesn’t just put the physical Kemper on tuner mode at all times. That way the tuner is present at all times and one just has to look at the Kemper.

    Compared to that, it’s a hassle to press a bottom inside a software to pull out a tuner or even if it’s behind the DAW and you have to find the RM first, before you can press the tuner. I find it a lot less convenient. How many people can’t see their physical Kemper from where, the play the guitar?

    It’s not that i CANNOT see it being useful to others at all. It’s just nothing I find necessary at all. For my use it’s even completely useless.

    Ah since you have it placed what is perfect for you it must be be same for everyone else. Smart thinking Sherlock. :whistling: Since my desk is the size it is and with a computer screen, two monitor stands there's no other way for me than to have the kemper placed on the side. I guess that's the situation for more than me that have their kempers on the desk. And for those that have it besides the desk....... I can't speak for them.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Ah since you have it placed what is perfect for you it must be be same for everyone else. Smart thinking Sherlock. :whistling: Since my desk is the size it is and with a computer screen, two monitor stands there's no other way for me than to have the kemper placed on the side. I guess that's the situation for more than me that have their kempers on the desk. And for those that have it besides the desk....... I can't speak for them.

    I appreciate your huge effort and insight in diplomatic ways of communicating. Thanx a lot for implying, that I am stupid :thumbup: . Much appreciated. It so happens that I wrote 1) it's not that I cannot see it being usable: hence implying that my ways aren't the only way. Self explanatory, really. 2) I acknowledge your lack of space on the desk; I too have that issue and have therefore placed the physical Kemper at the window and it's not a very logisical smart place for me; but it's doable. And I can see the screen if I turn my head 45-60 degrees. A far less annoying solution for me, that having to find a tuner in a software, that is hidden behind other software. But hey...what I find easy and convenient might be the opposite for you.

    So therefore; do I know that people have a different setup than mine? Of course. It was basically just meant as an idea for people, since I assume that most people would be able to figure out a similar solution, that I (as in ME: I speak for myself) consider pretty easy to achieve. Even placing it at your feet or whatever, if you have the smallest room in the universe, this would be achievable quite easily. But I guess I'm stupid. Studying a master degree in philosophy says otherwise, though. But hey...what do I know. I'm apparently surrounded by greatness here and thus I'm lucky. And since I'm stupid, feel free not to comment on my posts.

  • This thread was not meant to be argued with. Please keep your emotions to yourself or to someone else. I just wrote that it would be nice for me if the tuner was in the Rig Manager, nothing more nothing less. The fact that it is a useless thing for someone is their business, let them write their post in their own, and don't rush into my possible comments here. It's simple, either it will or it won't. Done.

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  • I would like the tuner specially the strobe tuner in rig manager. My kemper stage is out of site and I use a korg dtr-1000 rack tuner. I would love to eliminate the rack tuner.

    Since I do pretty much everything on the computer the Kemper tuner would be a nice touch.

    Just my silly thoughts.

  • i have the rack kemper so with the tunner in the rig manager i think would be great ilove that i can use 432 tunning i dont have remote will use elon musks new phone when it comes out to put rig manager on the other thing id like to see is more speaker irs of different drivers maybe rarer hard to find drivers from the past