Using forScore MIDI Hex Codes with Kemper Stage

  • Hi Guys,

    I recently purchased a Bluetooth MIDI adapter to control all my patch changes with forScore and with all the correct program change numbers punched in it works fantastically.

    However I'm trying to push the limits of automation with my rig at the moment. On top of patch changes when turning to a specific page I wanted to see if I could use the CC commands to turn the tuner on and off. Now forScore doesn't specifically transmit CC commands on the MIDI page but It can send raw MIDI hex codes and after reading up about it I came up with the following CC Hex code to turn the Tuner on where the CC# is 31 and non zero numbers turn the tuner on:

    B0 1F 1

    According to the Hex Code and the translated MIDI CC#, in theory this should turn the tuner on but it doesn't.

    Global MIDI Channel is set to Omni.

    I was wondering if anyone knows what I may have done wrong, if the Kemper understands this or if this even works.

    Thanks very much in advance!

  • Hi,

    according to the midi documentation only 1 is valid for showing the tuner.

    you are ref. that x'1f' is 31 decimal, and what is b0? (maybe some id for CC in fourscore)

    -> The kemper uses 14bit instead of "typical" 16 bit

    so 14bit x'31' are 49 dec. -> try this instead of "1f" (just a guess)

    Thanks for your reply.

    Yeah you're right the B0 refers to CC. But B0 is the universal code for CC when using Hex Codes rather than just in forScore.

    Thanks for your answer but it didn't work.

    So if the Kemper uses 14 bit would this even work at all? If i'm sending Hexadecimal and Kemper uses Tetradecimal (base-14) surely it just wouldn't make sense to the kemper?

    I may be misunderstanding so my apologies if so.

  • about 14 bit with an example for sysex messages:

    before the terminating x'f7' you have usualy 4 bytes for the value...

    x'00 00 f7' to x'7f 7f f7' the highest possible value is x'7f' or decimal 127 or 14 bit( max 16383 i think)

    meaning for a decimal value of 128 you have to decode to x'01 00', 129: x'01 01' ...

    the first to bytes aka msb are calculated by multiplying with 127, the lsb adding to it by 1

    or you can do bit shifting (7 bits)...

  • forScore has a MIDI learn function.

    Setup the Kemper vie. BT MIDI. Make sure both are transmitting and receiving on the same channel.

    Pressed the KPA switch and forScore will give you the HEX Code

    I will try this later, thankyou!

    So when I have everything connected, I should go to the midi hex code page and press the tuner button and the command will just appear?

    I've been using Channel 1 to transmit from forScore but the Kemper is on the omni channel. Is it worth setting them both to channel 1 or will it not make a difference?

  • I think B is the universal code for control change. And 0 represents MIDI channel 1. So make sure, the PROFILER receives on channel 1 or all channels "Omni".

    Have you tried "B0 1F 01"?


    Yeah I have it set to omni so there should be no issue there.

    No I've only tried "B0 1F 1".

    I will try this, thank you!