I had to uninstall the iOS app. Reinstall new version 1.9. But even with my iPhone they won´t connect. Did someone find 3.7.22?
SOLVED: Had to check the SETTINGS.."update..including beta..." oh man...
let´s start slicing
I Have RM 3.7.23
I had to uninstall the iOS app. Reinstall new version 1.9. But even with my iPhone they won´t connect. Did someone find 3.7.22?
SOLVED: Had to check the SETTINGS.."update..including beta..." oh man...
let´s start slicing
I Have RM 3.7.23
I definitely agree with you. If you calculate how much money had to be put into new Fractals, just because the old ones were no longer updated, Kemper saved, and still saves musicians a lot of money. If anyone has a problem with this, there are other products, go to them. I am grateful to CK that my guitar plays fantastically and that I don't have to buy new expensive equipment.
I made my own 2x12 cabinet, put Kone speakers in it. Since I have a rack version, I use the Harley Benton GPA-400 amplifier (2x200W). Or another Palmer Macht 402 amplifier (2x200W). I have the cabinet connected to the stereo. The price is half of the original. Or you can buy an empty 2x12 box if you can't make it yourself. Even so, the price is much lower, and most importantly, it plays great.
This thread was not meant to be argued with. Please keep your emotions to yourself or to someone else. I just wrote that it would be nice for me if the tuner was in the Rig Manager, nothing more nothing less. The fact that it is a useless thing for someone is their business, let them write their post in their own, and don't rush into my possible comments here. It's simple, either it will or it won't. Done.
I would be quite pleased with the tuner in Rig Manager.
I am very very happy for this, thanks to the developers at Kemper. And it works very well, exactly as I imagined it would.
Is it possible to try looking into fixing the crackling when recording via USB? Crackling can be heard here and there in the audio demo. It doesn't do it from the main XLR Main output, only from USB.
It's not heard much, but it's there. If someone wanted to record, they might have a problem because of it. They may not notice it right away, and it will stay there forever.
The TM45 is closer to this setting than the JCM800 preset. I made my liquid profiles, and TM45 is more accurate in comparison.
Please make a preset for the Marshall JVM410 for Liquid Profiling.
I see others have requested this on the cabinet section, which would be excellent. The master out Hi/Lo cut works well for me. I would love to see the implemented on the monitor out, since that most often feeds a different source that may require a slightly different shelf. This would also allow us to use stereo master out and monitor out with individual cuts as needed.
I also require Low Cut and High Cut functions with the option of setting them for each rig separately. The Kemper developers probably don't hear about it, apparently they think it's unnecessary. I personally think that many users would be happy for this feature. I've been asking for this for a long time. Unfortunately, in vain.
High Shift and Low Shift is not the same as High Cut and Low Cut.
The picture shows the Cabinet section. There is no Low and High Cut.
Please also make Low Cut and High Cut priority settings for individual rigs in Cabinet, which would take precedence over Low and High Cut in Output. I unnecessarily waste one effects path activating the Studio equalizer just to set a different Low and High Cut for different rigs. Or is it that complicated to program it?