Automatic output normalization between profiles

  • The volume of the various profiles by various profile makers are all different. Switching from one to the other can change your volume dramatically. Before a performance you have to manually adjust every rig to the same volume which is time-consuming. Couldn't the Kemper detect the output volume and make automatic adjustments so everything came out at a preset standard volume? This would save users a lot of time.

  • I'm not saying it can't be done - but how to account for different guitars having different outputs, different frequency response between profiles etc etc...?

    I guess the profiles could be normalized to a reference like pink noise or a 1kHz sine I just don't think that gives you what you want.

    But maybe I shouldn't try to answer a question to Kemper - especially since this is a feature request :)

  • I came here to request the EXACT same thing and right at the top Chickster did! I would love for there to be a way to "normalize" rigs in the browser or as a RM tool to have as balanced starting points. Without naming names, some profilers have very loud profiles and some have what is close to the "crunch" default profile. (which I use as a baseline).

    When using different rigs in performances, it's tough to get everything balanced and I probably spend way more time doing that than I do getting killer tones. Sometimes I'll get a performance balanced just right and then realize the whole thing needs to come up. That's why I previously asked for a performance"master volume" that would really help, and perhaps would be more easily implemented(?) with this if normalizing rigs somehow is out of the question. I know there will be clean & distorted perception that could be balanced with a tool like clean sense. (I've went on about how many people don't really understand what clean sense really does) Of course guitars, pickups come into play but looking for a more balanced starting point than 4 db differences in some profilers rigs. I would gladly accept a performance master volume though!

  • I'm not saying it can't be done - but how to account for different guitars having different outputs, different frequency response between profiles etc etc...?

    I guess the profiles could be normalized to a reference like pink noise or a 1kHz sine I just don't think that gives you what you want.

    But maybe I shouldn't try to answer a question to Kemper - especially since this is a feature request :)

    I believe the OP wants a starting point without all the variables like pickups ,wood, considered. Just to be able to build profiles quickly out of your pool from whoever and have them all be very close. Perception could be adjusted with a clean sense like tool. And Yes, I would be OK with normalized to a reference tone... it would be way closer than things can be now.

  • I believe the OP wants a starting point without all the variables like pickups ,wood, considered. Just to be able to build profiles quickly out of your pool from whoever and have them all be very close. Perception could be adjusted with a clean sense like tool. And Yes, I would be OK with normalized to a reference tone... it would be way closer than things can be now.

    I remembered that there was something about this in the manual, so I googled it. It came up with this ancient post from the forum:

    Automatic Volume Leveling

    I also remember some profile vendors having increased (or decreased) rig volume by use of stomps and in the cab section (the latter option I think has been removed for some time now - maybe).

  • The profile makers should have normalized the profiles with the default crunch profile in performance mode before selling or sharing. Problem is that this gets you in ballpark but profiles will cut differently in the mix and different mixes in different styles and with different guitars, pickup positions, and whether eq is being applied especially post amp. So there will always be some personal custom leveling.
    KpA is only product ever to automatically compensate volume when the amps gain is adjusted. That simplifies things

  • I think, this is multifacetted.

    We at KEMPER spend some time to normalize our factory Rigs to avoid volume jumps, when somebody browses through the Rig pool or previews Rig packs in Rig Manager. In order to achieve that objective, Clean Sens needs to be set correctly for the guitar during the levelling. and before publishing reset to 0 again. Not every third party does it that effectively. If you feel that a commercial provider doesn't deliver material reasonably levelled, have you told them?

    The users need to adjust Clean Sens to their guitar and playing. Otherwise the levels will vary.

    Since the frequency response of Rigs can be very different, the perceived loudness depends on your monitoring and other equipment.

    It makes a difference if the level of the stack itself (the PROFILE) deviates or any effect. An EQ could raise Rig level as well as another volume in any effect module. We normally level PROFILEs using Amplifier Volume and leave Rig Volume at 0. Deviations of effects should be levelled there, but without changing the sound character of the Rig especially in modules A-D, since these drive the stack.

    I would question this objective of levelling all Rigs for the purpose of a live performance. I adapt my Rigs to musical scenes and their levels intentionally vary depending on musical context and what I want to achieve. For example everybody raises level for a solo or a lick. From my perspective this levelling task to avoid volume jumps is more for people in a test situation e.g. in a shop than for a live performance.

  • Imo there is only one way to do leveling properly. With a band in the rehearsal room.

    I know the OP asked about levels when auditioning rigs, but considering the output range from guitars (low output singlecoils to amazingly loud humbuckers) there is no way it is going to work consistently anyway.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Imo there is only one way to do leveling properly. With a band in the rehearsal room.

    I know the OP asked about levels when auditioning rigs, but considering the output range from guitars (low output singlecoils to amazingly loud humbuckers) there is no way it is going to work consistently anyway.

    In other words....we're more likely to get modeled tone stacks added to new and existing Profiles long before this.

    ....wait..... :)

  • I adapt my Rigs to musical scenes and their levels intentionally vary depending on musical context and what I want to achieve.

    So do I and that's the point, it takes longer when profiles are all over. I could name 3 Top Profilers and 3 of their packs and ask you to mix and match them so they all sounded even live. It would take you quite a while I'd bet.

  • Yes, including across various Rigs. The volume balance between clean Rigs and distorted Rigs is depending on Clean Sens.

    But the setting only affects one rig. Clean sense makes it so when you turn the gain up on that one rig, it gets louder, softer, or anywhere in between when you do right? If you say I'm wrong, I'm going to link a video on the Kemper site that says exactly that and thus what I have come to understand about clean sense.

  • But the setting only affects one rig. Clean sense makes it so when you turn the gain up on that one rig, it gets louder, softer, or anywhere in between when you do right? If you say I'm wrong, I'm going to link a video on the Kemper site that says exactly that and thus what I have come to understand about clean sense.

    If you Lock your Input Settings, they are Global, across all Rigs. Performance Mode has a separate Input Lock status.

  • But the setting only affects one rig. Clean sense makes it so when you turn the gain up on that one rig, it gets louder, softer, or anywhere in between when you do right? If you say I'm wrong, I'm going to link a video on the Kemper site that says exactly that and thus what I have come to understand about clean sense.

    It levels the balance between clean and dirty whether thats between the gain range on a single profile or between profiles. I need to set clean sense around -6db at all times to stop clean rigs overpowering dirty ones. CK says I must has extremely high output pickups but I need it even with Strat style single coils and low output “vintage” HB like my PRS DGT. Its always been like that for me but it’s no big deal I just turn it down and lock it.

  • That is also the reason why the Input Section is locked by default in Browser Mode. You align Clean Sens with your guitar once and it avoids that component of volume difference between clean and distorted sounds caused by the output level of that guitar.

    In my case every guitar needs around -6db but, as you said, its easy to lock in both Browser and Performance mode if required.