Liquid Profiles

  • I'm a little disappointed to learn that Kemper provides the model. I originally thought the "model" would be created when a user profiles the amp and would be baked in to the new profile. That's the merger I would like.

    That’s not going to happen. The only way to do that would be to take multiple profiles and somehow merge them into a single ‘morphing’ profile. That would need the user to have very consistent profiling workflow that precisely matched the Kemper methodology every time. It would use a lot more processing power and create larger rig files. CK has always tried to find the most efficient and consistent way to achieve the end result so he is highly unlikely to favour an inefficient process over a simple but effective modelling process.

  • I'm a little disappointed to learn that Kemper provides the model. I originally thought the "model" would be created when a user profiles the amp and would be baked in to the new profile. That's the merger I would like.

    Never going to happen. Considering it took Christoph more than a decade for this solution, what you're looking for (as cool as it would be) is a huge ask.

  • I'm a little disappointed to learn that Kemper provides the model. I originally thought the "model" would be created when a user profiles the amp and would be baked in to the new profile. That's the merger I would like.

    Being dissapointed before something is released? Really? Wait until you've tried it first.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • +1000 But being excited before something is released is not much different.

    Yes, it is. He is disappointed for something that is not possible. We are excited because Kemper never disappointed with any new feature.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I'm a little disappointed to learn that Kemper provides the model. I originally thought the "model" would be created when a user profiles the amp and would be baked in to the new profile. That's the merger I would like.

    Having the Kemper create a model when profiling would be an interesting piece of engineering. That is the curse of making such good stuff to begin with. Expectations are very high.

    It could probably be done to some extent. But I think a lot of the tone stacks react to each other. Changing one filter changes the others. So it would not be as easy as looking at each knob at various settings. This would also require a lot of data to be stored. So no more 1000 profile limit, more like 50 profiles stored on the Kemper :/

  • It's kind of like going to buy a Corvette and you wind up with a Camaro. The Camaro is still a 700hp car but not the same. :)

    ...until you drive it...then you might find that Camaro rips the Corvette.

    I think of it this way - when the imprints came out, people were asking for all these weird and wonderful speakers....I don't think any other imprints have been released? Certainly don't hear any noise about them.

    I suspect that might be the case with the liquid profiles - we may think we need it but we don't...will be interesting to see what happens...

  • I'm a little disappointed to learn that Kemper provides the model. I originally thought the "model" would be created when a user profiles the amp and would be baked in to the new profile. That's the merger I would like.

    It would be a nightmare.

    I've already heard that a profile can sound good (or not) cause the cab is or is not good, then the advice is ; try another cab with profiles.

    I've never done so cause i consider a profile as a whole. It's good and if not ; i try another one and so on.

    If we could do our owns models, i assume it could be the same with another potential problem in the chain ; amp profile/ToneStack model/Cab profile....And we would search on 20 000 Rigs on RigEx to find the best model.... It would mean that hundreds of Tone stack could exist for a Twin reverb or a JCM800 :/:thumbdown::wacko:

    Of course we are limited (like every modelers) and linked to Christophe decisions but it'll be easier to have only one solid basic tone stack per amp....

  • Yep. Besides it is not possible in a technically reasonable way (I claim) that can easily translate to an easy workflow afyerwards - I don't even want thousands of everybody's mediocre tone stacks. Try to pair those with the thousands of different profiles to find the perfect match. Not impossible but almost. Many struggle to find the tonally "best" profiles that already exist. Nah, that's something for the Kemper team like it's Line6's or fractal's job and they also do it pretty perfectly.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I'm a little disappointed to learn that Kemper provides the model. I originally thought the "model" would be created when a user profiles the amp and would be baked in to the new profile. That's the merger I would like.

    Here's how I'd imagined something like this might work - and without a deep understanding of the technical processes involved in processing, it's only a conceptual idea - but say you started the profiling with tone knobs at noon, then there was an additional step where you turned each tone knob fully left and right in turn so the EQ points, shapes, and effect on dist character of each one could be calculated. Of course, even presuming this was possible, there would be issues, e.g. could it work out this way exactly what happens if one knob was on 3 and another on 8? Obviously going thru EVERY possible combination of knob positions would not be practical...

    Now it could be that whatever they've done with "liquid profiling" may be work far better than a more detailed profiling process. But so far it's all speculation what it does and how. The proof will be in the pudding of course, and hopefully it really does solve the problem of not being able to realistically EQ profiles - if so, I'll never look jealously at any modeler (with it's realistically modeled tone stacks) again :)

  • Yes, it is. He is disappointed for something that is not possible. We are excited because Kemper never disappointed with any new feature.

    I hate to be that guy, buuuut....

    Whether or not it actually is possible is not clear. You wouldn't think a wagon could move forwards if you didn't know about the wheel. As far as disappointment vs. excitement, one's an emotion, the other's an emotion, and neither emotion is informed by information that is verifiable at the time the emotion occurs. It's concievable that, in the same way that your excitement is informed by previous experiences, then the other person's disappointment likewise. It's a matter of differing subjective realities. If I try to be objective, both are just "unfounded feelings" that occur due to subjective bias and inherited temperament.

  • Yes, it is. He is disappointed for something that is not possible. We are excited because Kemper never disappointed with any new feature.

    But it is possible since Kemper is providing us with 40 amp models. No? I just want to make a model for my amp. Then I will have 41, and so on...

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • It has been stated that LP will be released on OS 10. So, we have to go thru 9.1, 9.2. 9.3 etc. While the info screen indicates "support" for LP that doesn't mean implementation or that LP is actually installed. But my fingers are crossed it will be here for Xmas.

    What´s with the new rig manager version? When you select Amplifier and then click on the three dots at "Amplifier" there are several entries:

    Black Stone Max

    Fan Lux 58

    GT 65 clean

    GT 65 Screem

    Mars MP 50 W

    MeBo Still Netto CI

    MeBo Still Netto FI

    Robotz Gaini

    What´s that for? If I click on one of them I see changes in Gain etc...

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

  • These are the amp presets found on the profiler ! Guess that was always there when they introduced the presets ...


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp