Liquid Profiles

  • If you knew CK had never said it, you should have said so. Instead of pretending you were waiting for someone to make your point.

    If you want to pee on everyone’s fun, by all means go ahead.

    Just do it into the wind.

    It makes no sense that a realistic opinion, based on what we actually know, of the Kemper improvements equates to peeing on anyone's fun.

    Wow! It's the best thing that has ever happened to any product that has ever been made and CK is a technical god bringing more to the world than anyone else ever has. I'm voting him man of the century. It's an improvement the likes of which no one has ever seen... Is that better?;)

  • It makes no sense that a realistic opinion, based on what we actually know, of the Kemper improvements equates to peeing on anyone's fun.

    Wow! It's the best thing that has ever happened to any product that has ever been made and CK is a technical god bringing more to the world than anyone else ever has. I'm voting him man of the century. It's an improvement the likes of which no one has ever seen... Is that better?;)

    Still downwind.

  • From the August 15, 2011 interview that made me decide to try the Kemper:

    "We are building up a library for passive tone stacks so every amp can be equipped with the corresponding equalizer, even after the profile has been captured. The tone can be shaped then as on the original. But you can even choose another passive tone stack for your profile, or even a studio equalizer, that goes far beyond the boundaries again.We are building up a library for passive tone stacks so every amp can be equipped with the corresponding equalizer, even after the profile has been captured. The tone can be shaped then as on the original. But you can even choose another passive tone stack for your profile, or even a studio equalizer, that goes far beyond the boundaries again."

    This is what really sold me on trying it, compared to the two year product cycles of the major modeling companies of the time:

    " with our synthesizer line we have a 15 year tradition of free feature updates via the internet and we’re planning to create a similar legacy for our guitar amp."

    Here is the link to the interview:

  • Question: isn’t spdif mono? Meaning it has two channels that you can use for both dry and wet signal etc, but you wouldn’t have true stereo delays for example; is that correct? If so this would be very helpful for recording on the go when you don’t have all your recording gear.

    As to the rest, sound super exciting. The guys really deliver on their promise to keep developing a product instead of following the widely used business model.

    I run my Kemper master out L + R via spidif. So you can have true stereo delays

  • Question: isn’t spdif mono? Meaning it has two channels that you can use for both dry and wet signal etc, but you wouldn’t have true stereo delays for example; is that correct? If so this would be very helpful for recording on the go when you don’t have all your recording gear.

    As to the rest, sound super exciting. The guys really deliver on their promise to keep developing a product instead of following the widely used business model.

    Using one channel for dry is an optional setting. By default SPDIF uses it’s two channels for stereo output.

  • I just made a video explaining my guess what "Liquid Profiling" will be ... and that it's not related to the upcoming Tonestack models.

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  • What is there to say?

    Most companies in your competitive landscape would have reduced the size of the unit by 5% and created the Kemper 2.0, to sell at a premium from the old one.

    This is truly a remarkable free update (one of many in fact).
    Read the comments Mr Kemper, you are increasing your base of loyal customers. In the end, this is going to be a winning business strategy.
    well done!

  • So all the Profiling vendors, start profiling all controls at noon and we are good to go ;)

    I was about to buy an Ipad to control my stage, glad I didn't :p


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • I just made a video explaining my guess what "Liquid Profiling" will be ... and that it's not related to the upcoming Tonestack models.

    Your graph is didactic, I think that's indeed the idea. It must result in something like this, but much more complex cause every knob combination of the tonestack would be the input (on your X-axis) and the output (on your Y-axis) would be the combination of all the parameters that makes a profile .

    Following your idea, I would correct the graph and put the blue and red points in the middle of the plot superimposed, because CK said that at this point, the sound doesn't change at all... the difference of behavior will be when moving from this point.

    And even more, I think he said you cannot start from this point and move very far and still reproduce with fidelity the amp's real behavior, you'll probably need a few points(i.e captured profiles) along the course.

    Edited once, last by semguigui: more clear (May 3, 2023 at 10:26 AM).

  • Incredible, in 1 update we get usb audio, Android support (which was always said couldn't be done), and liquid profiles to dramatically reduce the amount of profiles we need.

    It's basically Kemper 2.0 but we've been given it for free.

    Thanks Kemper team<3

  • I’m very much looking forward to this - it will be interesting to know how many different tone stack styles there are out there in the real world.

    Will some clever soul come up with a database saying which of the tone stacks is closest to any given amp? This would help home profilers and would also be a way for Kemper to decide which future tone stack models to add….. although most things will be accurate or close with 40 variants, there will certainly be other weird ones out there and a list like this might help for ‘what comes next’?

    Along with the 40 models that can be added to…. Would there be a case for Kemper adding a tweakable version so that someone making a profile could do it by ear if they have an uncommon amp with an odd tone stack? As a crude example, the bass eq on Fender Twin has a centre frequency of say 150Hz and a certain Q to give the bandwidth. Wonder if these parameters for each of the models will be tweakable? Let’s say an experienced profiler does a liquid profile and applies the ‘closest possible’ tone stack. Like now, at the profiling position, the original amp and profile will a/b very well with a great profile. But it’s then discovered that the eq doesn’t quite work the same. This could be down to an inexact match with the tonestack model or indeed something as crazy as component tolerance on an old amp….. whilst that centre frequency should be 150, on this magic model it’s actually 120. If you’re there with the actual amp and the liquid profile, being able to start with the model but tweak to reality might be of benefit.

    Or too much of a rabbit hole :)

    Anyway, many thanks for continuing to work on this unit which has proven incredible value over the years….. I’m excited about this. Hoping one day for the modulation section to get the same treatment as the verbs, delays and distortion as all those sections have taken massive leaps forward since I first got the Kemper maybe 9 or 10 years ago. I’m excited for this update and have confidence that, one day, the mod thing will happen too :)

  • Do not get me wrong, glad Kemper is still releasing upgrades and innovating in the area of profiling/modelling, but let's address something important, how come did they take over 10years to enable USB audio? all excuses about not having the necessary hardware are now out the window and such a basic feature among all devices (even low end ones) took a decade to see light.

    Nevertheless, happy to see advancements in the Kemper!

  • Do not get me wrong, glad Kemper is still releasing upgrades and innovating in the area of profiling/modelling, but let's address something important, how come did they take over 10years to enable USB audio? all excuses about not having the necessary hardware are now out the window and such a basic feature among all devices (even low end ones) took a decade to see light.

    Nevertheless, happy to see advancements in the Kemper!

    It is curious it took this long for them to decide to enable it. However - we whined about not having it.

    Let's not continue to whine about getting it.