First of all I'm not trying to bash the Kemper, I've been using it for years and it's one of my favorite devices. I especially love Rig Manager and how easy the Kemper is to use make Profiles.
I have a Bogner Helios 100 and I have created several Profiles of this amp over the last two years. This amp has never been able to Profile "perfectly". I recently picked up a Tonex Pedal and the Tonex software. I created an Advanced Capture of the Helios and the Capture was closer to the amp than the Kemper Profiles have ever been. Practically indistinguishable from the amp. (hold on to any comments about Kempver vs. Tonex and keep reading)
I tried Profiling the amp three separate times this morning, refining each one and the Kemper never Profiled as close as the Tonex software does.
So... I created a Kemper Profile of the Tonex Capture directly from the Tonex pedal and it is a "perfect" match.
I'm running all of these through the AXE III and I can A/B/C the Profile/AMP/Tonex Pedal all back to back to back via a MIDI pedal and the Profile of the Tonex pedal is just as good as the amp and just as good as the pedal. You cannot tell which one you are playing through.
I also did the exact same experiment with a 2018 BE-100 and it's the same result, the Profiles of the Captures sound more like the amp than the Profiles of the physical amp.
Why would the Kemper be able to Profile the Tonex Captures from the Tonex Pedal more accurately than the physical amp? Digital to digital?
I encourage anyone who has a Tonex Pedal and a Kemper to Profile a few of your Captures directly from the Pedal if you don't believe me.
Very interesting.