Look how awesome Kemper users are.

  • Kemper is not for everyone. There are plenty of guys out there gigging with a 1x12 Mesa tube amp, an eq/boost pedal, and a guitar that sound fantastic and love their sound.

    I still find that I come back to the sound with a band and the ease of setup outweighs all concerns with amp in the room sound; however, others have different priorities and different hot buttons. For them, KPA may not be the right answer.

  • Kemper is not for everyone. There are plenty of guys out there gigging with a 1x12 Mesa tube amp, an eq/boost pedal, and a guitar that sound fantastic and love their sound.

    I still find that I come back to the sound with a band and the ease of setup outweighs all concerns with amp in the room sound; however, others have different priorities and different hot buttons. For them, KPA may not be the right answer.

    This was the case for me. I'm not playing live, I don't need to have ease of setup, I'm not saving my back by not dragging heavy amps/cabs.

    I'm bedroom player, which I believe many of us are. And I found that actual playing is more important than having better gear with better effects.

  • I found that actual playing is more important than having better gear with better effects.

    I'll support that one any day!

    Unfortunately, magazines, youtubers, shops etc have a vested interest in convincing people that they NEED more, newer, better, shinier gear to play and sound better. The reality is very often the opposite whether the player is a working musician or a bedroom guitarist who plays purely for fun. New gear takes time to learn and master. This time could often be used more effectively learning to play better or simply mastering the gear we already have.

    I love the Kemper workflow as I use it everyday at home and also at rehearsals/gigs but I spend almost no time tweaking it unless I am specifically setting up sounds for a band. I like variety but rather than mess with sounds and tweak myself deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. I usually jut open rig manager and pick a random rig with roughly the right gain level then play it all night.

    What I think I am trying to say (and I know OneEng1 has said similar things many times) is that just because the gear has is sophisticated and has many options doesn't mean we need to use them all. If the THD gives you the sounds you want quickly and easily then it is the right solution for you. If an AxeFX, QC, ToneX etc does it for someone great. However, I think more people should just pick one system and learnt use it fully rather than worrying about what they might be missing out with another system and wasting time and money chasing the perfect sound which doesn't exist anyway.

    Keep on rockin' skozy 8)

  • Had the same experience, sold my stage and moved to another brand.

    The kemper never worked for me and my playing.

    I’m sure kemper are awesome units to profile your own gear but otherwise there’s too much to parameters for me to find a sound I like.

    Finding the amp I wanted, profiled with the settings I wanted, the cab I wanted and with a guitar close to what I use was an endless rabbit hole and never found a tone that fully satisfied me.

    Still a great piece of gear f gear though.

  • Oh thats fantastic and a massive confidence boost. Thank you for this buddy :)

    AdamMassacre1981 it doesn't matter how many people tell you the KPA is great or not, its how you feel. I think this virtually confirms your unit isn't faulty. I'm convinced you are honing in on some artifacts and can't "unhear" them - that's human nature.

    I would still try to test another one if you get a chance but I think your only solution is to try something else.

    Best wishes and feel your pain!!

  • Nah sorry guys been trying all day with HUGE drastic EQ's on the kemper AND in my DAW and i can still hear that frequency and cant shift it. I even purchased another kemper bundle yesterday to try out that of course sounded NOTHING like the demos not even close and that blummin frequency fizz was there again in ALL of the profiles in the bundle...ive had enough. Im just gonna stick with my original plan and get rid of my kemper.Probaly set fire to the damn thing and throw it in the river.

    This is the final clip.

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    ALL of these profiles are from different sources random rig exchange profiles and commercial ones.

    TELL me there aint a problem there? THAT is the ALIEN fizz glitch that has plagued EVERY distorted profile i have ever bought for my kemper AND ever used from the rig exchange.

    That is NOT right NO EQ removes it...it is EMBEDDED in ALL high gain/distorted profiles.

    From around 3k to 10k. When cut with EQ it is still there only muddier and it has been EQ'd so extremely the tone is completely destroyed.

    Did i mention this is on ALL 6 of my guitars and in every high gain profile ive ever used.

    Im out.

  • Not sure what's going on here..the tones sound ggod, but that cutting out gltchy thing.. Obviusly something wrong, or else at least 1 other person would have this issue.

  • Not sure what's going on here..the tones sound ggod, but that cutting out gltchy thing.. Obviusly something wrong, or else at least 1 other person would have this issue.

    Yeah ive said this since day one. The tones are great its the nasty 3-10k thats hanging onto the signal i cant figure out or remove and its become such a huge headache. In the sample it doesnt cut in and out on its own im purposly cutting it in and out to show the problem sound/signal.

  • Are those glitched bits where you're isolating a tiny frequency range? Have you done this same experiment using a high gain tube amp with a mic on it?

    Yes its the same problem ive always had. I was begining to think it was just my ears and it was driving me insane but i only hear this is my recordings and my tones i dont hear this is any other demonstartion of a kemper or high gain profile demos anywhere. I was starting to believe i was literally going insane so i showed this to friends and family and they too hear it. Thank GAWD im aint lost my marbles...yet lol

  • After reviewing some of your clips, it sounds like the gain is just way too high. The higher the gain, the more harmonics get created. Those harmonics are what you hear as fizz. And if your pickups have a high freq output (think single coil) there is nothing you can ever do to get rid of that scratchy fizz noise.

    It almost sounds like your Clean and Distortion SENSE settings are messed up so you are getting this over the top bright distortion. Or your AMP DEFINITION settings are set way too high so all you get is thin scratchy tone.

    I personally would like to hear some with the gain turned down. Gain that high will just be a mess of harmonics. And it is hard to decipher what the real issue is in the fog of fizz. Is that a band name?

    And also some playing with a Graphic EQ as your first stomp to reduce some of the highs coming from your guitar. The key is to stop the highs before it gets to the clipping stage.

    But you have been on an endless ride of horror so far. So you should maybe just stop. I have been there. And I ordered a Helix rather than lose anymore time on the Kemper.

    My suggestion would be to get something else before you get rid of the Kemper. Just in case. I still play my Kemper 8x more than the Helix. Maybe after a month or so of not thinking about it, some magical setting will fix all your issues.

  • I have tried rolling back the distortion to the point where that "fizz" kinda calms but its such a drastic roll back that the metal profiles become more a slightly gritty clean tone that just aint "metal" anymore which is the main reason i purchased a kemper for.

    I will record a sample doing this process.

    My pickups are quite aggressive i have EMG 81'S in my six string and EMG 81-7H in my 7 strings also Seymour Duncans in my other 7 strings and ive tried different pickup height levels and bridge height levels to see if it helps but sadly not. Also truss rod adjustments to eliminate any possible fret buzz but thats never been an issue.

    Different string gauge but no real change just the obvious general tone change from different gauges.

    Ive also been moving my monitors around again with no result i even put ear plugs in my ears wore my wolly hat and hoody covering my head to try and mask it lol and nothing.

    I will try the graphic EQ option but at this point i think im just clutching at straws and desperate for a resolve.

    Be back soon with an updated sample.

    Thanks buddy.