new cab wanted

  • For quite some time now I've used a powered QSC K8 (1000W class D) pretty light cab with a handle bar for my powered Profiler. A good cab but I guess not really intended to be used in combination with a profiler. So I'm looking for a new cab: not a big one but a handy and rugged one with enough handling power which matches my profiler and delivers an even better sound .

    Anyone for a perfect suggestion?

  • +1 for unpowered Kabinet as you have a powered profiler.

    I've been using one since they were launched and love it. Its very light and small, extremely manageable. The only negative for me is is that its so small that I can't balance my rack on top, unlike a bigger cab.

    Important to note - it will sound different ( as with any other monitor solution) so you will probably need to tweak for sounds.

  • I have a powered Kemper and have used guitar cabs and PA type monitors for the stage. I have come to prefer the monitors so that I can leave the Kemper cab switched on. To me, this allows me to hear a closer version of what is coming out of the PA quality wise. I dislike tweaking for the Kemper cab/PA AND some other cab(guitar cab for instance). It is always a compromise in that situation. Doesn't the Kabinet(Kone) present a similar problem?

  • Not really. If you don't know, you don't know so you ask and don't expect to take crap for it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    It was pun. You guys need to lighten up and loosen up your pants. But it usually makes sense to buy a matching set since it is more likely they are designed to be used together. So, if you own a Profiler then it makes sense to pair it with a Kabinet. There's no crap in that. The OP is considering a cab. The Kabinet makes the most sense.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Question for anyone who is running the powered Kemper into both regular cabs and FRFR powered monitors.... Has anyone developed a preference in terms of overall sound quality of the rig? One thing I've noticed is I definitely prefer the sound of the Kemper powered without the cab block on into a standard unpowered cab. Alternatively I'll run it unpowered into a Friedman ASC-12 using the stock cab the the rig was profiled with. I used it for the first time this past weekend running into Pro tools and back though some really nice monitors and I will say the sound was incredible.

    Sorry to derail this one... Figured while we we're kind of on the topic I'd throw it out there.

  • As I mentioned, I prefer to use a PA type monitor connected to the KPA rather than a guitar cab for stage use. I sometimes use a passive monitor with Kemper power or a powered monitor system. It depends what is available. Either way, it doesn't matter to me as long as the system is high quality. BTW, many lower quality monitors sound boxy and don't reproduce the Kemper well. This is mainly due to the differences of the internal cab sim and the actual response of the guitar cab. These differing responses lead to tweaks that are never optimum for both in my experience. BTW, I don't think the Friedman ASC-12 or any other FRFR type speaker offers significant advantages over a well-designed PA type speaker or monitor.

  • It was pun. You guys need to lighten up and loosen up your pants. But it usually makes sense to buy a matching set since it is more likely they are designed to be used together. So, if you own a Profiler then it makes sense to pair it with a Kabinet. There's no crap in that. The OP is considering a cab. The Kabinet makes the most sense.

    All I'm saying is that there was a better way to say that to someone asking for help.

    It's not fun (pun?) if people don't get the joke.

  • It was pun. You guys need to lighten up and loosen up your pants. But it usually makes sense to buy a matching set since it is more likely they are designed to be used together. So, if you own a Profiler then it makes sense to pair it with a Kabinet. There's no crap in that. The OP is considering a cab. The Kabinet makes the most sense.

    Why does the Kabinet make the most sense?

  • Thanks everyone for all your suggestions and experiences with different cabs. The Kabinet seems to be the best solution allthough some prefer another cab.

    But, as V8 states: it will probably sound different and there will be a need to alter or tweak all my rigs. I'm very opposed to that because then there are a few other thing:s How to do that? How to determine this, and how much time will that take...? That worries me.

    And what about imprints? Do I really need software updates for a cab? Like for Rig Manager?

    I've not mentioned the following. I have used my QSC K8 speaker cab in conjunction with a Soundcraft Notepad 12 fx mixer next to me on stage for controle reasons: gain control, master volume control and master volume controle so there was no need to regurlarly turn to my profiler to increase or decrease volume, gain or EQ etc. with the profiler's knobs (because different stages have different acoustics)

    But with my (2) powered K8's the overall volume is difficult to control, so I guess I have to switch to unpowered cabs like that Kabinet.

    But can I keep using that mixer?

    Before all of this I have been using only my passive 4x12 cab but couldn't get enough volume so that's why I turned to these powered cabs.

    Is the unpowered Kabinet capable of producing enough volume on stage if necessary? Does this Kabinet really surpass all those dozens of other brands of (often more expensive!) guitar cabs ?

    I know this is a long story but I like to be sure of everything when buying a new cabinet. Really, money is no issue but sound quality, satisfaction, durability, reliability etc. are....!

  • Amazing that someone buys a Kemper then looks for a cab other than the Kabinet. :P It's like buying an Armani suit without the pants.

    That have been my first choice when I've got my Stage, but it was too trebly for me (and it had something wrong with the Kone, I believe, like a broken driver) and so I went with an old Matrix Q12a that was awesome 'till a short grilled the power amp. Now I'm also looking for something else (have a couple of gigs upcoming on larger stages), Laney LFR 212 is quite high on my list...

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better