There is a misconception here.
The reality is that no matter what you do - what you hear on stage is *never, ever* what the audience hears. You can't tune the FOH sound using your monitor and get good results in the room. Even if you're getting the same signal as the main outs. Why? Because they don't sound the same.
FOH speakers are never the same as what you monitor with. Even if its the house system. The location in the room, proximity to the speaker.......they sound similar but never exact.
The Kone provides you with the amp-in-the-room sound.
The Kone and imprints remove the microphone from the equation. That is a different sound - and what anyone using a traditional tube/valve amp hears on stage. It is a more immediate and (at least to me) inspiring sound. Every Cab or IR has some of its own inherent 'room' sound. You can hear it with Mod/Delay/Verb disabled. Its subtle, but also significant. You're hearing the amp and speaker - through a mic (or mics).This is not what the amp and speaker sound like on their own. To me, this is a key advantage over other digital amps. Others claim to accomplish the same thing....but with very mixed results. The Kone and imprints aren't perfect. But they're *really, really* good and give you the benefit of picking a multitude of speaker types on a per-rig basis if you choose.
I get your point - but if I make a specific choice to have the tone imprint of a Jensen in the monitor, you would think that the Kemper would be attempting to push that same speaker selection to the house mains as well.
Look at it this way - If I play a venue with my Deluxe Reverb w/Jensen mic'd up, I expect the house system to sound like my Deluxe Reverb/jensen with a mic in front of it - not a Deluxe Reverb going thru a 4x12 with a mic in front of it - that's all I'm trying to say. If I'm using a Kone Imprint, you would think the same imprints would be available and connected to the Cab Sim section which goes to the house. As is, you may have a radically different tone going to the house... and you may not even know it, since your reference point is the monitor out. I ran into this problem early on when I first started using Kemper; once I became aware of it, I was able to make appropriate adjustments, but it was very confusing at first, and I wouldn't be surprised if others are confused by this as well. But all good, and different strokes for different folks... if it's working for you, that's great, and we are all team Kemper here Have a great weekend!