Updating profiler OS

  • 7.3.2 is very old version! Install latest one 1st which is 8.7.10 and then try if it is OK. Also download and read Main Manual 8.5 might be quite usefull!

    "Very old" .... Ha ! I'm still on OS 6 and very satisfied whit that. Steady as a rock, no problems what so ever 8):thumbup:

    And if OP Alberto was in the same OS or lower he had to update in two steps to get to "latest one" 8.7.10 :rolleyes:

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • "Very old" .... Ha ! I'm still on OS 6 and very satisfied whit that. Steady as a rock, no problems what so ever 8):thumbup:

    And if OP Alberto was in the same OS or lower he had to update in two steps to get to "latest one" 8.7.10 :rolleyes:

    Cheers !

    OS6? really? Wow...although I don't really use some of the new functionality, somehow I still want it :)

  • "Very old" .... Ha ! I'm still on OS 6 and very satisfied whit that. Steady as a rock, no problems what so ever 8):thumbup:

    And if OP Alberto was in the same OS or lower he had to update in two steps to get to "latest one" 8.7.10 :rolleyes:

    Yes, but you don't have problems as alberto cohen has!!! That's a big diffrrence. I personally do not see any problem to upgade in 2 steps! What's wrong with it? I don't get it :/

  • Yes, but you don't have problems as alberto cohen has!!! That's a big diffrrence. I personally do not see any problem to upgade in 2 steps! What's wrong with it? I don't get it :/

    I think you missed my point ...... You suggested him to "Install latest one 1st which is 8.7.10" , but if he had a lower OS

    he had to install 7.3.2 first to be able to install "newest OS" and then his KPA got issues ......

    Did you read the attachment ? There's nothing wrong with upgrades in two steps .... :rolleyes:

    And to answer OP question : No that is not normal :/

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • My comment was not meant as detail instruction how to upgrade from particular old version to the latest one. These instructions are available directly on the download page:

    To upgrade PROFILER Headâ„¢, PROFILER PowerHeadâ„¢, PROFILER Rackâ„¢, and PROFILER PowerRackâ„¢ via USB memory stick from OS versions before OS 7.3, OS 7.3.2 needs to be installed first! Older versions than OS 7.3 on these models don't recognize this new integrated OS revision. For this purpose OS 7.3.2 can be found on the Download Page at Older Software Versions:

    So I do expect that people who wants to upgrade can read and actually do read these instructions!

    I think I said everything I could. My only intention was to help solve the problem and if it was confusing for somebody - than I am sorry. But from my prspective I do not see anything wrong on my original comment!

    PS: I feel you are a bit carping ;)

    Edited once, last by vjelen (September 7, 2022 at 5:03 PM).

  • Hi,

    After updating to 7.3.2 my head looks updated OK however it opened up on the tuner feature while the knob is currently set on 'browser'.

    Is this normal?

    Since nobody has addressed your question about the tuner, I'll jump in here. I am new to Kemper, I got a Stage model last February so can't say if it is normal with 7.3.2 (I'm on 8.7.10 as of yesterday).

    I don't think it would be normal but you might research the fixes in later updates to see if it was an issue. Other than that check the volume pedal and it's related settings, on mine if the heel is down the tuner is displayed.

    Good luck,


    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • Hi,

    After updating to 7.3.2 my head looks updated OK however it opened up on the tuner feature while the knob is currently set on 'browser'.

    Is this normal?

    Do you have a volume pedal connected?

    Do you have Tuner at 0 ticked?

    If the Volume pedal in Heel position.

    If not then it is not normal.