Kemper Stage effects button question

  • Just got a Stage. Can the effect switches be used to trigger multiple effects with each switch. There are 4 led’s around each one. Is that what that’s for? Thanks for any help, this thing is WAY smarter than I am! Really love it so far.

  • Went looking for the effects switch section in the manual and forgot what I was looking. I suppose I didn’t realize everything this can do! I’m pretty much blown away. Now I got to process all that stuff in my head somehow. Thank y’all for the heads up!

  • Effect Buttons I-IIII

    These four buttons can be flexibly assigned to switch effect modules on/off. They can also be used to toggle features in certain effects. Their respective assignments are stored per Rig. Each button can be assigned to multiple effect modules at the same time as Action & Freeze functions.

    Assigning an Effect Module

    Assigning switching functions to the Effect Buttons is simple: just press and hold an Effect Button on the Remote for example Effect Button IIII and press the desired module button, e.g. Module D, on the front panel of the PROFILER at the same time. Done!

    It also works the other way around: press and hold the module button on the PROFILER first, then step on the desired Effect Button afterwards. The upper left LED of the Effect Button should now reflect the category color of the effect you assigned e.g. orange for a wah effect. Now, you can activate or bypass the selected effect module by stepping on the button on your PROFILER Remote. The lower left white LED indicates the on/off status of this effect module.

    Unassigning an Effect Module

    To undo a current assignment, simply perform the same assignment procedure again. Gone! The upper LEDs remain unlit if no effect is assigned.

    Assigning a Second Effect Module

    To add a second assignment to the same Effect Button, just repeat the process with another effect module. You will notice the right LEDs by the Effect Button indicate both the effect category and on/off state of your second assignment. Now, you can activate or bypass bot h effects by stepping on the button on your PROFILER Remote.

    More Assignments

    Even more effect modules can be assigned to the same Effect Button this way. However, the LEDs will only show the first two assignments.

  • There can be situations, where an assignment to a module e.g. module B does strill exist, but the upper LED at the Effect Buttons is off: This is when module B has been set to "empty" after the assignment. So, module B is still assigned but there is noe ffect in module B anymore. There is no immediate clean up, because we don't want to clear the assignment as soon as somebody scrolls accidentally over "empty".

  • There can be situations, where an assignment to a module e.g. module B does strill exist, but the upper LED at the Effect Buttons is off: This is when module B has been set to "empty" after the assignment. So, module B is still assigned but there is noe ffect in module B anymore. There is no immediate clean up, because we don't want to clear the assignment as soon as somebody scrolls accidentally over "empty".

    Okay! Thank you for the answer.

  • Happy New Year! I recently upgraded my Stage software from 8.7 to the most current version. After doing that, I noticed that the Tap LED comes on whenever the MOD effect block is on. After researching the manual, I didn't see any way to adjust switch assignments so that this wouldn't happen. I'd appreciate any help or advice on how to fix this. Thanks!

  • What you describe is not the case here. Even if I place an effect in module MOD, that follows Tempo e.g. a "Serial TwoTap Delay" with "To Tempo" activated, this doesn't activate TAP Tempo by itself.

    TAP Tempo gets activated by

    - either activating "Tempo Enable" in Rig Settings,

    - or pressing a TAP button either at the front panel or at foot control of Remote/Stage,

    - or by receiving MIDI control change 30,

    - or by receiving MIDI clock.

  • Following up on this. It looks like the Tap button has been globally assigned to turn on/off the MOD effect slot. How do I change it so Tap does not have this function? The user manual mentions it, but I'm not finding specific instructions. Thanks.

  • Following up on this. It looks like the Tap button has been globally assigned to turn on/off the MOD effect slot. How do I change it so Tap does not have this function? The user manual mentions it, but I'm not finding specific instructions. Thanks.

    you can assign the desired function in the System menu using the button assign function.