I don’t understand the need of a touchscreen for a kemper.
Honestly, I think the units are really well thought and designed. Everything can be accessed really quickly, there’s tons of shortcuts everywhere.
All the kemper products have been designed to edit parameters directly on the unit, how many clicks a touchscreen will save?
Explain how much time a touchscreen will save compared to physical controls?
A touchscreen will only add problems, will raise the price for nothing.
I would understand the need of a touchscreen for units like fractal with 200 options for any effects or amps but on a profiler with 4 stomps, one amp, one cab and 4 effects, that’s not necessary at all.
Touchscreen is also a no go for live use, humidity, sun, rain etc.
I would rather see kemper spend some time and money m giving more clarity and separations on the frequencies that spending money on a touchscreen.