Expression pedals

  • I don't own a Kemper yet but i'm planning on buying one soon.

    I'm looking into pedals now and pretty sure i will get an Mission EP1-KP for Wah/Pitch.

    But for Vol/Morph i was reading on the interwebs the Mission is not so good as it is not so precise as Dunlop DVP3.

    So does anyone have both these pedals and which one would you recommend for Vol/Morph ?

  • Volume and morph can’t be done with one pedal.

    I use the Dunlop DVP3 and like it quite a lot. In my opinion, there is no ‘best’ for anything here. It’s what feels best to you.

    I like the feel of the bigger Dunlop and the Ernie Ball VPjr. I don’t care for the feel of the smaller DVP4, though.

    I especially do not like the feel of the Mission pedal and similar pedals with the fulcrum point closer to the heel. Dunlop wah pedals are similar. I’ve had both at different times and (for me) disliked them.

  • Ah dang then i will need to buy 3 pedals =O

    I will go for some El cheapo Volume then, like the Zoom mentioned.

    Does the DVP3 raise the volume very fast ?

    I read somewhere that first it's slow but then starts to raise volume very fast (to fast).

    Can you confirm this or are these internet fables ?

    I would like to have a pedal that is gradual for Morphing.

    Thanks for the info guy's !

  • If you want vol/wah/morph, two pedals will do.

    You can have the volume pedal act as a wah - but it’s not when the wah is present.

    As for the sweep of the DVP3….I have no idea. I suspect many of those people are the same ones suggesting there is a MASSIVE difference between a TS808 and a TS9.

    You get used to what you use. I frequently play in a worship setting, so swells are an integral part of that style.

  • I use a pair of Boss FV500H and a Behringer FC600 (which is a dead on ringer for the FV500H) via midi. They're all technically passive volume pedals which include an expression output (so you can use them as volume pedals with other gear too).

    The Boss pedals are very good - as is the Behringer - but for significantly less £££. They're sturdy and feel indestructible - but they're all really large pedals needing a fairly large pedal board.

    Ask Burkhard says - you can have one pedal acting for morph/wah/pitch when it needs to - the settings are fairly easy to do.

    The settings page is super handy - showing you that your pedals are working - what they're controlling, and their midi assignment (no need to dig out the manual).

    Edited once, last by ajbsmirnoff (November 13, 2021 at 11:30 AM).

  • Thanks all

    I wil probably go for the 2 pedal option then as these pedals get pricey fast ;)

    One more question though i found Moog EP3 works great with Kemper but people didn't mention what function they used it for.

    I see it's a Expression pedal only, unlike the DVP3 is Vol/Exp.

    Can you use the Moog EP3 as Volume pedal on the Kemper ?

    It's like half the price of an DVP3 so looks like a perfect option, but i'm not sure if it can do Volume.

    Never bought Vol/Exp pedal myself so this is all new to me.


    Actually never mind i geuss below anwsers my question already, it's work but probly not as i would want it to.

    If there is a slow increase at first then a massive increase towards the end the pedal is the wrong type. An expression pedal has a linear pot whereas a volume pedal has a log pot (audio taper). The Kemper translates the linear input from an expression pedal into a log taper for volume.

    Edited 2 times, last by WillemNL (November 13, 2021 at 11:54 AM).

  • Any expression pedal can be used to trigger the control the PROFILER pedal functions (volume, wah, pitch, morph). Expression pedals are optimized for digital devices like the a Moog synth or a PROFILER. The Moog EP3 i an expression pedal. Analoig volume pedals are not recommended for this purpose.

    The only aspects, that matter for expression pedals are:

    - mechanical range from heel to toe (classical wah pedals have a smaller mechanical range)

    - quality

    - price

  • I think i sorted out the pedals.

    One more thing though, Can you set Morph too "heel off" active when pedal moved ?

    I know Wah can be set like this but can Morph be set the same way so that you dont need to stomp the rig button.

    Just step on the pedal and morph starts if you know what i mean.

  • Yep, is "always on"

    Always on ? You have base setting and morph setting right (morph enabled by stomping the same rig stomp as the base rig your playing)

    So on base it is off (nothing is morphed)

    So is it possible to set morph "heel off" (base setting) toe full morph with an expression pedal.

    What i mean is without stomping the same rig starting the morph setting by depressing the pedal. (same as can be done for Wah)

    I hope you understand what i'm trying to say here.


    Why i'm asking this because if you cannot do this with morph then i need a pedal with button for enabling morph

    If this can be done same as wah i can get pedal without button and just set it "heel off".

    Otherwise you have to switch your foot from remote/stage too the expression pedal and back every time.

    Edit more:

    Also i should have probaly mentioned i'm talking about "active morphing" (using a exp pedal) or whatever you call it

    not like the 20sec morph setting or something where it gradualy goes into the morph setting automaticly.

    Edited 3 times, last by WillemNL (November 13, 2021 at 3:25 PM).

  • I found what i was looking for yes it possible

    Explained in video here @ 7:09 :

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    So i can get pedal wihout stomp button.

    Thanks all !

  • A morph is moving one (or more) settings from one value to another. Morph cannot turn something on or off. The stomp, amp, cab, effect...whatever, has to be on for morph to be available. For example - you can't set a morph for a delay, turn the delay off and expect anything happen.

    Once set, a morph is always available. Meaning, you do not need to 'engage' the function to then morph. A button can be used (ignoring rise/fall settings here) for instant transition. Or, an expression pedal can provide a sweep.

    Each rig button on the Remote has two LEDs - one of their functions is to indicate unmorphed (bottom) or morphed (upper) states. The button can be set to momentary or latching behavior.