Tired of the constant updates

  • I bought my Toaster new for 1700 euro. It can be had used here in Holland now for ca. 1000 euro. That's 700 euro write-off already. OTOH, free updates keep coming. New effects etc. No mk2 model. I still have my Elevenrack , dead end device, no updates anymore. What do you prefer?

  • I didn't update mine for about a year and a half. I was completely happy with every single thing and had no need to change anything. Only reason I even updated was to get the doubletracker.

    I do believe it's a very, very short list of people who don't appreciate the free updates and unending forward support we get from Kemper.

    Just a guy who plays a little bit of guitar.

  • Like some of the others, I have automatic updates disabled and I only do updates when there are new features that I know I'd use. I think the last updates I did were the big reverb release and then some time later updating both so that I could get the new version of Rig Manager with the editor. Haven't updated since, and it's been a rock solid platform.

    If you didn't understand about the automatic updates setting and were getting unexpected and undesired updates, I can certainly relate to the frustration. I still wince every time Windows 10 forces an update on me, wondering if it's going to break anything. However, the Kemper guys do great work, and since it's all optional, once you get your system settled down and auto updates disabled you'll have a stable platform and can just enjoy playing guitar.

    As for the constant stream of updates, bug fixes and new features, I'm just astounded at the level of support I get for this thing. The fact that I don't update frequently doesn't alter the appreciation I have for what very few tech companies do, and Kemper does very well - take care of their customers.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • If you didn't understand about the automatic updates setting and were getting unexpected and undesired updates, I can certainly relate to the frustration.

    Chris Duncan - in which way can an update be unexpected when you have to actively install it? Rig Manager offers you an update, and downloads it once you instruct the application to do so. Then, you get an offer to install it. To me, that's not something unexpected. Can you clarify what you mean?

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • This has to be a joke right?

    1) Constant updates? I think the average must be about every 6 months for a full release - hardly every week. I presume you use a windows PC?

    2) Its easy and quick and rarely has issues

    3) Its only for new features

    4) Its optional

  • Chris Duncan - in which way can an update be unexpected when you have to actively install it? Rig Manager offers you an update, and downloads it once you instruct the application to do so. Then, you get an offer to install it. To me, that's not something unexpected. Can you clarify what you mean?

    I thought that perhaps RM did automatic updates instead of what you just described. I always turn off the automatic update feature in apps so I don't have any experience with that aspect of RM. I do get frustrated with Windows automatic updates, so I thought there might be similarities.

    Mostly I was just trying to be polite. :)

    I'm a huge fan of the amount of updates you guys do for the Kemper, both OS and RM. Knowing that they're available when I see a new feature I want is a major value-add to a product I already think highly of.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • In all the years I’ve had it, I’ve been grateful for the updates that have added a ton of things. A couple have needed me to give Kemper money to take advantage due to additional hardware to realise the new functions (so the releases that supported Kemper Remote and Kone). I gladly did this because I wanted these things. Obviously I didn’t have to do either of these. All the other cool stuff upgrades (rig manager, iPad rig thing, fuzz, distortion, reverbs, delays etc) have been entirely free. They take user experience seriously and jump on bugs pretty quickly which inevitably means a new (cool stuff) beta release often has several little releases when the user base has issues. So yes, you get a ‘cool stuff’ beta, then lots of tweaks, then a stable release. Repeat to fade. All free, all optional.

    You don’t have to do any of these. Some folks who make a living playing typically sit on a new (cool stuff) release until it’s been out for a while so they skip straight to the issue-free version. I’m just a home hobby player these days - I read the release notes and decide whether or not to take the 5-10 mins required. If these annoy you, fair enough - the system will work same way it always did without the free enhancements.

    Personally I’m still hoping for updated tremolo / modulations - they’ve re-done most of the other major effects so I’m excited by new release announcements ‘just in case’ they’ve also worked their magic on that part too. Please, keep them coming :)

  • Personally I’m still hoping for updated tremolo / modulations - they’ve re-done most of the other major effects so I’m excited by new release announcements ‘just in case’ they’ve also worked their magic on that part too. Please, keep them coming :)

    Yes, O would love to see what really creative stuff Kemper could come up with on a tremolo/modulation overhaul ?