• Sometimes, if you’ve got nothing nice to say….neither should contribute. This isn’t the a place for calling each other out.

    If you’re going to post an opinion on a public forum - expect strong opposing views. Especially from someone like Gearjocke, who’s been in this forum for nearly a decade.

    My thought is this: If I need an eq front and back for a particular profile……I find an entirely different profile that doesn’t.

    I created the post about my wishes for an upgraded kemper, I don’t really get why I need to have someone telling me my ears are wrong. Period.

  • I created the post about my wishes for an upgraded kemper, I don’t really get why I need to have someone telling me my ears are wrong. Period.

    It doesn’t matter one iota why you created the post. People can and will say whatever they want.

    I don’t get why someone else’s opinion - and that’s all it was - clearly bothers you so much.

  • Sometimes, if you’ve got nothing nice to say….neither should contribute. This isn’t the a place for calling each other out.

    If you’re going to post an opinion on a public forum - expect strong opposing views. Especially from someone like Gearjocke, who’s been in this forum for nearly a decade.

    My thought is this: If I need an eq front and back for a particular profile……I find an entirely different profile that doesn’t.

    Why don't you quit your crying and start your own forum , and just make your title " Den Mother" ?

    Edited once, last by Pwrslave (October 31, 2021 at 2:01 AM).

  • Since the Kemper only has 8 buttons I think more blocks may be clunky if even possible by the DSP.

    But I agree more is always better. I have been having fun trying to "build" my own amp by adding gain stages and setting their tone to be either low or high and then mixing that with the clean signal. So I always have 6-7 used slots normally.

    I liked Wiegersma's idea of letting the EFX be Pre/Post.

    As Alfahdj stated above, I usually run an EQ pre/post, a noise gate, reverb, and crystal delay. Then maybe a compressor and a gain pedal. Mostly used up slots so no room for crazy flange chorus efx, etc.

    And for my personal tastes, I almost always run a Treble Booster post. It just seems to bring out the upper mids and highs pefectly. Seems to make the whole sound pop and sound more dynamic. Could just be my ears or studio monitors.

    So what would be really cool and maybe possible would be to PROFILE the current Amp/Cab/Efx at the touch of a button. So we could tweak it all in perfect then save that as the new profile. Probably would sound like trash since things like EQ would all be out of order but that would free up ALL of the EFX blocks.

    Not sure if it would mean running cables in/out of the Kemper or if it can just be done mathematically at the touch of a button (preferable method since all noise and connection issues would be gone). I guess at that point you could also run a 32 band EQ in a loop to get super granular before profiling.

  • I've wondered if finding resolution is as simple as locating a 2nd kemper in your town and then build a rig with the eq and tone shaping boots and cuts you want and then profiling that with another kemper. I do think however it may not come out the same in certain circumstances and the reactivity might not hold up the same even with the tone being spot on. In my case, I used to run a kemper drive and a Kemper Fuzz into a high gain profile with the mix turned down on the fuzz and a little direct mix as well AND either a post eq or treble booster in the post effects. After adding a gate or two, I'd be down to 2 or 3 post fx and 1 or none pre stomps. Becuase of this I don't do it anymore and try to get whatever tone I can get with as little as possible and just deal with it. Kind of a bummer but oh well, still sounds good...

    Just as good as I think it could sound with those little extra touches. ;)

  • I've wondered if finding resolution is as simple as locating a 2nd kemper in your town and then build a rig with the eq and tone shaping boots and cuts you want and then profiling that with another kemper. ..

    Well there's an idea: but instead of having to find another Kemper to profile yours, let the Kemper construct it's own profile with whatever appropriate fx slots you want enabled... so, a dirt box, eq, and amp, then "Re-Profile" them into a new profile.

  • Well there's an idea: but instead of having to find another Kemper to profile yours, let the Kemper construct it's own profile with whatever appropriate fx slots you want enabled... so, a dirt box, eq, and amp, then "Re-Profile" them into a new profile.

    I suggested this to CK when I got to interview him this one time before a NAMM, he said they had thought about it or was thinking about it.

  • Ultimately the “profile the profiler to free up blocks” is just a workaround that will freeze up components of your sound, you might want to change later.

    Much easier to let us use the page buttons to navigate through more blocks than the 4 visible pre or post ones.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Ultimately the “profile the profiler to free up blocks” is just a workaround that will freeze up components of your sound, you might want to change later.

    Much easier to let us use the page buttons to navigate through more blocks than the 4 visible pre or post ones.

    Don’t shoot the messenger but I think Burkhard and others at Kemper have already said pretty clearly that they have no intention of doing this as the logical layout of the physical unit would no longer make sense with regards to the actual signal path which they believe would be confusing to users. Personally, I have no interest in more than 8 blocks but I would like the ability to select which blocks are Pre Stack and which are Post Stack. I would also like the ability to route the Parallel Path signal through more than just 2 Stomps. However, I am resigned to the fact that it isn’t going to happen.

  • Well there's an idea: but instead of having to find another Kemper to profile yours, let the Kemper construct it's own profile with whatever appropriate fx slots you want enabled... so, a dirt box, eq, and amp, then "Re-Profile" them into a new profile.

    i totally agree with that.

    The kemper should be able to profile itself with every blocks except mods,verb, pitch etc.

    I think I’ve already posted that in here.

  • 2 other ideas would to be able to add kemper drives and post eq at the refining stage and or

    Adding them in the profiling process.

    Direct send to front input, add drives eq etc. mono effects loop send to front of amp. Then do a similar route for post eq in the refining stage. Or something like that.

  • It might be cool to have a couple of ‘multi fx’ style blocks. Something like a simple combined chorus and delay block and also a simple combined delay and reverb block.

    Might free up some blocks for people who are running out.

    There's a chorus dial added to some of the reverbs and delays already. They even have a drive to add distortion.

  • Need more blocks? Do a sound really need that much? More is better? Honestly if you can't the sound you like with 4 at the most I doubt your ears.

    I think that's a gross oversimplification. Maybe for classic rock or blues, where you can use one rig and a couple of pedals for a live show and call it a day. I play in a progressive instrumental metal band, and 4 blocks won't even cut it for my basic rhythm tone (noise gate, boost, amp, cab, reverb). Once I start building washy ambient clean tones, I've got multiple delays, reverbs, a compressor, and a poly octave. So then by your standards, I don't have good ears?

    This is a reasonable request to put in a forum that's specifically for feature requests. Just because it's not your preference doesn't mean it's not a reasonable use case. I think double tracker is pointless for me, but obviously enough people like it that they made it a feature. Don't be so quick to judge people because they have different needs than you do.

  • I created the post about my wishes for an upgraded kemper, I don’t really get why I need to have someone telling me my ears are wrong. Period.

    Welcome to the club. Various people that I'll keep un-named tried to school me for days on variable Q due to component availability in amps in regards to wanting more variable bands in an E.Q preset , and how I was wrong for it. I am sure any minute now another will gripe about this post.

  • Welcome to the club. Various people that I'll keep un-named tried to school me for days on variable Q due to component availability in amps in regards to wanting more variable bands in an E.Q preset , and how I was wrong for it. I am sure any minute now another will gripe about this post.

    I wondered when you’d show up.


  • Sometimes some people can be challenging on original request, I tend to do that mainly to understand the requirement as sometimes there seems to be suggestions of over engineering or sledgehammer to crack a nut. Anyway, doesn't need such negative responses...

    Im not a pedal person but I think with the intro of better effects, people want to make use of them - understandably.

    I would suspect that processing power will start to become an issue. I am comforted to know I don't have to worry about processing utilization as another post suggested you do with the FM3.

    Obviously there is a limit with the physical buttons, so the most obvious option is to be able to choose pre and post as many have suggested. Maybe there are other options to achieve the same thing - for example, personally I also don't use the general noise gate so even me, non pedal guy, has 1 slot used by default. Maybe there is a way of getting rid of the need for the noise gate slot and have just 1 noise gate that covers both. There may be others??

    Otherwise I would guess its a "kemper 2" requirement.