Fractal FM9 Just launched the waitlist 0,0

  • Really hoping to see some kind of Kemper X soon. Between this Fm9 and the quad cortex, the gap in this form factor plus features is closing in hot.

    Let's skip the usual parts of these types of disscussions or go ahead and get them out of the way lol

    My vote is to skip them.

    FWIW Even though I enjoy my Quad Cortex currently, recently bought a Kemper Stage because I like it and it does a lot with setups I have and I know this unit well and still find fun new things and fun work arounds if i run into a snag. It sounds great today and will, forever...

    I still might get a Fm9 and or maybe a used Fm3 soon (lmao ;)

    Why you might say? Because I love all these units and I feel they all have something special to offer. So many possibilities when combined. I had a helix 4cm with my powered toaster years ago and it was fantastic. My Cortex and Stage combined could be a very powerful combo as well.

    I get that some are a choose one or the other for pricing reasons and not all of us have the luxury of being able to afford multiple units and those that only want one. I'm more of a mix and match kind of person sometimes and I know some of yall are too. Cheers y'all!

    P.s. yall play nice now, unless it's guitar you're playing ;)

  • The FM9 sounds interesting...might be interested if I did not already have a AxeFx III. It is a nice offering that splits the difference b/t the FXIII and the FM3. Given that, I love my Kemper Stage.

    ...just checked and wow, there are a bunch of FM3s to hit Reverb today!

    Edited once, last by jasonmi3 (August 28, 2021 at 12:29 AM).

  • And the FM9 comes in $100 cheaper than the Stage. ($1599 vs. $1699 USD)

    I never "dipped my toe" in the Fractal realm cause it seems like I`d spend more time "tweaking" in their software than actual playing.

    AND......if I`m gonna drop that kind of cash, I`d like to try one out first. Hard to do since stores don`t carry them.

  • As a Kemper/QC and Fractal owner I think if I had to pick a floor based model I'd pick QC first (although I wouldn't be as secure for breakdowns as the following)

    Stage and Fm9 second.....I'd probably pick the fm9 over the stage only due to the I/O and Leds for the footswitches (which are probably useless with my eyesight anyway!) but I def prefer the plug and play factor on the kemper over the fractal gear any day of the week.

    I wouldn't touch the FM3 with a 10 foot pole ...its almost taking the piss they release that and the whole headphone jack fiasco then release this

  • I have both the FM3 and Kemper (along many other devices).

    While I appreciate the FM9 for its form-factor, the tones (even with the new Cygnus modelling tech that Fractal keeps pushing) just are not as good as what the Kemper has.

    The FM3 is a fine sounding unit, but the Kemper just cannot be beaten.

  • It looks great, I’m glad they included colored stomps and digital scribble strips like on the Helix, but why is every Fractal floorboard a cut down unit?

    The Kemper floor is the same unit (with a few minor additions on top of the pedals so it’s actually slightly better) as the rack and toaster. Same capabilities, same software.

    Even with Line6 the rack and floorboard are the same.

    It just seems like they’re missing a beat by doing this and it makes it feel more like an artificial means to milk the customers.

  • A full AXE III in a floor board would probably be priced substantially higher than Helix/Stage competition. This price point and double the DSP of the FM3 probably looks like the sweet spot from the perspective of Fractal marketing.

    Edited once, last by Antipodes (August 30, 2021 at 10:11 PM).

  • It looks great, I’m glad they included colored stomps and digital scribble strips like on the Helix, but why is every Fractal floorboard a cut down unit?

    The Kemper floor is the same unit (with a few minor additions on top of the pedals so it’s actually slightly better) as the rack and toaster. Same capabilities, same software.

    Even with Line6 the rack and floorboard are the same.

    It just seems like they’re missing a beat by doing this and it makes it feel more like an artificial means to milk the customers.

    Its been like that since the AX8 , always some sort of compromise.

    I'm sure if they had of straight up released a floor version of the 3 it would have sold like hotcakes

    I can understand cutting down some I/O maybe on a floor version but the blocks and CPU makes zero sense

  • Its been like that since the AX8 , always some sort of compromise.

    I'm sure if they had of straight up released a floor version of the 3 it would have sold like hotcakes

    I can understand cutting down some I/O maybe on a floor version but the blocks and CPU makes zero sense

    I agree with this. Why not have the same processing power and all of the same features of the AXIII in the floor unit. That is the reason I bought a Kemper Stage. It does everything the other units do and is all in one unit that IS the pedal board.

    The one feature that I really like about the AM9 is the ability to run two separate signal chains through one unit. I wish I could do that with my Kemper. This feature may be enough to get me to buy one. I will see how things play out. I can't imagine it replacing my Kemper. I used an AxeFX Ultra years ago and it definitely did not work for me for a gigging unit. It has been in a rack for years now, mostly unused. It was definitely not worth the money I paid for it in my case.

  • Btw ..what happened to the bluguitar amp x project;;

    A few mentions of this on TGP. The release was supposed to be "2021" but it could be something that will show up at NAMM in January. Component shortages are making lots of problems for electronic device manufacturing. Not sure if this is an issue.

  • Btw ..what happened to the bluguitar amp x project;;

    I asked Thomas and he just answered, that he will launch it at Winter Namm. I am waiting for this new amp and am curious if he added a "chain screen" to the device or if he has kept it clean with only physical knobs plus PC editor- as "presented" last year.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • A few mentions of this on TGP. The release was supposed to be "2021" but it could be something that will show up at NAMM in January. Component shortages are making lots of problems for electronic device manufacturing. Not sure if this is an issue.

    For sure.

    But I guess Blug has things in his mind with the ampX which are not as easy to achieve as he thought.

  • I'm on the waitlist for the fm9 now, I want to test the unit myself. The answer was the price will be between 1900 - 2000 Euros in Europe... =O. But I guess the first units will not start shipping before winter...?

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I am on the waitlist as well. However, from what I am seeing, it may not do what I need it to do in an easy to operate fashion. I put a post on the Fractal forum to see if I can get some answers. Honestly, from what I am seeing, I can get more of what I need the way I am doing it now with the Kemper and a Fishman Aura. If I can't work out how to make it fit my needs before my name comes up, I will probably not buy it.

    I still have my old Axe FX Ultra. I was very unhappy with how quickly they discontinued it after I bought mine. I bought mine in late 2010. I spent a lot of money on that unit. I never got it to do what I needed it to do so I am going to make sure this unit will do it before I buy.