The Kemper Foot Controller: Evolution

  • Line 6 and Hughes and Kettner used to offer expensive, high end amp modelers with dedicated foot controllers.

    .....and a lot of others didn't ;)

    Very simple: if someone doesn't want to buy the KPA without a KPA-foot controller, he's not forced to do it. He can wait or buy something different.

    I'm glad to have the KPA NOW and there are so many different solutions availalable. For me the FCB + UnO4K is much more than "ok" and for the (little) money you'll get a solid foot controller optimized for the KPA, plug in and play, that's what I like most.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • Instead of waiting on the kpa foot controller I decided to purchase the liquid foot mini+ controller. I cannot imagine a more comprehensive controller and it could very easily be used in a professional situation. Its only limitation is your mind and its dimensions are 11" x 5".

    The price for a new unit was 420 dollars so it's not that much more than many of the other controllers. I know there are many third party controllers that kpa users are more than happy with. I'm sure Kemper will make an outstanding controller but I am 100% satisfied with this solution.

    Edited once, last by adamcanter7 (June 2, 2014 at 2:30 PM).

  • use the KPA for recording all the time and I don't need a foot controller for studio-work.

    But anyway, would be nice to have one someday....

    me too... don't need the controller but it makes it easier to get to what I want faster.. still I hate the reset to slot 1 in Performance mode when you go between performances.. they changed it not long ago.. it really bites.. I use the Performances for different amp types.. then each slot get a different gradually increasing gain and mild alterations based on gain style.. it was cool before the change.. you could be in slot 4, for instance, and jump to another amp and stay in slot 4.. great for quick previewing guitar sounds with medium gain... now.. it's two foot stomps for every amp/performance change...

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • Switching to another performance bank makes slot 1 active? So, no random access mode without using MIDI program changes? If each bank is used for a separate song, I suppose it makes sense to automatically make it active.

    I've not used Perf Mode - when I got the Kemper, it was easy to control program changes and individual effects with the G-System.

    PS: TC never did make a dedicated foot controller for the G-Force - they released a slightly less powerful separate floor-controlled product, and kept making the G-Force. And, no updates for a long time. Now, they seem to be slowly recycling their tech in lower price points.

  • Switching to another performance bank makes slot 1 active? So, no random access mode without using MIDI program changes? If each bank is used for a separate song, I suppose it makes sense to automatically make it active.

    yup... and yes, that's assuming you want to use it for song mode... one might think a song could be an amp instead.. with variable settings such as clean no fx, clean or light gain with fx, mid gain... more gain... etc.. it used to work that way.. then they changed it... seems they would have just created a bit to turn "slot 1 reset" on or off and have the GUI reflect it for personalization.. it would have easily provided the best of both worlds. but... well it's kind of like the whole RM PC/Mac thang...

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • Switching to another performance bank makes slot 1 active?

    Don't know if I'm getting everything right but I use a Roland FC-300 and it has a function named "Wait for a Num". That means: A change of a bank/performance is only complete with two steps on two different pedals of the FC-300. First step: Change bank/performance in advance, but stay on the currently chosen performance and slot. With the second step you choose the desired slot of the next bank/performance.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • yeah.. that makes sense for Roland.. years ago I used one to control my presets in my effects banks for my Marshall rig. The FCB and KPA units, while in Performance mode, used to allow you to change from one performance to another in a single step.. (still does), only before, the slot number stayed the same.. so if you were in slot 4 of performance 1 and you switched to performance 2, slot 4 was what you got.. with the new version, it resets itself to slot 1 every time you switch between performances. it's great for playing songs and live performance BUT not so good for managing rigs in a studio application.. I had/have a nice systematic approach to rig management... at least one that I like.. I just have to make two stomps/steps when switching between rig performances now..

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • Last year I selected Axe FX II because MFC 101 and software editer but I thinking of KPA sound all the time.Last week my Axe is out of order and need to service.I brought KPA it very happy for sound I like more than Axe but I need Foot control for live.I don't like Midi cable and power supply for old fashion MiDi Controler .I need RJ-45 and Cat 6 cable.Please please!!!

  • Don't know if I'm getting everything right but I use a Roland FC-300 and it has a function named "Wait for a Num". That means: A change of a bank/performance is only complete with two steps on two different pedals of the FC-300. First step: Change bank/performance in advance, but stay on the currently chosen performance and slot. With the second step you choose the desired slot of the next bank/performance.

    This is exactly how my FCB and Uno4Kemper works in performance mode, although I'm not sure which firmware I have. I'll have to check at some point (all I know is, it's definitely not the latest revision, at least).


  • I hope Kemper foot controller will be as good as the Axe FX MFC-101 Mark 3. While still an Axe noob I tend to prefer the Kemper tones,I really love how functional and solid the Axe controller is.Especially the FASLINK which uses hardy and readily available XLR cable for power and data.

    Edited once, last by lasvideo (July 7, 2014 at 2:57 AM).