Wireless features incoming?

  • I'm always excited for new developments and often find that things I wasn't interested in become useful, but I'm struggling a little with this one....

    This looks to be wireless connectivity for rig manager ? I imagine the vast number of users use rig manager "at home" i.e. static where wireless is useful but not essential?

    So for live, what would you use it for?

    Changing things on the fly? If it was integrated to say a sequencer then I could see that....what am I missing?

    In rehearsal, I'll sometimes want to adjust sounds for any number of reasons. I can do that on the Toaster, and even though it's on a stand it still isn't remotely close to eye-level. It can be done....but kneeling down to get the screen in view kinda sucks.

    Some ideas....

    An iPad (or tablet) on a mic stand to see things more easily
    Select a performance or without scrolling
    Not having RM tied to my computer at home (biggie for me)

  • To be honnest once I have setup my Kemper, I never adjust anything ... just switch on, select performance and play !

    Tweaking should be done only once until you're happy :)


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • Well I can perfectly see how in a rehearsal space, using a Kemper Stage it must be a PITA to have to bend each time you have to tweak anything. Having an iPad with rig manager and editor to make your changes is only good. And many other uses besides that.

    The deep menu and tiny screen has never been the best way to see all the options that the Kemper offers. I have learnt a lot about it's capabilities since the editor came out, just because all the options are there and visible.

    So yes, I think it will be a great tool and I am excited to see how it works.

    Yeah I do get that. I think my point is once set up, the amount of times I make changes is relatively low...therefore I was wondering/hoping there are some othe rplans afoot to make use of this wireless capability :)

  • Tweaking should be done only once until you're happy :)

    the amount of times I make changes is relatively low

    I also do little changes to a rig when I have it set. But for me, that I like to use effects, they are different on each track. It is an inherent part of the composition of the song or riff. So it's not a matter of once and done. Each time that there's a new idea on the rehearsal room, tweaks are needed to find the best sounds for the song. And this happens periodically. Right now a big part of this process is done at home, before the rehearsals. And that is why I have owned 2 Kempers until a couple of months.

    But having the option of easy and fast tweaking opens up a lot of possibilities. Rig Manager is a lot faster to edit an tweak than the physical buttons on the device, navigating thru menus and turning knobs.

  • I sold my Toaster a couple of months ago and now just have my Stage-GR55 board.

    I have never used rig manager because they were both in cases with GR55s and way too hard to haul to my computer. My Ipad is always on stage with me so now I’ll be able to give rig manager a try .

  • Each time that there's a new idea on the rehearsal room, tweaks are needed to find the best sounds for the song. And this happens periodically. Right now a big part of this process is done at home, before the rehearsals.

    ahh, that makes sense! I just don;t have an ideas at rehearsals, partially because I'm in a covers band but mainly because I rarely have ideas :)

    I just keep thinking that Kemper might have grander ideas ;)

  • File management and multitasking in iPads, is not as easy as with a PC/Mac.

    It would be great if this wireless solution works with the toaster/rack units and with RM PC/Mac version, too.

    Having less cables is always better.

  • Yeah I do get that. I think my point is once set up, the amount of times I make changes is relatively low...therefore I was wondering/hoping there are some othe rplans afoot to make use of this wireless capability :)

    Like you, I fall into the fire and forget category. I want to do all my setup in the studio, and then when I'm with a band just step on a button. It seems like a pretty cool addition, but if it's not available for anything but the stage it won't be a point of stress for me.

    What sort of other uses can you envision for wireless? Once you've hooked up Rig Manager I'm not sure what else there is to do, but I occasionally suffer from limited imagination.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • This is pretty exciting, having only just been impressed with the fuzz update.

    I currently have to turn on my computer to play with the editor, because constantly bending down to fiddle with the stage is annoying. This could be a great addition.

  • Looks like it's only for the Stage ;( would be cool if theres a workaround for our old Toasters

    Given Kemper’s philosophy of not leaving users behinds and making the user experience as similar as possible across all versions I would be surprised if they don’t have some sort of work around figured out for us non stage users. ???

  • Given Kemper’s philosophy of not leaving users behinds and making the user experience as similar as possible across all versions I would be surprised if they don’t have some sort of work around figured out for us non stage users. ???

    I really hope the same. But it might not be the case. New additions like the SPDIF Slave/Master option of newer devices or the variable impedance of the Stage might indicate that at some point Kemper has to move on and keep updating the hardware with the best backwards compatibility even if it is not 100%.

    I like the way Kemper does things. It is great for the users. It keeps the value of the older devices over time.

  • Given Kemper’s philosophy of not leaving users behinds and making the user experience as similar as possible across all versions I would be surprised if they don’t have some sort of work around figured out for us non stage users. ???

    Hopefully yes but there are increasingly hardware differences we are learning of with the Stage due to new updates coming out. First the physical impedance thing the stage can do for fuzz which toaster and rack cannot and, by the look of it now, wireless. There might be a proposed fix for us Toaster / rack guys but for the impedance, it’s not possible.

    For me personally, these are both ‘nice to have’ improvements and very cool but not so much so that I’m going to be crying on the fretboard if they can’t come to my much-loved ageing toaster :) That is assuming the iPad implementation is simply Rig Manager for iPad..... I can see how this is amazing for some users but in my circumstances it’d be ‘nice to have for sure but I’ll live if not’. If it’s more than just rig manager on iPad I may eat my words here and be asking for a toaster workaround :)

    But it think it would be a good idea if, on the website, there was maybe a comparison table between the 3 models that pointed out the hardware differences between the three models and included this detail about WiFi / impedance. For us oldies, all the updates are free so, if some don’t work due to aged hardware, it’s a shame but no robbery has taken place. But I think being plain about the hardware difference would help prospective buyers to choose the most appropriate model that suits their personal needs.