What external fx with kemper

  • right I know its been done before but...

    I'm toying with the idea of getting some external rack fx to put in the kemper loop.

    I'm not going to go stupid here.

    I've seen loads of people say g major 2.

    I dont want to spend stupid money. Im thinking up to £500.

    What are your thoughts and why

  • Surely, that is simply a question of what effects do you need that the KPA isn't currently delivering. If there is a specific sound you are after then use the appropriate gear to achieve it. I have various Strymon pedals etc but don't use any of them as the KPA gives ME everything I need. However, if there was a specific sound I was after that it didn't cover then and only then would I bother adding something in a loop.

  • If you don’t want to spend more than $500, I do not see any FX rack unit that worths it. Save your money. However if you need to fill your rack space think in a wireless rack unit or a Furman for less than $500.

    If you want the mojo of vintage FX like TC electronics or high end studio stuff like Bricasti M7, all that stuff is above $1,000.

  • I had an Empress Echosystem and ditched it. I know two people who had the Strymon Timeline prior to getting a Kemper.

    Soon after, they both sold the Timeline. What's in the KPA will compete with just about anything out there for guitar. Studio rack pieces are another matter....and far more expensive.

  • hmmm.... Good point made.

    Maybe I've just got my rose tinted glasses on.

    I dont have much love for the kemper pitch shifting - tracking feels off and there's artifacts and warbling at times. It never seems to sound very clean. I dont know why but I dont like chorus either. Cant put my finger on why though. I almost feel ready for some new gear. Even if its an eventide h9 in the loop

  • hmmm.... Good point made.

    Maybe I've just got my rose tinted glasses on.

    I dont have much love for the kemper pitch shifting - tracking feels off and there's artifacts and warbling at times. It never seems to sound very clean. I dont know why but I dont like chorus either. Cant put my finger on why though. I almost feel ready for some new gear. Even if its an eventide h9 in the loop

    If its pitch shift and chorus that are your issues try a Digitech Whammy DT.

  • Surely, that is simply a question of what effects do you need that the KPA isn't currently delivering. If there is a specific sound you are after then use the appropriate gear to achieve it. I have various Strymon pedals etc but don't use any of them as the KPA gives ME everything I need. However, if there was a specific sound I was after that it didn't cover then and only then would I bother adding something in a loop.

    Nailed it, if somethings missing why not just a pedal or two?, I’ve been on a fuzz and univibe binge the last year because the KPA lacked, now with the recent beta my fuzzes are looking nervous?

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • I don't own a Kemper, but I have said on my product's forum numerous times - if you need something other than a boutique/specialized item, you bought the wrong product. Your purchase should have already had all the stuff you need.

    My old rig took about 5 years to build/perfect. And it lasted me well over 2 decades. My current rig is a modeler. It replaced everything that goes between the guitar and sound man.

    I have 3 pieces that I sometimes use but are not part of "the standard rig".

    1. Because I no longer have a physical amp/cab, I lost the ability to use a talk box. But my modeler has a vocoder (if you use a mic). Win some lose some. So, I now have a self-powered talk box when I need one.

    2. I have a 30 year old Boss PS-2. It is used solely in the studio for a particular noise I make, and at home for pitch shifting to play along with records that aren't always 440. I could use it live if needed as it is far superior for pitch shifting (not harmony) than any other MFX I have found. There are dedicated pitch devices that cost a bundle, but my workflow doesn't require that.

    *I also keep it around for any reunion shows I may do for a particular band I was in due to a special noise I need.

    3. If I am in a wah-heavy act, I prefer my old wah pedal than the expression pedal and wah models included with my modeler.

    None of which would fit in a rack. They are all floor units. And nothing I would need to keep with me 24/7.

    So, really, it boils down to - what do you need that the unit isn't giving you.

    I don't own a Kemper but was here investigating. If I answer a post, it is based on general knowledge - not on Kemper experience.