Ideas for a Kemper 2 in the future.

  • I am just not sure that this is where Kemper's audience is (in general).

    Now, to be clear, I approach this from a live performance standpoint .... and I rarely use more than compression, reverb, and delay (all in fairly light amounts). Having a complex routing system is so far down on my "needs" that it likely lands somewhere south of nicer feeling buttons on the Kemper ;).

    I’m of the exact same opinion and the massive number of touring bands using Kemper instead of the others would seem to suggest we are not alone.

    It seems like a mistake in product direction to make Kemper into Axe IMO.

    totally agree with this. We already have Axe an Helix which are brilliant in there own ways . Rather than try to become an Axe wannabe Kemper need to keep doing things in their own unique way. Keep developing and improving of course but keep pushing the boundaries in new unexpected ways rather that just add “me too” features.

  • The good thing is that sooner or later we will find out how it will be. Either one of us will be right or nobody. Or some to a degree. Who cares. My personal dream feature is clear, no matter if it will come true or not.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • OneEng1 and Wheresthedug

    Do you have any reliable data on the usage of Kempers and Axe-FX III on the road by established artists and their musicians? I was under the impression that the Axe-FX III actually has taken over as the most used now. U2, Metallica, John Mayer, Satriani and so on. That’s only an excerpt of the big artist. Then there are big artist, that has live musicians, that are not exposed as much. Of course Kemper also has their endorsed artists as well. I was just under the impression that the Axe-FX was the king of the road now. I might be wrong. But do you know this or do you think you know this?



    In regards to the sound of the units, I’ve seen quite a few tests of recordings of the units, where people can’t really guess which is which. They can only say, that they sound different. So to me that points in the direction of it being a difficult topic to discuss as many seems to struggle to pick out the different units. I know that these are not scientific tests and it depends on the individual sounds being used (is it a good profiling engineer behind the profile) etc. It still says “something” about the sound of the Kemper not being more real. In fact I’ve seen many use some of the same arguments for the Axe-FX and that it has a more realistic feel and that the Kemper lack some “realness”. So I guess it’s really subjective which conclusion one reaches at the end. So why should I believe “you” and your subjective perception?

  • OneEng1 and Wheresthedug

    Do you have any reliable data on the usage of Kempers and Axe-FX III on the road by established artists and their musicians? I was under the impression that the Axe-FX III actually has taken over as the most used now. U2, Metallica, John Mayer, Satriani and so on. That’s only an excerpt of the big artist. Then there are big artist, that has live musicians, that are not exposed as much. Of course Kemper also has their endorsed artists as well. I was just under the impression that the Axe-FX was the king of the road now. I might be wrong. But do you know this or do you think you know this?



    In regards to the sound of the units, I’ve seen quite a few tests of recordings of the units, where people can’t really guess which is which. They can only say, that they sound different. So to me that points in the direction of it being a difficult topic to discuss as many seems to struggle to pick out the different units. I know that these are not scientific tests and it depends on the individual sounds being used (is it a good profiling engineer behind the profile) etc. It still says “something” about the sound of the Kemper not being more real. In fact I’ve seen many use some of the same arguments for the Axe-FX and that it has a more realistic feel and that the Kemper lack some “realness”. So I guess it’s really subjective which conclusion one reaches at the end. So why should I believe “you” and your subjective perception?

    no I don't have reliable data on usage only anecdotal and personal sightings. Most of the Axe I have seen being used live have been as an FX processor with a traditional amp. But that is certainly a very limited dara set.

    As for sound quality. I totally agree with you. My personal views is that any if the top units would be easily capable of being used in a totally professional context. I would be happy with any of them. This actually supports my point thought. The key differentiation going forward sound be workflow and form factor driven rather than sound quality which has now reached well into law of diminishing territory.

    As a user I have no use for a USB interface or parallel paths etc. I want a simple direct access physical knob based interface.mayny that makes me weird and/or a minority group but I am sure I am not a totally unique case either.

    I have tried built in USB interfaces and they are nice to have in an emergency but are no competition for a dedicated interface. At the pro end of the market it would be unusual not to have a decent interface already. Which is why I see the USB interface issue as a "me to" feature rather than a necessary upgrade.

  • Maybe you’re right about the fx side of the Axe-FX and that THAT is the main purpose for its use live. I have no clue, but I bet that it’s a factor as well.

    Needs are different for different people of course. But I could definitely see a usb connection as a great option. Not to let the unit work as an interface. Like you said….that would be weird, if you have a great interface already. But the usb connection is for me a better way of carrying the digital signal. The s/Pdif solution is old and nany interfaces doesn’t have that opportunity anymore. Then you can use it through ADAT. But that solution doesn’t work well on my RME Babyface Pro. It crackles. So I use the analog signal. I prefer the digital solution though and therefore would love a usb connection instead of the old outdated s/pdif connection. So I’m almost at the point that, usb is paramount to me.

    And I never use anything other than RM to tweak the tones, so work flow and its setup in the device is of less importance to me. The software solutions all seem pretty similar and easy to learn.

  • Just came out a 3h studio session with the Stage. 4 different customers and 4 completely different styles of Music. 12 tracks in total (I know....).

    If I would had to use a traditional analogue Rig, I would have need 10 amps, about 50 kg of pedals and 10 guitars (I used 3).

    If ever Kemper comes out with a version 2 I would probably buy it, but in real life I can't think of 1 single thing I'm missing at the moment....just my thoughts

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • Kellerblues

    Of course. But that could easily have been a digital solution other than the Kemper. But I agree. Not having to a thousand amps and so on is great. That’s why I went digital already 22 years ago. The technology has improved at lot since. But when Li e6 came out….that was really cool at that time. Prior to that I used digital pedalboards. It’s a great thing to be able to avoid all these things when considering analog gear. But that is not the same as there’s nothing new to add, that would be killer and good for everyone.

  • Kellerblues

    Of course. But that could easily have been a digital solution other than the Kemper. But I agree. Not having to a thousand amps and so on is great. That’s why I went digital already 22 years ago. The technology has improved at lot since. But when Li e6 came out….that was really cool at that time. Prior to that I used digital pedalboards. It’s a great thing to be able to avoid all these things when considering analog gear. But that is not the same as there’s nothing new to add, that would be killer and good for everyone.

    I think Kellerblues was talking about the original post, not a comparison, which was your debate.

    Just a simple point - the comparison is pointless. AxFX and Helix are excellent products and so is the Kemper. They are different products with different focusses.

    What we do know, but with no figures, is that Kemper is a very popular touring rig. So too is the Ax - personally I've not seen many Helix live rigs, but that just what we've seen.

    I would guess, and its a total guess, that Ax and Kemper have a similar market share of the the live digital market and I agree with Wheresthedug that most racks/applications I've seen have the Ax as an effects model paired to a valve amp - I gigged with a band who had exactly that set up.

    In fact I've not seen any "ax only" set ups in my very limited gigging experience but I've seen a lot of "Kemper only" users. Of course this is just what I've seen. I've also not seen an SLO100 used live but I know they are :).

    Personally I prefer the Kemper approach because I don't use many effects live and in the studio I tend to play dry and add effects post...hence I don't see the need for such intricate effects and routing - but that's just me...

  • Other Multi FX units than the Stage are different units with different purposes and are for guitarists with different needs?


    What are you talking about?

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I also don't have any market data to support the idea that Kemper is used more than others for love rigs.

    I do a fair deal of travel to different places in the US, and in big entertainment cities line New Orleans, Nashville, and Austin, if you bar Hop around, you see Kemper quite a bit and like others stated, I generally only see Fractal used as an EFX processor.

    In other words, I have only anecdotal evidence.

    I also agree with others that tone is not a different today. This my conclusion that Kemper 2 should upgrade look and feel as well as external interfacing.

    Add another slot or two for EFX? Maybe add a two channel looper?

    Aside from these incremental types of changes (and adding a MINY form factor), I believe all they need is a fresh and moreodern look using newer chips.

  • Other Multi FX units than the Stage are different units with different purposes and are for guitarists with different needs?


    What are you talking about?

    I think he meant different approaches to a similar problem.

    For example I don't need complex routing or deep editing or highly detailed effects so guitarists have different needs at a lower level...

  • I have a request regarding the looper and I think it could be done via software on the current Kemper. I'm using Kemper Stage, mostly for worship music. Looper is great way to make a nice guitar shimmer pad for background. But, when I want to turn it off, it stops too sudden, that sounds unnatural. It would be great if you make an option for looper fadeout in seconds or bars so that when I stop the looper, it fades out smoothly. Also, it would be great if you make the looper volume software button in the output section. That way would be easier to control all the volumes in one place.;)

    As for Kemper 2, I would like the separate input for acoustic guitar. :):)



  • 100% seconded!

    My big asks are:

    1.The ability to use more than one profile at a time in a performance patch so I can profile an amp and a pedal separately and then use them together. So I can make the profiles whenever and not have to own the amp and pedal at the same time to make a profile of them together.

    2. The ability to transmit MIDI CC messages not just PCs

    3. Desktop app while profiling

    4. Modern form factor, Smaller footprint, color touch screen, stomp switch knobs like the QC and an integrated expression pedal like an HX

    5. USB reamping

    6. Performance modes like the QC to use the buttons as a pedalboard, preset selector or scene switcher.

    7. The ability to add profiles to the effects, so I can profile pedals.

    8. The ability to create rig templates and copy all the effects and settings from one rig to another all at once instead of one piece at a time in the desktop app.

    9. Automated volume normalization and/or a VU meter to help make all the rigs a similar volume, especially when switching instruments.

    10. XLR out for the monitor channel.

    11. Increased memory for onboard storage of more than 1000 rigs

  • I've only had my Kemper Stage for a week (and I love it), but here are things I would like to see:

    1. Keep knobs and buttons. I don't want a full touchscreen like a QC, but a better UI would be nice.

    2. Add an on-board rhythm machine and/or metronome

    3. Add an audio in (plug, or bluetooth) for playing along with backing tracks, YouTube, etc.

    4. Ability to run two profiles at once (in parallel).

    5. Ability to have all post cabinet effects in parallel and Kill-dry, for a true Wet-Dry-Wet configuration.

    6. TC Electronic 2290 and 1210 models (along with some other iconic rack gear like Lexicon PCM series).

    7. Ditch the USB A and B ports for USB C