No, WE don't need a kemper2

  • I suspect that you know absolutely nothing about cars and the technology that goes into cars. Especially today. Why do you think they connect a new car through a cable to a computer to find possible errors? Because it’s all mechanical? Tell that to all the French cars that comes into the shop with technology and wiring problems ;)

    But if you still think that the technology in a car is indifferent and a car just is a metal box on 4 wheels, then maybe a television will do the trick. I think we all can agree on, that the picture etc. gets better and better through technology and that 10 years in this field of technology is somewhat equivalent to a lifetime in other areas.

    ah, yes. You buy a new car so that your mechanic gets a better diagnostic tool. Gotcha. ?

    a TV is the same thing as the car analogy. When it’s made it’s made as a finished product. Done deal. An upgrade (!) from 4k to 8k is purely a hardware thing - «Software not included».

    That’s not how the Kemper works. And I adore them for it. As long as the hardware can support their ever evolving software, you don’t need a hardware upgrade. The software is the upgrade as far as sound and «tone» in the Kemper. There is no «hardware» tone in the Kemper as far as input > [tone] > output. (ad/da discussions aside: I don’t wanna touch that nest of killer bees... ?)

    Now, if you said you wanted a Kemper with four fx loops and a battery powered option, then that would require a hardware upgrade. And I’d agree with your sentiment. ?

    All IMO of course. ?

  • I said the same thing about more guitars.... :P

    :DHA!.. it's not hard to belive!

    I said the same thing when I've bought my first Les Paul Custom Shop...''I'll never need to Buy Another Giutar''..just fooling myself.


    with amps it's differnet. I've sold some amps (once profiled them) and I don't miss them at all.

    on the other hand I've bought back a giutar I've sold years ago!

    with guitars it's a different relation, You personally Touch a Neck, roll pots, switch PUs, Hit Strings...and so on.

    the amp.. it's far away. yes It's a big part of Your Sound but it's not so ..In Touch, with You.

  • ATT: dahla

    I only speak of technology. Technology development is many things. It’s both hardware and software. So to dismiss the car argument is not correct, when I’ve never stated it being about software. Only newer technology. In cars and tv’s there are both. So that’s not a logical dismissal.

    You would of course opt for the newer solution or you would demand a huge decrease in price. That’s pretty much how everything goes involving products. New and more advanced stuff arrives and the old drops in value instantaneously, because the newer is often better. The tv’s are better now than ten years ago. The cars are safer and better now than ten years ago.

  • For me, if a 1933 Duesenberg II SJ Boattail Speedster had an amp/radio/whatever in it that tone-wise sounded better (to me) than my Helix, Kemper, or Quad Cortex, I would be using it instead of anything else. If a 2021 unit did the same thing, I will be using it. It's all about tone for my ears.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • As long as the hardware can support their ever evolving software, you don’t need a hardware upgrade.

    But I actually do need an upgrade because the UI doesn’t make me happy anymore. It’s frustrating to use which means I get discouraged more quickly.

    I mean, they didn’t even include the tuner in the editor software...

  • Why?

    Because a fancy colored touchscreen on a hardware device doesn't help much. On the hardware, you want knobs and buttons (which we have plenty of) for direct, immediate access with haptic feel. A fancy screen UI could easily be done without a hardware revision (e.g. via a differently styled editor app on your computer, smartphone, tablet).

    As always, just my 2 cents.

  • Because a fancy colored touchscreen on a hardware device doesn't help much. On the hardware, you want knobs and buttons (which we have plenty of) for direct, immediate access with haptic feel. A fancy screen UI could easily be done without a hardware revision (e.g. via a differently styled editor app on your computer, smartphone, tablet).

    As always, just my 2 cents.

    There is a communication gap between the "typical modeler user" and the tube rig guy looking for a digital device to make things more easy.

    A huge one.I mean communication gap..:/

  • On the hardware, you want knobs and buttons (which we have plenty of)

    Yeah, my point exactly. One knob for each little thing in the "expected" user path - but the moment you want to deviate from that, it gets ugly. Like with parallel paths for bass DI. Or ambient effects mix in the last two slots. Honestly, I see no clear paradigm to follow in this and many other cases.

    And I'm not even blaming Kemper (coming from a period in time when the main player was Fractal, he actually made big steps towards better UX) - I just don't understand how defensive this community has gotten since the QC was announced (cause, c'mon, it is obvious). Would it be SO bad if the KPA team actually learned some lesson from around them and incorporated them in their product?

  • Would it be SO bad if the KPA team actually learned some lesson from around them and incorporated them in their product?

    Absolutely not ... and they will, I'm sure. I don't think I'm overly defensive either. There is many things that could be improved or done differently on a future Profiler 2, no doubt about that. All I tried to say is that a fancy graphical touch UI on the hardware wouldn't be the solution to all problems.

    Let me just give a quick off-topic example:

    Look at a Tesla Model 3 car ... pretty much everything is controlled via the big touchscreen, almost no physical controls (knobs, buttons) to be found. And many find this very unintuitive and difficult to use. Nothing beats dedicated knobs and buttons for quick adjustments. The way they do it really makes it impossible to do anything without being distracted from the actual driving.

  • Quote

    pretty much everything is controlled via the big touchscreen, almost no physical controls (knobs, buttons) to be found. And many find this very unintuitive and difficult to use. Nothing beats dedicated knobs and buttons for quick adjustments. The way they do it really makes it impossible to do anything without being distracted from the actual driving.

    Recently I read something about touchscreens in a new super jet and pilots hating it.Something like "it endangers our lives in certain situations" ....But they can't say it publicly know..

    It is interesting to see that everything is a cycle.Humans love to repeat things that went wrong in the past again and again until "it works"..or so they hope..

    In music we had all these 19" gear stuff.Many years ago.FX.Preamps.Power amps.Midi.Screens.

    Guitar players used all this and everyone was like "this is the future"..for like 1-2 years.And then they returned to gear with knobs.

    Let's see how much better touchscreens will do in the hands of guitar players.


  • Are you dissatisfied with the UI of the KPA, or of RM? Adding a tuner to Rig Manager should be fixable with a software update.

    I meant the unit. Sorry that wasn’t clear.

    And I’m definitely not dissatisfied with the UI. That sounds a bit strong. I am just frustrated at times. It has served me just fine over the years but I think it needs an update.

    I mentioned the tuner not being in RM as an example of what I consider a strange omission that causes me to have to get up from my recording desk and go use the physical UI.

    So yes it’s a software fix (I think). I’m surprised they didn’t include it. They could even simply add a button that triggers the tuner on the need to have an onscreen tuner (although that would probably be the best solution)

    I love my KPA. I have used it on many recordings and countless gigs over the last 7 years. But the trend in the digital amp world toward smaller units with more modern UI’s is attractive to me and if Kemper were to jump in that arena I’m sure they could push the envelope like they have already.

    I would buy one.

  • And I'm not even blaming Kemper (coming from a period in time when the main player was Fractal, he actually made big steps towards better UX)

    This is an excellent point ^^^

    I just don't understand how defensive this community has gotten since the QC was announced (cause, c'mon, it is obvious).

    It *is* obvious, and I don’t understand it either.

    We’re just talking here...letting Kemper and the community know how we feel!