someone not being honest ???

  • liveplayrock makes 200 profiles a day new packs every day ive read other users saying your using axe fx to make stuff you dont have 1 single pic of u in a studio or pics of amps mics cabs

    your using fake pictures from other peoples add ie the marshall pack

    pic is of a softube plugin whats the deal

  • Lets hope that liveplayrock joins this conversation and explains how he makes his profile packs. I agree what you are saying about the pics. On his Marshall Plexi pack the picture is of a UAD Marshall Plexi plugin. If you are selling a Kemper pack of an amp, show us a picture of the amp in your studio.

  • Accusations should be backed up with real proof. You, others or I don't know if this is true or not. I don't care if others claim the accusation is true or not. As long as there's no real proof, it's only a bad rumour and we don't need it here on this serious forum.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • From his website:

    "We create sounds and customize sounds through the use of these digital amplifiers." (referring to Kemper, Fractal & Helix)

    "Whenever a brands or artist name has been reported (in text or image or video) it has been made for informational purposes only and to clarify the origin of the profiling."

    On one hand he's saying that the digital devices are used to create the sounds (1st quote), and then he's suggesting that all Profiles are made from the real thing (2nd quote). He doesn't say "based on" / "inspired by" or anything like that, but rather that the Profiles' origins lie with the real thing.

    I agree that with such an extraordinary number of amps apparently moving in and out of his studio it's strange that not a single picture of any of the sessions is available (I looked hard).

    The default intelligent position in life is one of scepticism, and based on what I've seen I fall into that camp, I'm disappointed to say.

  • Accusations should be backed up with real proof. You, others or I don't know if this is true or not. I don't care if others claim the accusation is true or not. As long as there's no real proof, it's only a bad rumour and we don't need it here on this serious forum.

    I don't disagree with any of this. But the original post literally asked a question. The only direct accusation I see was the use of a 'stock' Marshall pic.

    The volume of profiles coming out of the studio is far more than any other Profile maker I've heard of. Access to that many amps to create profiles in what seems like an almost assembly-line fashion is a cause to make you wonder. Then add the time for load-in, setting the amp, the mic...... Makes you wonder.

    I hope everything with this person is legitimate. I really do. With the information we have? At minimum questions are warranted.

    The irony of "How genuine are your Profiles?" Suddenly, the question has more than one meaning. :)

  • lol wheres his post where he states.... The The commercialization of profiling began only in the last period, and for graphics I simply made personal choices to differentiate myself from the market. it's a free market, you can do it!The commercialization of profiling began only in the last period, and for graphics I simply made personal choices to differentiate myself from the market. it's a free market, you can do it!mercialization of profiling began only in the last period, and for graphics I simply made personal choices to differentiate myself from the market. it's a free market, you can do it!

  • you also stated in post that was deleted i gues saying its a free market to use whatever pics you want ...

    At common law, the use of another person's image to promote or publicize products or services without their direct consent may constitute grounds for such a cause of action. ... This would be to use the image to obtain fame, publicity, monetary benefits and attention from others.

  • MrThommy

    I now can understand the sceptics. The now deleted explanations are weak. I think the problem is, that no other seller does give so little information about the profiling process and the gear used in the studio.

    For example: When there are so many Marshalls (tags say new profiles 2020!) available like Silver Jubilee, JTM45, JCM800, JCM800ZW, JVM410, AFD Slash... the most obvious thing in the world would be using pictures you did make of the real amps!!! Your own pictures! And of course naming the studio and gear used!!

    So people of course are asking now:

    - Where do all the amps come from? Who owns them? Can this be real?

    - If you did the profiling in (different) studio(s), so why is there mostly the same two cabs with just a SM57?!? How can we imagine this?

    Do you carry your Laney cab to different studios? Who owns that Marshall cab you mentioned?

    - Which mic preamps are used in the studio? You are saying you are renting a studio to only mic a cab with a SM57 straight into Kemper? Or what? Which "studio" does this? You have access to everything (Carvin amp for Vai, Two Rock...) and do profiling sessions in the studio, but than again no pro gear used there?

    - People now could think, that you just shot a few IR from your Laney cab - the(only?) one in your homestudio - plus a few Marshall IR of unknown origin are used and than just copied to different direct amp profiles. And that amps are maybe not real, because no one ever has seen pictures.

    I already had a conversation in the past with him, cause I had questions about a few things "strange" with the profiles (when gain was adjusted all profiles in a pack seemed to sound identically....). He explained that this is the result of his profiling method.

  • Haha, genius :) Just use digital emulations to get different packs. I wonder if he is the first or most of the other smaller profilers do similar cheats :) Crazy world.

    Yes I agree the deleted response was kinda weak... whatever. I have no problem with this IF IT IS CLEARLY STATED on the site. A good sound is always a good sound. If they are real amps as MrThommy said, you definitely need to document the process in more detail, so buyers can see it is the real deal. If this is not possible, then it is all digital stuff confirmed.