Hi everyone,
I have made profiles of my Bogner Überschall rev blue Head.
As I like that a lot of people are sharing their profiles here, I thought it would be faire to share mine too
The cab I used is an ENGL 412 pro slanted with V30, and the mic was an SM57.
Here are the profiles : Alexis' Uber.zip
Here is how to read my code:
NB = No boost
On A = On axis
Off A = Off axis
Bomba = boosted with a Bombastorsion
TS9 = boosted with a tube screamer
BB pre = boosted with a BB preamp
The EQ settings were always the same. I only slightly changed the gain setting between the different versions.
I used my Remige Red Falcon to refine the profiles. The bridge PU is Dominger Raw, and the Neck PU is a Dominger Flaming pepper.
Here are pictures of my profiling session and of the settings I used:
Hope you will enjoy!