[Public Beta] PROFILER OS

  • I feel I've got the best of both worlds....

    We have the flex to alter parameters to find the best settings ( great for the tweakers) and presets of settings that people can create more and share...

    I think it's just a matter of time that some users or even Kemper themselves start releasing longer lists of presets to replicate different sweet spot settings of their real pedals.

  • I'm beta chicken, probably because I don't know enough to sort things out if they went south.

    I have to say thank you to the Kemper team (and all you crazy beta dudes) though.

    These updates and the delay / verb updates may have been enough for some mfr's to tout a new model.

    Every year this thing gets better value for money, not worse (especially combined with some of the newer profiles available from some of the big hitters). I can't say that about any single piece of studio gear I've bought in the past

    Sorry not much help with the new drive discussion here lol

  • I'm beta chicken, probably because I don't know enough to sort things out if they went south.

    I have to say thank you to the Kemper team (and all you crazy beta dudes) though.

    Sorry not much help with the new drive discussion here lol

    In my experience, I've had very little issue with major crashes on beta, more that some functions break etc. which are then resolved.

    If you do a backup then total worse case scenario is that you have to do a full reset and load your backup. I haven;t got any gigs now so hence I think its worth the risk ( if that helps).

  • How does changing the Delay/Reverb mix knob setting in the Rig menu affect the issue? It seems to me that the series/parallel ability of that parameter, combined with a distortion that has its own mix control could provide complex harmonic (ans un-harmonic) distortion, especially if it is being driven by an amp module that has gain.

    Toggling the parallel path button (either on or off) allows a few seconds of 'normal' before the 'ring mod' kicks in. Backing off the parallel mix to -5 kills it and the OC altogether. This is with a relatively clean amp (Vibroverb) up front.

  • On the debate about "is it better to have one complete model of each original pedal or Kemper Drive?", there's something else that could be said.

    Some people like me didn't choose Fractal because tweaking was a nightmare for them, and Kemper proposed tons of immediately usable sounds, in addition to very intuitive settings that don't exist on real amps (and on their models by definition). Well, to me this Kemper drive does it again ! Ok some aspects of the logic is a bit hard to understand and I'll never be able to target a pedal type and retrieve the right numbers of the settings myself from scratch, but the presets with the right names are there anyway, and it's largely enough to make it very simple. The numbers I'll never remember, but the names Yes, then tweaking to taste from a good sweet spot is okay for me.

    Another thing I was thinking is about the notion of "sweet spot" that I've never heard before and that I find very interesting. To me it means that among the say 10000 possible settings of a stomp (10^4 combination for a stomp with 4 pots from 1 to 10) only a portion of them sound "sweet", am I right? This explains mainly why tweaking is a nightmare for me... So we can see the Kemper drive as a pedal that navigates from sweet spot to sweet spot of different stomp models. And the good point of it is that among the 10000 settings now, you mainly (if not only) have sweet spots. That's at least the feeling I have when I play with it, and I like it a lot.

    This +100000. I had a Fractal FM3 that was a usability nightmare. Sure, I could adjust the voltage and EQ curve of every drive pedal, but what good is all that when there's a noticable lag in scene switching while playing live? And the community response to all the bugs and usability issues was "BUT ITS SO POWERFUL YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF ITS GLORY." Ok, being a buy hyperbolic here, but I'll gladly take better usability and sweet-spot sounds than endless authentic tweakability any day.

  • This thread has become really spicy. I'd bet that anyone in this thread would have a hard time telling the difference between the real pedals and the Kemper Drive equivalent in a properly engineered and mixed recording. ?

    I see this argument a lot. To me it's more about how you feel during the performance. You will simply play better. It's not about how the tone is in a mix.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • This is VERY exciting!! I'll at most be able to try out the new overdrives, can't wait to do this! But I have too many gigs coming up to start changing any rigs - I'm therefore strangely glad they're not compatible with the current OS!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • full oc sounds killer, so dynamic:thumbup:

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • I see this argument a lot. To me it's more about how you feel during the performance. You will simply play better. It's not about how the tone is in a mix.

    I'm happy playing through a basic drive pedal and a decent tube amp and having more money to put in my 401k, but that's just me. I'm still convinced that the greatest amp ever built was the Mesa Rectoverb Series 2 that I so stupidly traded for some worthless gear. Quirky and hell but it played like an extension of me.

  • Like the idiot I am , I forgot to make a backup before I upgraded... I love the new drives, but as far as I can tell, something has changed as some of my auto-wahs now sound like complete dog poop. Hopefully its something on my end... will try to investigate and report back when I can.

  • Got a chance to A/B:

    • 808 Mid preset against my TS Mini pedal. Turned the definition down to 3.0 and it's indistinguishable.
    • Tim Bass 1 against my Timmy v2 pedal. Turned the bass down on the pedal a little and it's indistinguishable.

    This is going straight into Kemper out to headphones.

    I noticed the Kemper Drive and OC sound significantly better into a Fender profile (Deluxe Reverb) than it does a Vox profile (AC 15/30). That's not the case with my real Deluxe Reverb and AC15. Point being -- highly recommend testing these new drives with profiles you don't normally use. Might be pleasantly surprised.

    I'd use these in place of my real pedals in a heartbeat, but I use buttons 1-5 for different amps (Fender - Vox - Marshall - Hiwatt - Mesa/Rivera). I'd have to give those up to use those buttons for switching drives. I know MIDI is a thing but it's just such a pain in the ass to maintain over time if you ever switch stuff in and out. What I really want is a bigger remote with 10 buttons.

  • Cool, I can't wait to try them out.

    On the argument that it would have been better to have many differently named stomps vs one stomp that does it all, I guess both arguments have their merits and demerits.

    In the end though, I guess it pays not to get caught up in semantics and just tweak with an open mind till you get a tone that might be a cross between a Klon and a TS-808, for example.

  • Haven't tried the Beta yet, but am puzzled to hear no mention about FuzzFace modeling with the new code. I never thought the legacy drive did a convincing job on this and it's about the only device that Helix clearly has done better to date

    I think you are missing the point with the Kemper Drive. It does not model Fuzz, or distortion in general. Only overdrives.

    From the Addendum 8.0:

    Kemper Drive
    The Kemper Drive covers the crucial ranges of the most sought-after overdrive pedals available.
    As you will know, the Boss® OD-1* and the Ibanez® Tube Screamer TS 808* were the first among a new breed of
    overdrive pedals, first created back in the 70’s. The main technical properties were, in contrast to distortion pedals, a
    soft diode saturation coupled with the clean guitar signal mixed to the saturated sound – this lead to them being
    known by the somewhat misleading name "transparent overdrive". Since that time, many derivates from different
    companies has been brought to life, most of which have been based on the same circuit. While many of them offer
    interesting additional features and controls, as well as different sweet spots, they all share a similar basic sound
    Rather than emulating a number of sought-after overdrive pedals, and having their distinctive character differences
    baked in without options, we decided to ease your life as a guitarist by giving you one single overdrive pedal that can
    handle all these sound colors, and everything in between.
    We have evaluated both the similarities and the differences between many overdrive pedals, with the goal of
    creating the ultimate overdrive with the widest possible range of sound colors and sweet spots. As it happens, it
    turned out even better than we imagined, as the resulting circuit is unparalleled in flexibility, and it achieves this with
    only two additional controls.

  • Not trying to speak for him but I think his point was fuzzes are kinda rough on the Kemper. I'm happy with the Fuzz DS effect. It sounds great into the right profile. But it definitely doesn't cover the same ground as some common fuzzes.

    All of this is kinda a success problem -- the delays, reverbs and now drives are great, so there are fewer things to focus our bitching and moaning on.

  • Not trying to speak for him but I think his point was fuzzes are kinda rough on the Kemper. I'm happy with the Fuzz DS effect. It sounds great into the right profile. But it definitely doesn't cover the same ground as some common fuzzes.

    Have you tried using a 'neutral' stomp (like a flat EQ) in front of the Fuzz stomp and turning down the volume of the EQ? :)

    or add the Recti Shaper to any Profile to turn it into a octave up fuzz monster (like a Foxx Tone Machine)

    Analog Octaver before dirt is also recommended :evil:

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  • This is VERY exciting!! I'll at most be able to try out the new overdrives, can't wait to do this! But I have too many gigs coming up to start changing any rigs - I'm therefore strangely glad they're not compatible with the current OS!


    Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.
    Laurence J. Peter