Stomps on/off in rigmode; midi-controller

  • My Line6 HD500X-floorboard is dying. I'm looking for a new midiboard to control the Kemper.

    With the Line6 I can turn every stomp on or off in Rigmode.

    Within a bank I can switch between 4 rigs/presets.

    And ofcourse I can switch between banks.

    This is the way I play live.

    I like it that I can switch every stomp on or off.

    I'm looking at the FCB1010. Looks fine to me, but all I can find is that you can switch only 5 stomps per rig instead of all 8. Is this true? Or can the FCB1010 switch every stomp on and off? Can the FCB do what the Line6 does? Does the wah need an switch to be turned on/off or can it be switched on by moving the pedal (so there are still 5 stomps left to assign to other stomps)?

  • Due to corona, there was no urge for me to get a new midi-controller. Now I'm searching again. So, the question remains: what is a good alternative for a Line6 hd500x? Fcb1010 is not an alternative.

    I would like the possibility

    - to turn every individual stomp on/off

    - to use built-in pedal(s) for volume and wah

    - not to be too expensive.

    What's on the market?

  • Well, the Line6 does it quite fine with twelve switches and a dual-assignable footpedal. Just wondering if there are more alternatives that can do the same, or more.

    Programming is done once and after that it's copy-paste and adjust the preset.

  • How about something like a Ground Control Pro from Voodoo Lab? I have one that I used to use with my Axe FX. It doesn't have any limitations with how many of the switches you can have turned on at a time. It can also accept 2 expression pedals.

  • Well, the Line6 does it quite fine with twelve switches and a dual-assignable footpedal. Just wondering if there are more alternatives that can do the same, or more.

    Programming is done once and after that it's copy-paste and adjust the preset.

    Since you have already done the programming, you could get a used Line 6 for cheap (or even two) and clone them from your current pedal.

  • I guess, it depends on the way you prefer to organize your sounds.

    Most of the time I switch complete Rigs corresponding to musical scenes. I use switches for Morphing and Action&Freeze like Rotary Speed. I rarely switch individual effects on/off.

    Others use more universal Rigs and switch effects on/off all the time and in all possible permutations. Then you need many effect buttons.

  • the fbcb1010 has 10 switch right?

    With the native chip I ve programmed it to always have 4 different rig for any bank, tuner and tap tempo, and the remaining 4 switch are for turning on/off stomps A,B,C,D.

    To control the other 4 FX stop I ve connected 2 double footswitches to the rear società of the KPA.

    I' ll post a self explaining pic as soon as I' ll find it...but basically Yes.. you can do it with the fbcb1010