Poweramp for Kemper and Kabinet.

  • I wanted to give a shout out to Tilman Ritter, designer/manufacturer of the Camplifier series, for his help in modifying my unit to work with a 4 ohm load.

    I purchased a used C360 stereo 2x180 unit off of TGP. I was using it with 2 F12-X200 and was pretty happy. Then the Kone firmware came out and I realize that I was not going to be able to drive the Kones with the Camplifier without harm to the amp(in stereo anyway).

    I reached out to Tilman, after he posted what was going on with his product line to support using the Kone, on this forum. I emailed him and asked if there was a way to mod the unit to make it 4 ohm compatible and that my many years as a tech in the defense industry would lend me the experience to do the work and not have to ship the unit to Germany.

    He provided a PDF that shows how to mod the mono unit, but the instruction work the same for a stereo unt. Just follow the output wiring and it's easy to find the 2 channels.

    My output was cut from 180W x 2 @ 8 ohms to 90W x 2 @ 4 ohms, but I use this at home and the volume reduction will not effect reaching my playing volume. It's still more power than the old Rocktron Velocity 150, I was using prior to this modification.

    Email him here @ info@ritteramps.de if you're interested. Great guy to deal with. He's busy with the 4 ohm compatible product line, so give him a couple of days to respond. Most manufacturers would require returning the unit to them. I find this refreshing and great source of customer service.

  • Thumbs up on the TC BAM200. Works well, sounds great, small and portable, can't beat the price.

    I 'm a little bit confused.

    the tc electronic BAM200 is a bass amplifier, right?

    Neither the input sensitivity (which is designed for a bass guitar) nor the frequency response of the amplifier correspond to a power amplifier or match the Kemper output level.

    Bass amplifiers usually have a high-cut filter at around 2000 Hz.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Anybody can help me figuring out, what impedance of amp top choose (where I connect Kemper's Cabinet Output...)?

    Tha manual of PS-2 says:

    9. AMPLIFIER IMPEDANCE – Sets the impedance of the internal reactive load for optimum performance

    from your amplifier. Simply set the impedance selector switch for the impedance required by

    your amplifier.

    nightlight  Crossroads ??

    Kemper' manual doesn't say anything about output impedance:

     Analog Outputs

    MAIN OUTPUTS L and R: XLR balanced ¼-inch TS unbalanced with ground lift, max output level: XLR +22 dBu, TS +16 dBu

    MONITOR OUTPUT: ¼-inch TS unbalanced with ground lift, max output level: +16 dBu

    DIRECT OUTPUT/SEND: ¼-inch TS unbalanced with ground lift, max output level: +16 dBu Output dynamic range: >108 dB

    HEADPHONE Output: ¼-inch TRS stereo, 32-600 ohms, 330 mW @ 32 ohms, 220 mW @ 600 ohms

    ckemper - maybe you could help?

    Edited 2 times, last by skoczy (April 3, 2020 at 12:40 PM).

  • So played with Kemper + Fryette PS-2 + Kabinet.


    Fender amps / Vox amps with imprints (Jen P12R, Jen C12N Ceramic) sound definitely amp-in-the -roomish (Kemper Cone and Monitor Cab Off selected in OUTPUT menu). This I could not get with Yamaha DXR10.

    High gain amps... this is tough to say. With "Kemper Cone" and "Monitor Cab Off" selected in OUTPUT menu I could not hear amp in the room so much (I heard it maybe once in guitar shop...) - well it was maybe there, when I set VOLUME on PS-2 to noon, but then my neighbours have to like metal music as well. But I don't find as much distinction between imprints, as it is on cleaner rigs.

    I will compare once again with DXR10, but on cleaner profiles it sounds flat.

    One thing Fryette PS-2 has a fan, which is audible when I don't play and it is silent. When I play anything in normal volumes it tends to be lost within the guitar sound... however I was not aware of this. I wonder if Kemper's poweramp (I have unpowered unit) or Ritter's retrofit amps do the same amp-in-the-room on cleanish profiles....

  • Hi all,

    I stumbled across these little desktop power amps, which seem to be designed for driving passive monitors or other speakers, and targeted at the audiophile market (hence the RCA jacks). They are not specifically guitar power amps. However, the specs look like they would work just fine, they are solid state, class D amplifiers with power ranging from 50 up to 160 watts per side, and can drive speakers ranging from 2 ohms to 8 ohms. They are very small and extremely inexpensive ($60 Canadian on Amazon). Company name is Fosi Audio, here is the Amazon link.


    Is there any reason why this would not work to drive a Kone from an unpowered toaster? Any issues using RCA to TRS adapters on the cables?

    Thanks everyone,


  • I picked up a Seymour Duncan Powerstage 700 yesterday and it sounds very promising. I like it because you can run Stereo out of the KPA through the 700 into two speaker kabs. The Fryette PS2 (which I have and really like) will only allow a mono signal in. I haven't used it out on a job yet so reserving all out positive message until I do.

  • I picked up a Seymour Duncan Powerstage 700 yesterday and it sounds very promising. I like it because you can run Stereo out of the KPA through the 700 into two speaker kabs. The Fryette PS2 (which I have and really like) will only allow a mono signal in. I haven't used it out on a job yet so reserving all out positive message until I do.

    But on stereo out you don't have Kone technology and imprints, right?