• What am I missing here? I'm trying to have an open mind and I realize that patches can be tweaked to taste, etc., but this sounds awful to me. Someone posted this clip over at TGP and it sounds buzzy, fizzy, and like a square wave distortion...somewhat like playing your guitar directly into a solid state mixing board and turning up the input gain.

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    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • im so glad that i canceled my order for QC

    after i had done this

    my Kemper sounded 3 times better than before

    and before it sounded already glorious

    what a great piece of gear

    the most digital piece of gear which sounds and feels so absolute real analog

    bravo Kemper

  • Just cancelled my order for the QC too.

    Not really feeling too many good vibes.

    Im sure its great but ive lost the excitement since my order was placed in January.

    'You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead' - Stan Laurel

  • A little bit overhyped.And most people don't like this.Anyway.

    Yet would be a great time to announce a "KPA XL" with dual amp,more fx,more I/Os/touchscreen and wifi..for whoever thinks he really needs all this.

    And for the rest of us this would give @CK the time to decide about a real KPA 2 which is as revolutionary as the current one was during the last decade.

  • A little bit overhyped.And most people don't like this.Anyway.

    Yet would be a great time to announce a "KPA XL" with dual amp,more fx,more I/Os/touchscreen and wifi..for whoever thinks he really needs all this.

    And for the rest of us this would give @CK the time to decide about a real KPA 2 which is as revolutionary as the current one was during the last decade.

    Good summary. What you call XL would be a real II for me already. Yes, everybody should distinguish between real tool and toy for himself. You can make a lot of money with both.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • Good summary. What you call XL would be a real II for me already. Yes, everybody should distinguish between real tool and toy for himself. You can make a lot of money with both.

    Every music tool is "a toy".That's the reason we "play it"..

    Actually I don't know any culture/language which does not describe music tools as "toys to play" with..?

  • Every music tool is "a toy".

    Well, no, without wanting to get too philosophical. Otherwise everything you "possess" except food, clothes and shelter are mere toys (wifes included).

    "Play" in musical terms is something different (for me) than "playing" with literal toys for the sake of playing (which is biologically spoken learning). Answer to your question: in German, for example, there is a verb for "making music" that does not contain "playing" ;). I cannot imagine that the ancient Greeks did not have such a word.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

    Edited once, last by Alienator (May 9, 2021 at 2:38 PM).

  • Well, no, without wanting to get too philosophical. Otherwise everything you "possess" except food, clothes and shelter are mere toys (wifes included).

    "Play" in musical terms is something different (for me) than "playing" with literal toys for the sake of playing (which is biologically spoken learning). Answer to your question: in German, for example, there is a verb for "making music" that does not contain "playing" ;). I cannot imagine that the ancient Greeks did not have such a word.

    Welches Instrument machst Du?Oder spielst Du?

    Sure you speak correct german?

  • Oh.I understand.So if someone asks you "was spielst Du?" you answer is "Ich musiziere"..

    That's fine.A little bit stiff.Hordor style.But in any case it is not wrong.

    Man :). What's wrong? Leave Hodor alone, he's my friend.. I would say, you are distorting completely what I said: I said, there is a word in German for making music that does not imply "playing", that's all I said. I did not point to what you answer when being asked which musical instrument you "play". We use "play" in this case only because of the absence of a better word, not because we literally compare the biological behavior "playing" with "using an instrument". And yes, people use "musizieren" in Germany a lot in various cases, for example in school language or when people describe social activities. It is not "stiff" at all by itself, it is how you use apply it. Don't blame me, blame those .... German to the bone Germans.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • No, for many of us not toys. And for many, a device that gets at what the artist is after creatively is good enough—in fact brilliant. That’s maybe why CK & Co seemed, historically, to be bemused by the incessant, vocal hypothetical frustrations of home players. Even so, they have incrementally addressed so many of those “demands”, necessary or not, improvement or not.

    This presumption that dual amps or a touch screen—or even lovely new fuzzes—would inevitably improve the Kemper experience ... I personally don’t get. That’s based on owning so many other devices that purport to offer a “modern” UI.

    But yes I love that the team is getting deeper in to sound design with effect builds.

    I’d like to see a bottom-up redesign of the storage framework, and the rig manager interface in general. But really, that would only improve my life a little. I’d hardly call it a necessity, or an impetus to get a different product. If music comes first, Kemper has been “there” since the beginning.

    Anyway yeah I’m pretty sure CK can deliver something new that answers some of the relentless global chatter without fully sacrificing the mindset ethos design sensibility at the core of the KPA identity.

    The element of surprise, of delivering on core amp functionality while introducing novel parameters we didn’t know we needed but quickly realized that we did, continues to mean sweet tones and a fun ride.