• V8guitar  Nikos make that 3 - I wouldn’t trust my ears as far as I can throw them and since they are firmly attached to the rest of me that isn’t very far!

    As for Pete Thorn check out his first album Guitar Nerd. Its pretty cool all round. The new one is good too.

    plus he’s a Canadian and who doesn’t love Canadians.

  • V8guitar  Nikos make that 3 - I wouldn’t trust my ears as far as I can throw them and since they are firmly attached to the rest of me that isn’t very far!

    Pentatonics,major,minor..same stereotype clean and overdriven sounds..all nice if you're a young lad..but..you know..?(..at some point you get just tired.I don't know if you like Zappa but for me his stuff is "medicine" for tired ears.This mix of acoustical instruments and electric stuff.Fat nice contrast for the ears.Ofcourse the mix of crazy styles,modes and unusual grooves do not harm either.Also ethno stuff,old school jazz/fusion and ofcourse classical music..food for our ears..


    Sure.But for reviews you need these players who have a nice vibrato,phrasing and good bending to hear if gear is really good.A review with bad playing does help in what way exactly?

  • Pentatonics,major,minor..same stereotype clean and overdriven sounds..all nice if you're a young lad..but..you know..?(..at some point you get just tired.I don't know if you like Zappa but for me his stuff is "medicine" for tired ears.This mix of acoustical instruments and electric stuff.Fat nice contrast for the ears.Ofcourse the mix of crazy styles,modes and unusual grooves do not harm either.Also ethno stuff,old school jazz/fusion and ofcourse classical music..food for our ears..

    nothing to do with the QC but I absolutely LOVE Zappa ?????

  • Perfect, now I can confirm that the capture function is most likely an afterthought, looks oversimplified, and they also have to push it as a "flagship feature". No refining per se, no amp parmeters of any sort, only Gain, bass, mid, treble and volume.

    Am I wrong or did I see in a video that there was a kind of refining? Except from that a refining might not be necessary if the algorithm does the job close enough. In an interview or some faq they said that capturing and learning different amp parameters is possible from a theoretic point of view with their engine. I think the main problem here is the huge amount of possible combinations even if you don't measure everything and calculate the rest in between. Some amps have additional presence and/or resonance and interaction between the parameters and a non linear behavior. And you would also have to make sure that it can be done by the user. :)

  • Am I wrong or did I see in a video that there was a kind of refining? Except from that a refining might not be necessary if the algorithm does the job close enough. In an interview or some faq they said that capturing and learning different amp parameters is possible from a theoretic point of view with their engine. I think the main problem here is the huge amount of possible combinations even if you don't measure everything and calculate the rest in between. Some amps have additional presence and/or resonance and interaction between the parameters and a non linear behavior. And you would also have to make sure that it can be done by the user. :)

    They have "sanity check and training" that is what you normally do with a neural network to get the closest result to the expected. I am well versed in neural networks, and the bad news is they are not too fast with non-linear systems, if the input is a preset patern, you wont get a lot of accuracy because what a non-linear system needs to make a proper regression (and consequently a neural network or transfer funtion), its a high amount of random input variation. Thats most likely what the kemper does with the refining part, here you dont add a random input to the system, they just put the neural network to train by itself it seems. My main complain is, again , this looks just like a marketing-half-cooked feature. Sad :/

    The answer is 42

  • Looking forward to getting mine. I suspect the captures will be on par with the KPA and combined with the modeling you get the best of both worlds.

    The UI is ridiculously awesome. I wish Kemper had done something like this with the Stage.

    I will live with both units for a while to compare them. One will stay, and it may be the KPA. If I end up keeping the QC instead, I will of course keep an eye on Kemper hoping they release a unit (possibly KPA 2?) with a more modern UI.

    I love my Kemper so I would buy one!

  • Pentatonics,major,minor..same stereotype clean and overdriven sounds..all nice if you're a young lad..but..you know..?(..at some point you get just tired.I don't know if you like Zappa but for me his stuff is "medicine" for tired ears.This mix of acoustical instruments and electric stuff.Fat nice contrast for the ears.Ofcourse the mix of crazy styles,modes and unusual grooves do not harm either.Also ethno stuff,old school jazz/fusion and ofcourse classical music..food for our ears..

    I'm not young, although I look amazing for my age :). Its not diversity for my ears, its just I cannot objectively hear a sound. Its more related to how I feel, what I fancy playing and how inspiring the sound is, but most importantly, context.

    Hence one day my main sound comes across flat and I think I need to change that. I find something else and really like it. I go back to my original and fall back in love with it. Listen again to the new sound and don;t like it. That's all in the space of 30 mins...

    Feel is going to be the biggest tester for the Quad.

  • I'm not young, although I look amazing for my age :). Its not diversity for my ears, its just I cannot objectively hear a sound. Its more related to how I feel, what I fancy playing and how inspiring the sound is, but most importantly, context.

    True rocknrollers will always look young..^^

    I was not talking about diversity.But keeping our ears fresh.Replacing fresh ears of our youth,this aggressiveness and most of all tons of passion with development and experience.

    I know so many rock musicians beyond their 40s with tired ears not sure anymore about their objectivity..still trying to repeat things as they always did in the past "because it works"..well..not anymore as it seems..

    To keep our ears fresh and the passion/positive psychology going we need development.And this is something everyone has to look into himself.No new gear will help with this.No new technology.No "better and faster UI "for better work flow".Or what ever.

  • I just pre-order the QC. Thinks I'm looking forward to testing:

    - How does it compare to the KPA when profiling / capturing a rig which includes multiple (stacked) OD pedals?

    - How will the different operating modes of the KPA (browsing vs performing) compare to the modes of the QC (presets, scenes, stomps)?

    - How does the UI experience compare to the KPA, including the computer editor?