• I doubt that there will ever be a "one size fits all" device. It´s always a balance act between size, weight, functions (I/Os), features etc.

    If someone wants/needs a super robust floorboard for gigs in purgatory, I don´t think that a floor profiler (!) is the perfect device to go with. I guess that the idea behind the QC is much more to provide a super portable & lightweight device which enables musicians and studio professionals to recreate AND create sounds with ease everywhere they go (1.6KG vs 5 KG (Kemper)). At the same time it wants to be a device for home & studio usage which even can be used in live environments as well if needed.

    Today every serious recording studio/producer has a KPA.It is studio standard like the U87 or the NS10.

    So..all you need is a USB stick..;)

  • ever since I singed up,, Ive been BOMBED with spam, as much as 2-3 mails a day,, so you can clearly see their biz model,,trying to sell plug ins,

    Scroll to the bottom of one of these emails and click on "Unsubscribe." Worked for me, no more superfluous emails!

    You gotta have the right guns when you enter the town of tone. And please, shoot ALL fanboys you come across!

  • then your prob out of the running for the give away,, like we were ever in it anyway, looks like a giant email phishing scheme to harvest mail adds, to send their plug in spam to,,how pro of them,bait them with a prize,,then spam them till the box is full ,,,2 today so far and its only 8 am here,, just the kind of Co, I have tried to avoid,Thank god for the kemper biz model,,

  • There are reasons why pedals and floor stuff in general have always been "cheap and affordable" tools.Under 1000$ in any case.Much less until the 90s.For decades.Now this may have changed.As have venues and frequency of having live gigs.Thats for sure.

    I never played in a church.I really envy you for this nice (and clean) environment to make your music and earn a few bucks(?)..you are a lucky guy.

    As for me personally.. recalling how often I played in places which you can describe as "the opposite of a church" and also all these rainy(in the past) and hot,dusty,sandy(last years) outdoor venues,festivals I played I can't exactly agree on the "over exaggerated" part of things.

    You really want to put a 1500$ tool on a festival stage where rain is puring on the floor all around you?Be my guest.I won't do this.

    For the Quad, get yourself a 2-gallon size ziplock bag. All done.

    At a rainy festival, if the area at my feet was exposed to the rain, but the area behind me where an amp/rack/etc. would be located was covered; sure. I did a lot of festivals, bars, college events, ect. over the years. On a few less than ideal occasions, I threw a towel over my pedal board and made due without having less ability to toggle stuff. In fact, just did an outdoor event at the church in October on a day that was 45 degrees. I had my KPA head and remote (now sold) and my biggest aggravation and fear was figuring out where to sit the darn head safely and run the cat-6 cable to and from it to the remote in a way that wouldn't get it damaged by myself of others. The same fear of condensation from the cold existed regardless of where I set it, and the same vulnerability to rain. If I had my Stage that day, I would have had fewer concerns, the biggest that day was my expensive acoustic in the cold.

  • For the Quad, get yourself a 2-gallon size ziplock bag. All done.

    At a rainy festival, if the area at my feet was exposed to the rain, but the area behind me where an amp/rack/etc. would be located was covered; sure. I did a lot of festivals, bars, college events, ect. over the years. On a few less than ideal occasions, I threw a towel over my pedal board and made due without having less ability to toggle stuff. In fact, just did an outdoor event at the church in October on a day that was 45 degrees. I had my KPA head and remote (now sold) and my biggest aggravation and fear was figuring out where to sit the darn head safely and run the cat-6 cable to and from it to the remote in a way that wouldn't get it damaged by myself of others. The same fear of condensation from the cold existed regardless of where I set it, and the same vulnerability to rain. If I had my Stage that day, I would have had fewer concerns, the biggest that day was my expensive acoustic in the cold.

    Thing is disaster gigs don't happen often.But they happen if you play a lot of gigs.Which I do not anymore.But when I did in the past I had several really disaster gigs.And each of them made me "rethink" my concept of gear/backup etc.Good lessons.I learned a lot.Bit ofcourse this is a very personal thing.

    So yes..I understand completely why many guys would mark my concerns as "over exaggerated "..no problem..

    But imo modern gear should reflect the "lessons learned" solutions we had over the last decades.Not only for certain groups of musicians but more "common sense" style.And when it comes to modelers..indeed only the kemper stuff includes what I mean.I said it in a post above.Automatic leveling between rigs,seamless switching between presets etc..the toaster format is made for gigs,the remote is built like a tank.Expensive but not exaggerated..and so many other clever and useful stuff.

    Now..common sense says to me that a huge sensitive touchscreen could be the weak spot within a great concept for a small,powerful floorboard.How difficult is it to find a solution to protect a touchscreen on stage when you don't tweak?

    Questions like these (same with finding a solution for seamless preset switching) make me doubt the whole concept.Obviously the folks behind this product don't know much about the needs of the common musician out there.Or they dont care and try to impress bedroom nerds with dsp graphs,fancy UI or whatever a working musician does not really need when he is on stage or in the studio.

  • Obviously the folks behind this product don't know much about the needs of the common musician out there.Or they dont care and try to impress bedroom nerds with dsp graphs,fancy UI or whatever a working musician does not really need when he is on stage or in the studio.

    Wouldn´t the simpliest solution for such events be an additional FCB1010 or something similar plugged into the QC?

  • Wouldn´t the simpliest solution for such events be an additional FCB1010 or something similar plugged into the QC?

    Not in my case.First of all I want a simple,small solution.One guitar.One small rig I can put in my backpack..and then you'll see me in the subway instead using my car or an expensive cab..

  • Wouldn´t the simpliest solution for such events be an additional FCB1010 or something similar plugged into the QC?

    Then you would be destroying the whole pourpouse of the design, as lightweight, sturdy, twisting knob/switch, big screen, compact unit, all of that doesnt matter anymore. You would rather do better with a 1U or 2U rack unit, as Axe/kemper/helix, and a midi controller. In principle QC concept sounds marvelous, in practice, looks flawed. But we will see, for me stands as a novelty until it is tested and I can hear/feel real tube like expressions from it.

    The answer is 42

  • Then you would be destroying the whole pourpouse of the design, as lightweight, sturdy, twisting knob/switch, big screen, compact unit, all of that doesnt matter anymore. You would rather do better with a 1U or 2U rack unit, as Axe/kemper/helix, and a midi controller. In principle QC concept sounds marvelous, in practice, looks flawed. But we will see, for me stands as a novelty until it is tested and I can hear/feel real tube like expressions from it.

    If only those rack units came in a 1u or 2u size, that would be a little easier.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Then you would be destroying the whole pourpouse of the design, as lightweight, sturdy, twisting knob/switch, big screen, compact unit, all of that doesnt matter anymore. You would rather do better with a 1U or 2U rack unit, as Axe/kemper/helix, and a midi controller. ....

    If only those rack units came in a 1u or 2u size, that would be a little easier.

    Alfahdj  karlic you see, that´s exactly what I meant above.

    We´ll never get a swiss army knife when it comes to such stuff. Again: I think that the QCs main purpose is thought as a device which can be easily carried from living room to studio, from desk to the floor, on a plane etc while still having the necessary I/Os to create profiles and footswitches to jam, record and test. And it is "even" usable for live performances. With 1.6 KG. And IF you need something beer & moshpit proof, go for another remote control.

    If you want a more durable device, a helix or a kemper might be the better form factor, while a the same time you get more than double the weight and dimensions (even not considering the kemper´s remote control - just talking about the stage).

  • If only those rack units came in a 1u or 2u size, that would be a little easier.

    Room for improvement I suppose, I forgot they are 3U and 4U, but in my mind still form factor for the intended porpouse. So much is focused into the operability of the device (floor twisting stomps and big touch screen), just to end up having it outside of the use reach and remote control it by cheap midi interfaces. I would be all over it if any of the companies maje a 1U unit, would be awesome.

    The answer is 42

  • Just get a heating pad for cold weather, and go somewhere and have the whole thing shrink wrapped, cut out the necessary parts for it. Edit it from the app, although maybe the touch screen would still work anyways after being shrink wrapped. And last, if you're that worried about spills, build a little Splash shield for it.

  • I agree and disagree with Nikos ( hows that for being on the fence!!).

    All foot pedals are vulnerable to crowd invasions, beer and weather...the question is, how much you risk. So regular Joe with his Marshall is also likely to have his strymons and rare Klon clones, Ts808's...soon adds up. Now they are going to be more robust than a glossy touch screen but also have pots that a good boot or rain can knacker...

    The helix is equally vulnerable.......BUT that is also why I use the remote live with my rack. Its the least risky cost wise - plus if my remote gets damaged, I still have sound.

    Note: Everyone questioned how beer proof the Stage was when first released, any damaged so far from beer ? Oh, hang on no one is gigging....so who knows how that plays out.

    This is all about balance, having played festivals and regular gigs, there are so many variables - festivals tend to have raised stages and security so less crowd invasion possibilities but more vulnerable to weather. Even then, they are usually set well back - also if my footswitch is getting wet, so am I and I'd be more worried about electrocution from the PA....but it can happen. In Pubs, a cleverly placed monitor gives added protection, but very occasionally someone falls on stage but getting too carried away by our infectious grooves. The riskiest time for me is we often invite people on stage...

    So its defo a risk, but I've not had any damage as a result of stage invasion in the last 30 odd years. Does that mean I'd risk £2000 of gear on the floor, probably not thanks :).

    BTW - The only gear I've had damaged is from the side of the stage and people trying to grab guitars...

    I miss gigs.....

  • Hey really..

    If some folks like to use their gear in what ever way they like it is none of my business.

    So..have fun with stage,fm3,quad,helix or whatever on what ever stage.For sure nothing will happen and you will have a great time.No sarcasm.For each his own.


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    Edited once, last by Nikos (December 2, 2020 at 7:55 PM).

  • They call it "Capture", not profiling. We assume it's the same or similar. The term "rig" is used in many places, and Kemper most certainly doesn't have a trademark on that term.

    Again, "refine" is not a trademarked term Kemper owns.

    People were saying the same thing about Positive Grid and their "Amp Match" function. Kemper would have a patent on a particular methodology, not on EQ and gain matching as a whole. It's possible that Neural has a different way of accomplishing those ends. I'm keen to try it.

    The marketing copy I've seen doesn't say anything about either profiling or perfection. They claim the learning algorithm creates more realistic representations than others. Of course anybody can say anything, so we shall see.

    As I understand the patent, it's rather about the approach to profile sounds (regardless how you call it) and not about a specific aspect of the technical implementation. With that I assume that Kemper could sue any competitor that can "profile" or "capture" sounds. But of course the question is, whether Kemper is interserested in suing competitors that violate their patent. As long as it doesn't affect Kemper's business, they can save the money for law suits. And the more the competitors sell, the higher would be penalty they have to pay. And especially small companies will not survive this.
