• Did you guys see the newest sponsored QC vid on YouTube from the Studio Rats?

    The guy makes a comment that there's no noticeable latency and compares it to the KPA and says the KPA had latency that the QC doesn't have.

    How's that possible when the latency is supposed to be the same almost down to the millisecond between the two units? And if not, they're extremely close and the KPA's latency is for sure under 4-5ms so i'd be hard pressed to call it noticeable at all haha. So there's no way this guy was experiencing a noticeable amount more of latency with his KPA unless it was either exaggerated, or years ago because the KPA's latency has been really low for a long time now lol. Idk, just seemed like some BS to me.


  • Did you guys see the newest sponsored QC vid on YouTube from the Studio Rats?

    The guy makes a comment that there's no noticeable latency and compares it to the KPA and says the KPA had latency that the QC doesn't have.

    How's that possible when the latency is supposed to be the same almost down to the millisecond between the two units? And if not, they're extremely close and the KPA's latency is for sure under 4-5ms so i'd be hard pressed to call it noticeable at all haha. So there's no way this guy was experiencing a noticeable amount more of latency with his KPA unless it was either exaggerated, or years ago because the KPA's latency has been really low for a long time now lol. Idk, just seemed like some BS to me.


    With some profiles I feel like they have more latency, while with others I think I feel no latency at all, I don't know if others experience the same. I, personally do not get annoyed by mini latencies in my Kempers, when they occur, but others may feel differently. Imagine you play on a big stage with also many meters of cables while you stand in a bigger distance away from your amp. Latency is what you will get, naturally.

    Here comes a video from s guy that I really appreciate as a reviewer and as a musician and I highly recommend his channel. This video is about a latency test between the most popular digital devices:

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    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • Truth be told there is a noticeable difference in latency between something like an Amplifire and the Kemper.

    I’ve owned the Mooer Ge200 and I own an Amplifire and they are both faster.
    I sold the Helix as soon as I compared it to the Amplifire for this reason. The Kemper sounds too good compared to the Helix so that wasn’t a problem though.

  • Unless you have pitch shifting going on, you're not gonna hear or feel any latency, so I call the Studio Rats observation BS or at the very least, borne out of confirmation bias.

    The Kemper's standard latency is like having your ears roughly 1m from the speaker's driver/s. Who in the real world has his amp combo or stack that close to his ears? Not many, so the vast majority are logically much-further away, and yet nobody complains about latency from his tube amp.

    Call me old-fashioned, but I call anyone who senses latency at 3.5ms whilst playing guitar full of it or temporarily-deluded. I've always been sensitive to it myself; I find that feeling of disconnection frustrating. The very first thing I noticed when I plugged into my Kemper on day 1, before I even played a note, was what I like to call that sense of immediacy that I get when there's no perceptible latency; just touching the strings and making a few noises confirmed everything I needed to know. Like chalk and cheese compared to the long line of modellers I'd used previously.

  • Latency in Kempers is a topic that has been discussed to a degree that I feel it is harmful to health. To say that there is no sensible latency in Kempers at all or to say the latency is so huge you cannot play with a Kemper are both dumb extremes. That is so nerdy that I think it is aimed to distract others from own bad guitar playing.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • Maybe latency isn't the right word, but it's the first word that comes to mind? For some anyway.

    Could be, brother.

    To say that there is no sensible latency in Kempers at all...

    Do you mean discernible, mate? If so, I still stand by what I said. 3ms is sweet bugger-all.

    Even if someone really believes he's sensing the 3ms, I'd advise him to focus on other things - things that actually matter. It's 3/100ths of 1/10th of a second for Pete's sake. I mean, c'mon! :D

  • I'd advise him to focus on other things - things that actually matter.

    This is what I said, if you read carefully 8o. And as I also said: there are profiles that I don't use because FOR ME they don't feel and react right. If you want to call this sensible or discernible latency, feel, or simply Joe the Bad Profile - I don't think the musical world will be a better place after that analysis.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I'm not sure about that. I mean 98 pages on kemper forum, that's not bad for something not yet released.

    You're probably right, but I rather enjoyed the release of the Kemper Stage. It was so refreshing to simply be able to buy it shortly after being announced and not join an interminable list.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • You're probably right, but I rather enjoyed the release of the Kemper Stage. It was so refreshing to simply be able to buy it shortly after being announced and not join an interminable list.

    I've never been a fan of this modern pre-book your item either.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Even if someone really believes he's sensing the 3ms, I'd advise him to focus on other things - things that actually matter. It's 3/100ths of 1/10th of a second for Pete's sake. I mean, c'mon! :D

    I wonder if zero latency would be disturbing for using in ears. I am so used to standing a little away from an amp, the delay induced by Kemper and transmitter feel normal.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Zero latency is impossible. Processing still has to happen and they haven't invented quantum computing yet...

    ...unless amps become predictive and work out what you are going to play before you do...maybe that's what the AI in the QC is for? Hmmm ;)

    Until I read this thread I didn't realise I had all these problems....inaccurate profiling, cocked Wah sounds and now distracting latency? It will be dual amps next...How have I survived up to this point?

    Joking aside, to be fair again to the QC, many of the issues are because its still very new. Early adoption is always expensive i.e. you will always have a level of problem until the product settles but without people out there willing to try then things don't move forward.

    I'm happy people on here will try the QC so we get to hear in reality how good or not it is...

  • Until I read this thread I didn't realise I had all these problems....inaccurate profiling, cocked Wah sounds and now distracting latency? It will be dual amps next...How have I survived up to this point?

    Forums are there to solve problems you didn't have before reading. That being said, the green of my Kempers has some light latency on different venues. It definitely disturbs my concentration. I wonder how nobody mentioned that as a feature for a Kemper II.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I also fall in the camp of noticing slight latency with the Kemper, because half the time I'm using tube amps, which are very "interactive" when you play them. I especially notice this when palm muting: if you do it fast enough, you'll see that there is a bit of a lag between your strokes and the response from the Kemper.

    That said, it's pretty much inherent to any digital device and is by no means a deal-breaker. 3ms is hardly anything to worry about, simply because you can easily adjust to it.

  • Did you guys see the newest sponsored QC vid on YouTube from the Studio Rats?

    The guy makes a comment that there's no noticeable latency and compares it to the KPA and says the KPA had latency that the QC doesn't have.

    How's that possible when the latency is supposed to be the same almost down to the millisecond between the two units? And if not, they're extremely close and the KPA's latency is for sure under 4-5ms so i'd be hard pressed to call it noticeable at all haha. So there's no way this guy was experiencing a noticeable amount more of latency with his KPA unless it was either exaggerated, or years ago because the KPA's latency has been really low for a long time now lol. Idk, just seemed like some BS to me.


    I saw that video and I call BS as well.

  • I saw that video and I call BS as well.

    I also watched the video this morning and I really liked the way the QC sounded, no one of the reviewers showed the very little overdriven sounds so far.
    But the thing about the latency was weired, I never felt a noticable latency on the Kemper.

    never thought that I would like the Kemper that much...! 8|

  • Some people here in this thread complained about the business model of QC to announce the product more than one year before having it ready to be shipped.

    I don’t think that’s such a bad thing. I would really like to know if Kemper brings out new stuff soon. If they are planning a smaller unit for example, some people would not have to buy the QC now...

    never thought that I would like the Kemper that much...! 8|

  • A sponsored video is a sponsored video and based on that fact, you have to take every single utterance in that video with a healthy scepticism..

    Until we see videos from users who buy their own gear with their own money then you can't take any of it seriously...

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