I cannot hear delay effect from KPA to interface.

  • so I have no idea what I did, but the delay effect doesn't work anymore from my KPA into my presonus quantum 2 interface.

    It used to work perfectly but now doesn't.

    I just purchased the non powered head and remote 1 week ago and maybe while messing around with knobs I touch something either on the Kemper or the DAW .

    Anyone kindly knows how to fix this issue?

    An answer to this question would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.


  • Thanks again guys this forum is awesome indeed.

    Well I know I set the s/pdif to stereo I believe I'm not at home at the momento to verify, I can ear other effects, like distortion phasers etc.. however I cannot ear time effects like delay and reverb as well I know is something I touched in the Kemper output or input because it used to work just fine and last night after messing with these knobs I screwed something up.

    I will check again tonight.

    Can you guys tell me based on your experience what is the best input setup for a stratocaster with david allen echoes pick up, and how exactly the output shall be set in order to put the whole thing back to normal?

    I'm using the Kemper mostly in my house for recording I love it although I still have lots to learn.

    Thanks very much indeed for all you guys help.

    Rock on!!!

  • padella31

    could be that the OUTPUT is set to Mod Stereo, it should be Master Stereo

    - manual, Output section, page 70

    I use my PROFILER with a bunch of different guitars with Clean and Distortion Sense set to '0'

    "If you feel that clean sounds are either very loud or very soft compared to distorted sounds, you can adjust Clean Sens to a level where clean sounds have the same perceived loudness as distorted sounds." manual, Front Panel Controls, page 23

  • Wow you guys are really good here, I will check all your suggestions tonight when i get home and get busy, hopefully i will set the whole thing as it should be and finally play some guitar instead to messing with knobs.

    You guys are great thank you.

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    Check the input and output section tutorials (open in Youtube for the full playlist)

  • i didnt realise till this week that you could set the master out to just delay and reverb.

    Really cool effect.

    Not quite sure how u would use it, except for ambience etc. Recording. Esp with reverse delays.

    Would be great to be able to toggle your output from the the remote.

    Not sure if this is possible though

  • i didnt realise till this week that you could set the master out to just delay and reverb.

    Really cool effect.

    Not quite sure how u would use it, except for ambience etc. Recording. Esp with reverse delays.

    Would be great to be able to toggle your output from the the remote.

    Not sure if this is possible though

    The Output Source "Dly/Rev Wet allows to record those effects on a separate track and adjust the Mix or the whole effect at a later time. Such Wet/Dry/Wet or Wet/Dry/Dry/Wet setups are explained in the Main Manual incl. pictures.

    Output Sources cannot be adjusted via Remote, but of you dial the effect Mix to maximum, you find 100% (wet) there. So, this setting can change by module and Rig and even be morphed.

  • I believe that i have same problem. Not with my unit at the monent, so can say for sure. Can you change these paremetrese with new editor or do you have do it on the unit?

    You find Output Sources in the Output Section, in the user interface of the RPOFILER as well as in Rig Manager 3.0. Delay Mix at 100% (Wet) can also be dialed from both ends.

    If you should still be facing surprising delay and reverb effects, check the DLY + REV Routing in Rig Settings. The default position is 0%.