Rig Manager 3.0 Beta Release Discussion Thread

  • Well, the editor looks exactly like what I saw at namm last january. Rad. Glad it's finally available. I never used RM very much but the editor section has me giddy for all the reasons everyone else already said.

    I'll chime in on the Win/Mac sub-convo happening: I am not inherently opposed to Windows, but when W10 came out I did update it, and all hell broke loose. It did a forced (meaning I could not stop it nor did I give permission) update in the middle of a home recording session. It crashed and took out the hard drive data with it. Six months worth of work down the toilet (I did take the HD to a recovery outfit. $1300 to recover with no guarantees). Probably a fluke, I recognize it as such, but it still sucked REAL bad. I run an iMac now and haven't had a single problem. (to be fair and unbiased, I did have the MB fail on an older MBP, but it was a generation known to have the problem)/ I now backup every session to both external drive as well as cloud storage just in case.

    If ever you find yourself looking to recover files not backed up there is a free software called recuva. Sometimes you can also pull flat files by booting the system with a Linux Ubuntu live cd. You can also rebuilt boot sectors with testdisk. I would not recommend testdisk if you are not technical. Hope that helps if you have any issues like that in the future.

  • If ever you find yourself looking to recover files not backed up there is a free software called recuva. Sometimes you can also pull flat files by booting the system with a Linux Ubuntu live cd. You can also rebuilt boot sectors with testdisk. I would not recommend testdisk if you are not technical. Hope that helps if you have any issues like that in the future.

    Yes. Been there. Spent a week of my life doing that. That situation was also caused by a documented Windows 10 bug. Luckily I recovered 99% of the "lost" (actually arbitrarily deleted by Windows 10 after an update) data...and didn't mention it in my prior post probably due to a kind of PTSD induced amnesia. After the relative stability (one or two blue screens a year) of Windows 7, 10 really is a hot mess!

    This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO

  • If ever you find yourself looking to recover files not backed up there is a free software called recuva.

    Tried recuva right after it happened but most of the data was corrupted. I'm sure there was some sort of solution were I to have been further along (not that six months wasn't far enough. LOL). I had a few hand written notebook pages with song titles and some basic notes along the way so it was just a month of remembering how the parts went and re-recording with the help of a couple of friends who contributed, but it still sucked.

    Just a guy who plays a little bit of guitar.

  • "System requirements: Windows 8 or higher."

    You can quote "System requirements: Windows 8 or higher." but i absolutely guarantee that at this present moment and with this version of RM3 it does not work on Windows 8 , i have spent hours and hours attempting to get it to work so i bit the bullet and updated from Win 8 to Win 10 the same IE the exact computer i have been trying to get RM3 to work on and guess what yes that's right it works now i am on Windows 10 so i say this and you can quote me (System requirements Windows 10) ;)

  • Updated Kemper Rack to 7.1.7 with USB stick - went smoothly

    Updated Rig Manager 3 onto Mac Book Pro running 10.13.6 - Installed and running smoothly

    Connected Kemper to Mac with USB cable, rigs syncing (got hung up the first time, disconnected and reconnect USB ) running fast and smooth. Really smooth response between Rig Manager and Kemper, all parameters moving as edits happen (both from Kemper or Mac).

    Great Job Kemper! ?

    Now I need to spend some time tinkering.

    side note: I still find myself reaching for the Kemper to do edits, lol.

  • 1) The ability to change profiles with only the keyboard. I believe I used to be able to do this with the spacebar, in the old RM.

    You can do this already.

    Use the left/right arrows to load the previous/next rig.

    Use up/down to move the selection WITHOUT loading the rig. Use CMD/Ctlr+Return to load the selected rig

  • Rig Manager keeps crashing on MacBook Pro.

    Installed and re-installed now about 5 times rig manager 3.0.78 on my mac book pro running Mojave 10.14.6

    Though, it keeps crashing right after launch. Does not start at all. Anyone else experienced this issue?


    Updated today (unwillingly) to mac os catalina. Re-installing rig manager did not help. Neither an update of xcode to the newest version did help. Nor deplugging all devices and bundling it with plenty of restarts.

    Rig Manager still does not want to run on my machine.

  • Install of OS on KPA & RM on Win10 1909 was perfect

    Software and interaction with KPA has been flawless with the exception of the first time I clicked on RIG knob the RM closed. Hasn't happen since.

    Functionality is brilliant.

    Thank you so very much Kemper Team


  • Updated today (unwillingly) to mac os catalina. Re-installing rig manager did not help. Neither an update of xcode to the newest version did help. Nor deplugging all devices and bundling it with plenty of restarts.

    Rig Manager still does not want to run on my machine.

    This is exactly my experience, down to the upgrade to Catalina. Still haven't successfully launched RM 3.0.

  • You can quote "System requirements: Windows 8 or higher." but i absolutely guarantee that at this present moment and with this version of RM3 it does not work on Windows 8 , i have spent hours and hours attempting to get it to work so i bit the bullet and updated from Win 8 to Win 10 the same IE the exact computer i have been trying to get RM3 to work on and guess what yes that's right it works now i am on Windows 10 so i say this and you can quote me (System requirements Windows 10) ;)

    You guaranteeing that it does not work on Windows 8 because it didn't work for you is ridiculous.

    Just chill and enjoy RM and Windows 10.

  • Ugh knew this would happen. Specifically made a topic a long time ago "Please accommodate older OS X versions".

    Waiting so long for something like this and being gated off from it purely because you never fixed something that wasn't broken. Surely they know that audio people are conservative with updating due to compatability and things breaking and new software generally just straight up bogging down machines performance-wise especially on older machines. I appreciate it is still in beta though. Although somehow now I just can't see the editor supporting older OS X versions. Depressing.