Has anyone confirmed that the M-Vave Chocolate works with the Player?
Posts by amclw1
LEDs could be added to the switches, but making them automatically change to the status for those two fx slots in the next selected rig would be an entirely different kind of thing to try and do.
The one I made (two switches) has buttons to toggle the LEDs. Interrogating the state of whatever you have assignd to the switches is another kettle of fish, I expect not possible or economic to implement. What I do with mine is set the LEDs to the current setting of the rig, and the pedal is in sync from there. Works for me and I have an indicator on the board. It is especially good for 'freeze', and as this is off by default setting the initial state of an LED is not required. Similarly infinity, morph, etc.
Is it possible to sqeeze out enough energy from the pedal connectors for a 2mA indicator LED ?
Could you adapt the wiring scheme with two led's, resistors, etc.. and one 9V battery ? As the led's will blink when swtiches are turned 'on'..
Thanks in advance.
No to the first and yes to the second. I have recently done this and am happy to share the details, if someone has not done so already elsewhere on the forum. Let me know.
As far as I am concerned the fact that Kemper did not make the powered version stereo is a mistake, especially since the amp module inside is actually stereo capable, and it is obviously not very hard to do. I take it Kemper do not endorse the mod by British Audio either?
The Celestion K12H models are closer to the Kone, spec-wise. I am considering buying one and either swapping it in my Vintage 30 single cab or making a cab.
Not true! I have a number of sticks which just will not work in the profiler. A couple that actually lock it up (but otherwise are fine in other devices)! I have found that older smaller capacity sticks are the best bet.
Regarding the Kone, is the cabinet design important? Been trying to find info but no joy.
Please tell me there'll be a resonator in there too! Even better , both metal bodied and wood.
Well, the Kabinet's specificity is in that it allows to both use the classic cones' simulation, or work as an FRFR cab, or work as a GRFR cab.
Probably GRFR is what you need (ever tried an LG-12 by Red Sound?), but keep in mind that only a linear and flat cabinet will really tell you what you are sending to the mixer (and no warranty that it will be what they hear from FOH :p )Anyway, Kabinet is passive, hope you are aware of that.
Acoustic simulation was announced
You could certainly try one. Chances are it will distort more easily, specially with clean, impulsive sounds.
OTOH, you don't have to use the Kemper power amp: there are lots of third-part retrofit amps for the Toaster.
As a side note, keep in mind that a Kone installed in a generic cabinet might not be as linear as the Kabinet: designing a linear cabinet does not only involve using a linear cone but implies a study of the internal size, stationary waves, resonance frequencies, dumping and much more.
IOW, a generic cabinet (specially when of totally different size and/or form factor) may sound way different.
Since the KPA is able to drive the Kabinet to full linearity, the overall response (both in frequency and phase) is a critical factor.
I assume they will release suitable cabinet dimensions with the kone.
OK bit the bullet and updated OS by USB stick. OK so far. Had to reboot with RM running before it would see the Profiler....
Looking good! Toast Me still better, though.
Spoke too soon, just crashed RM completely importing an IR....
There are those on Facebook that claim it all just happened as if by magic.... Lying b....
Anyone got tips on updating from a V6 operating system? OK to go directly to the 7.1.7 beta, then rig manager? I expect that both installs will need to be manual? Thx.
I think I can wait another couple of weeks, give you guys a chance to shake it down...
'There are over thirty words in the Irish language which are equivalent to the Spanish manana. But somehow none of them conveys the same sense of urgency' - Patrick Kavanagh.
When the DFS sale ends....
Ok . Thanks for the clarification. Is there any chance that the official 02 multiparameter function will work as it should(affecting sound with all parameters change)?
And....silence! They are quick enough to slap you down but pretty tight-lipped about supplying any useful detail whatsoever.
Please forgive me if this has already been addressed; Do we know what the dimensions/weight of the Stage will be?
Details are on the Kemper website.
It's probably been said earlier but it is a real pain that you can't tell which preset was originally initially associated with a current stomp/fx position e.g. 'Default' or 'Formant Blast +'. Once you select it, poof! it's name is gone. Now my memory is not good enough to remember which particular preset I selected many moons ago and it would be great to know so I could go back to where I started from when I f*ck it up.... There is plenty of room on the right side of the display for this. The original preset name should also be the default name when storing as a new preset (with perhaps 'New' at the end?).