3rd time Lucky? here's my dilemma..

  • I have had it all.

    I have tried it all.

    Everything I could reach within my grasp and ability.

    Bought and sold Kemper twice, not because I was unhappy but I have always felt that I am not worthy to own such a premium gear for my poor musicianship (if i can call it that).

    Straight after selling a second Kemper which I adored (earlier this year) I went on a shopping spree buying Headrush and second hand Axe FX II (which is the second-time unit as well).

    Today I am ABSOLUTELY convinced that Fractal is not for me. I am no heavy effects user and its Amp models just doesn't do for me. So it was sold back. (again) .

    I am somewhat happy with Headrush (it probably satisfies 85% of my needs) BUT I know I would be much happier with Kemper.

    So I have gotten as far as placing an order for the third unit (still deciding between head or rack), but this time I have the hesitation. Although I know I am at the end of searching, I do not want to spend another few grand and repeat the cycle above. I now have a wife and kid, fortunately my wife supports what I do but it is no longer easy as what used to be.

    I know I have issues ||

    Anybody have had a similar experience or gone through the dilemma that I am having? I am not writing this up asking for someone's approval, I do know this is my decision.

    Who has finally broken out of buying/selling habit and settled on this brilliant machine, and finally felt good? I just want it to end.

    Thank you so much for reading, hope you all have a nice day.

  • When I was in my early teens I was tone chasing forever I had combos, rack gear, heads and cabs etc but I always wanted someone else’s tone.

    what I decided on when I was in my late teens that a lot of the tone is in the players fingers not what gear they have. Obviously good gear will help but it’s not the be all. You have to be happy with what you purchase. I brought my first Kemper 7 years ago and fell in love near enough straight away. It took me about a month before I was really convinced and happy with it, but now I couldn’t live without it. I use 3 in the studio and 1 live and I still don’t see anything on the market to replace my Kemper obsession.

  • a lot of the tone is in the players fingers not what gear they have

    So true :thumbup:

    I owned some gear during the years, mainly ENGL and Mesa Boogie valve amps, 2x12 and 4x12 cabs with massive weight and naturally some great pedals. At the same time I always had some extra modelling gear or preamps for studio use. I always found my tone with the gear and never had the feeling to be totally off what I wanted. Nevertheless especially we guitar players can be gear junkies (if the money is there for it).

    I observed the Kemper-mania for quite some time before I decided to go for it. And I couldn't be happier as with this machine. So much more versatility and the chance to play (high quality) amps which I otherwise would never had a chance to grab. That's incredibly inspiring and adds so much to my creative processes and to my sound quality live and in the studio. And it is more or less only the one machine I need to carry whereever I go.... so cool 8)

  • When I was in my early teens I was tone chasing forever I had combos, rack gear, heads and cabs etc but I always wanted someone else’s tone.

    what I decided on when I was in my late teens that a lot of the tone is in the players fingers not what gear they have. Obviously good gear will help but it’s not the be all. You have to be happy with what you purchase. I brought my first Kemper 7 years ago and fell in love near enough straight away. It took me about a month before I was really convinced and happy with it, but now I couldn’t live without it. I use 3 in the studio and 1 live and I still don’t see anything on the market to replace my Kemper obsession.

    Thank you for the great tip, I wholeheartedly agree with your comments.

  • Who has finally broken out of buying/selling habit and settled on this brilliant machine, and finally felt good? I just want it to end.

    I have.

    Long list of "modellers" going back to the late '80s (some were technically analogue-preamp boxes such as the Sansamp PSA-1 and the Nobels Sound Studio), including the Digitech GSP 2101 and Genesis 3 and all the Line6 stuff pre-Helix, and the Kemper has ended that journey. Finally, when I think of or look at my guitar-and-bass-amp sound source, I'm not left wondering if I've bought the right gear or that something way better could be just around the corner. No Siree!

    Welcome back again, mate. :thumbup:

  • welcome and thanks for your story, know what you are talking about at some points ;)... I always dreamed about sounding like Ritchie Blackmore and although I already knew for many many years, that the sound essentially is - or should be :D - created by my fingers, I couldn't stop looking for a solution by purchasing new gear, this has come to an end in 2015, when I received my first Kemper.

    The Kemper has been and still is the the first digital device which satisfies my needs everywhere, if it's at home at bedroom level or in rehearsal room (with DXR10) or on stage, it feels like playing a tubeamp and that's what I was chasing for all the time...

    Most of the digital devices sounded pretty nice at home but when it came to a live situation they failed (for me and my resticted abilities ;)).

    I played my last gig 2 weeks ago with my new Stage and enjoyed the easyness of moving to the venue with "light luggage" - I'm arrived ;)

    have much fun :thumbup:

  • A real thanks to everyone for the warm & wise words.

    Suppose my first post wasn't clear... I have not placed an order yet (I'm only a single click away)! that's why I was hesitating.

    Would be making up a mind this weekend for sure.

    Have a lovely day and weekend!