great to see you back, all the best to you and your family!
Posts by suseguitar
wow, very well done, I love it !
after meanwhile several years thousands over thousands shared profiles do exist, not to mention the numerous commercial offers, and the large number of available profiles is still growing - still not enough?
sounds great, love it
if further info is desired:
some weeks ago we stayed 2 weeks at Dutch seaside, and I decided not to take a guitar with me - that was a terrible experience because beginning with day 1 I had ideas coming up and I had no chance to practice... so I decided not to be out for vacations without a guitar and my tiny Zoom G1Xon in the future.
Fortunately my partner has no issue with this
(she knows she will profit from my better mood
, just everything
this item came up a few times during the years, without any success, they refuse to do anything in this direction, no chance... I can live without rm, no issue - and should I will ever get upset about this item, I will sell my two Kempers and purchase anything else
Matt, I'll keep it short: your 5150 is just outstanding, great work - and your desicion to issue 3 different cabs plus DI is a splendit one
all the best from suse
does it bear a risk to quit this task earlier manually (e.g. when a RM update requires action)?
Background of my question: I had to realize messed up tags in performances the other day, especially names of rig authors, and I have no explanation...
Which one?
AC30 from Joptunes, is in RE
just updated in a narrow timeframe (can't wait) and checked a AC30 Profile with AC30 gain- and eqstack : incedible! now AC30 acts like the real Amp like I know it, most astonishing to me is the sound in different gainstages - eagerly waiting to have more time playing around this evening
hartelijk welkom!
hab mit Kemper (Rack) und Yamaha schon ein paar Hitzeschlachten geschlagen, 30 Grad in praller Sonne, die Geräte waren gut 2 Strunden durchgehend in Betrieb: kein Mucks, haben tadellos durchgehalten - wo allerdings die Grenze liegt, k.A.
Sollte das allerdings nochmal auf mich zukommen, werd ich für die Geräte für Sonnenschutz sorgen, Schirm o.Ä. (z.B. alter Mikroständer, Regenschirm dran
) , dann fühl ich mich auf der sicheren Seite
when I purchased my first Profiler in 2015, after first impressions I was sure I can get rid of my "suseguitar"-combo and my Engl-860 Head - I was wrong. I'm no mystic, not at all, but there is just more than the technical aspect. Firing up one of my tubeamps, sometimes, just for fun, is something special, can't explain.
For my situation the Profiler is the best solution in terms of soundquality, weight and volume to be moved.
If I would have some roadies available moving my stuff I probably would have never switched away from tubeamps.
Given that the OP still hasn’t commented again - not even logged in since starting this thread:
Troll.nevertheless, it turned out to grow an interesting thread...
for my feeling I'm "on the save side", means: if the Kemper company would completely disappear from now on (what noone would wish
), this wouldn't impact my playing world in any way. The Profiler does a lot more I ever dreamed of - the rest of my personal displeasedness belonges completely to my limited playing skills.
The Rigmanager was a nice idea... not more to me... I'm running my homestudio completely in Linux, so I needed a 2nd machine just for RM. I tried to use my old Thinkpad R61, but it's far to slow, and my patience is limited. Thanks God I get all my stuff done with my 2 Profilers and usb-sticks and I'm more than pleased with the outcome.
ich nutze seit 2015 DXR10, letztes Jahr hab ich eine zweite dazugekauft, eine allein ist mir für Direktbeschallung bei keineren Auftritten doch etwas dünn. Ich hab auch mal mit Endstufe und Gitarrenboxen experimentiert, hatte aber kein langes Leben, da klingt alles gleich, die Boxen machen eben ne Menge aus.
Die Neigung der DXR10 zu leichter Schärfe im Höhenbereich läßt sich mit entsprechenden Einstellungen am Kemper gut im Zaum halten. Und: sie haben mich noch nie im Stich gelassen.
after a couple of years I've finally done it: I took some profiles from my completely custombuild 1x12/ 6L6 Combo, nothing exciting, just fun, the few pictures might provide some impressions, I built it in mid nineties. It's completely free handwired (and if you would take a look inside you might not believe that it's reliable enough to stand only one gig -
- but I played several of them and never had any trouble
If you like, take a look into rig exchange and search for my username to find three profiles:
Combo clean
Combo crunch
Combo lead
thanks for your attention, have fun!
a few month ago I had to face some failing of switch 4, sometimes it worked, sometimes not.
I contacted Kempersupport and they told me how to check button-functionality.
I did it and everything worked fine: I pressed the button a hundred times with my finger and the machine counted exactly 100 switch operations. I did this more than only one time.
However, as soon as I returned to "normal rehearsal business" the button returned to it's unreliability, too.
The result of this now is, that I strongly hesitate to play a gig with this machine - on the other hand there is no gig in sight - you know why
The Kempersupport told me, I must wait untill the button fails in a way, that the check mode prooves the failing - what my technical mind has to accept
The other day I read of someone who had opened his Stage doing some cleaning of buttoncontacts which solved his problem...
for now I decided to live with the situation watching what will happen...