Profiler Stage Introduction Thread

  • They could've said a year ago: look guys, we are working on a floorboard version. It's going to come out in 2019. Be fucking upfront about it.

    The only good reason that comes to my mind why a manufacturer wouldn't announce a new product in advance is selling the remaining stock if their old product. Which is a relatable business decision, but not customer friendly.

    Telegraphing your next product launch a year in advance, or much at all is bad for business. Who does that?

    I get that you're salty. But you can't blame a business that's in a market with some serious competition for keeping their mouths shut. At the end of the day, its business. You could have purchased a Helix if the floor was what you really wanted. It *is* an excellent unit.

  • They could've said a year ago: look guys, we are working on a floorboard version. It's going to come out in 2019. Be fucking upfront about it.

    The only good reason that comes to my mind why a manufacturer wouldn't announce a new product in advance is selling the remaining stock if their old product. Which is a relatable business decision, but not customer friendly.

    You must not know Kemper very well. Even I've known about the floorboard for a while, which Kemper would neither confirm nor deny, same with the editor. That's just how they operate, as frustrating as it can be.

    Besides, they aren't offloading their current stock. They're still making heads/racks. The Stage looks to be simply a different form factor with no hardware/software changes.

    As consumers, we have to accept that sometimes when we buy in "late", new formats may be just around the corner. No sense in getting upset about it.

  • Made a quick to scale size comparison as I was curious if i should just buck up and order one.

    Bah.. Who am I kidding.. I know I will.. :rolleyes:

    Will be cool if "The illuminated sunlight-proof display, which increases display contrast even with the sunlight’s intensity, is designed to be viewed from any distance, under any lighting condition" gets added to the standard remote. I'm guessing it will as they both seem to have little photocells ready to go (top right of Stage, top left of Remote - hole looks the same as the LED lights). Foot switches seem slightly better spaced too..

  • the kemper stage means one or two more years without a really new kemper amp with dual amps and better digital audio connections (usb audio and aes/ebu)..

    keep milking it kemper!

    ‘Milking it’


    If they wanted to make it an audio interface, they’d have done it years ago.

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited once, last by Ruefus (July 23, 2019 at 3:00 AM).

  • I'm sort of halfway here. On one hand the floorboard is a sensible addition, even if way too long overdue. On the other, there are definitely features and functions the KPA head-scratchingly lacks that could have been teased or incorporated.

    Basically, for your money you get a floorboard toaster and an extra FX loop. It's "repackaged" 7 year old tech. Would have been nice were some unique features included such as dual profiles, more FX slots, interface, Bluetooth, etc. For all the guys who don't want to "break their backs" bending down to tweak a pedal, imagine if it had Bluetooth and an iPhone app that you could make quick adjustments to in your palm.

    None of which is the end of the world, just feels like a bit of a wasted opportunity to improve on the old design. Without that, I'm curious what took so long.

  • I think this new kemper stage fits perfectly in kempers product line and in their longevity plan that other companies simply don't offer. It's funny to see on forums how a few adults see this as something that in their mind should be a kemper 2 and get all upset about that it isn't.

    C.Kemper explained in an interview 2012-13 that even if a kemper 2 would come out in the future it would be back compatible with the previous kemper. Created profiles from kemper 1 will play on kemper 2 so all the hard work of profiling your amps will never be lost. Good luck with preserving the tones users spent weeks on creating on an Axe fx or Helix after many updates, and forget transfering your sounds to a newer model. All that hard work is wasted weeks. I 100% prefer kempers tone reliabilty.

    Kempers "old tech" was said to be old even at launch 2012 when the CEO of Fractal said it was old already, underpowered, he had already tried this tech long ago and it was inferior in so many ways. Hoping he could get buyers to stay away from it.

    Kemper knew this processor would do exactly what they wanted with their unique tech and to give them lots of room for updates and features. Nobody believed it would be able to have these amazing reverbs and delays that I much prefer over the ones found in Fractal units or stomp boxes. Wha wha and pitch and a few others are stellar as well and I'm sure they will update overdrives and other efx. The most important part for sound is great programing and algorithms, not which unit has the most powerful cpu.

    All in one floor units are not for me though, they are often too expensive to have on the ground.

    No product is perfect or great for everyone but kemper has proven they offer a very successful product range with fantastic longevity for pros and consumers and I guess sales are not slowing down.


  • The fact that Kempers have never needed fans shouldn't be overlooked IMHO.

    Makes it "easy" to include the whole shebang in a floor unit without having to limit any features, unlike a "competition company's" wares.

    Imagine having a fan in a unit that sits down there with all the dust and grime... :/

  • Kemper Support #1  DonPetersen

    I have few questions before making a purchase decision:

    1. As the STAGE got rid of a RIG VOLUME KNOB, can I assign the MASTER VOLUME KNOB to be my rig volume knob?

    2. Can I copy paste the entire stomp or effects section on the STAGE like I do on my Toaster? Or do I need the editor for that?

    3. Can I save and open the entire stomp or effects section on the STAGE without the editor?

    Thank you! :)

  • I think this new kemper stage fits perfectly in kempers product line and in their longevity plan that other companies simply don't offer.

    None of us really know what their plans are. Christoph in an interview did suggest a "Kemper 2" would be necessary at some point.

    C.Kemper explained in an interview 2012-13 that even if a kemper 2 would come out in the future it would be back compatible with the previous kemper. Created profiles from kemper 1 will play on kemper 2 so all the hard work of profiling your amps will never be lost. Good luck with preserving the tones users spent weeks on creating on an Axe fx or Helix after many updates, and forget transfering your sounds to a newer model. All that hard work is wasted weeks. I 100% prefer kempers tone reliabilty.

    To my knowledge, the Axe-III allows you to preserve Axe-II and AX8 tones. There isn't a new Helix at this point to judge whether that is offered. All Helix series offerings are exactly compatible with the exception of the HX Stomp having fewer blocks.

    Having not owned one, I can't speak to past Fractal iterations preserving the sonic integrity of old presets. There are, however, options within the device to not allow presets to be sonically changed by firmware updates. So while Christoph's quote is a good thing in the event of a Kemper 2, it's not unique amongst competitors.

    Kempers "old tech" was said to be old even at launch 2012 when the CEO of Fractal said it was old already, underpowered, he had already tried this tech long ago and it was inferior in so many ways. Hoping he could get buyers to stay away from it.

    Comparatively speaking, I think he was right even if his point may have had some misleading implications. The difference is the Kemper isn't designed to do all the things an Axe-FX does, so it doesn't need all the same processing power. Christoph in the same interview you alluded to spoke of the limitations in processing power to accomplish some of the features asked of him, all of which are possible within an Axe-FX, if one so desired.

    Nobody believed it would be able to have these amazing reverbs and delays

    I don't think "nobody" believed that. People had been requesting complex delays and reverbs for quite some time knowing it was possible. Kemper themselves certainly never insinuated they were impossible to accommodate, either. Clearly not.

    The most important part for sound is great programing and algorithms, not which unit has the most powerful cpu.

    Certainly, but you do need more CPU to accommodate more ambitious options. Christoph admitted certain functions wouldn't be possible due to processing power with the current unit. Whether he finds it worth the time and energy, who knows.