Profiler Stage Introduction Thread

  • With regards the editing settings discussion, for a floor unit I would think you’d want a mobile app based editor and Bluetooth/WiFi hotspot connectivity, after all it’s less wires and think of the potential for actually being able to do edits at a venue. With a wireless system you could even wander around the venue and tune your sound from out front before the crowds get there, and let your buddy be the tech, with other apps like If This Then That you could even set up some pretty sweet automation of your set without having a huge budget.

    Anyhow looking pretty sweet and exciting. Only thing I wish based on these photos is that it bucked the recent trend to not have an expression pedal on floorboard units.

  • With regards the editing settings discussion, for a floor unit I would think you’d want a mobile app based editor and Bluetooth/WiFi hotspot connectivity, after all it’s less wires and think of the potential for actually being able to do edits at a venue. With a wireless system you could even wander around the venue and tune your sound from out front before the crowds get there, and let your buddy be the tech, with other apps like If This Then That you could even set up some pretty sweet automation of your set without having a huge budget.

    Anyhow looking pretty sweet and exciting. Only thing I wish based on these photos is that it bucked the recent trend to not have an expression pedal on floorboard units.

    From the photos on the packaging and the teaser, it indeed looks like it won’t have an expression pedal attached.

    As for your concept of editing, I think that would be outstanding. Being able to record a loop of your playing, then go out front and tweak the settings to the venue would be awesome.

  • A second remote that works as a stand alone floor unit (maybe with/out profiling capabilities) or works in conjunction with your exhisting profilier to run a bigger signal chain, dual profiles, extra effects routing etc. via the Ethernet cable or some other form of German Wizardry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • I’m not in the market for a floor unit as I much prefer my toaster and remote for several reasons. However, if I was looking for a floor unit I would definitely not buy one with a built in expression pedal. In fact when ai bought the KPA I tried the Helix which I thought was pretty good but I didn’t fancy the floor board form factor. However, the thing that really killed the Helix for me was the built in Exp pedal.i think Kemper have done the right thing not including one here.

  • I think you are wrong. All of you. This is not a full floor Kemper. This is the brand new Kemp-o-FX.

    A floor unit with all the amp and cab profiling stripped off, just the FX section left. Yes! To prove all those a liar, who keep telling that the Kemper FX section is not top notch.

    Intended to run in front of an amp, which, well yes, might also be a Kemper Profiler. 8):)

    "Wenn´s net brummt, is kaputt"

  • I can't believe they would bring out something that would effectively make the Head and remote defunct....

    Would they...?

    No. That would be shooting yourself in the foot. It is yet to be seen but would logically fit the market between the Foot Controller version from other companies. Not all the same functionality and not able to profile. We shall see but when I bought the first box in 2012 the new price was below $1200. The features have increased and so has the price. You wouldn't kill your flagship with a lower priced unit that would do the same thing. As an example the FM3 provides the same sound (supposedly) but you can't do as much, You should expect something similar with respect to restrictions compared to the big units. For those not needing to profile and able to get by with less, it will be exactly what they want. It will open the market for a wider range of people. My theory, not theirs. We shall see.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • It might be a combo of a profile loader / effects / class D amp that powers the Kemper Kabinet.

    A low to moderate wattage class D amp specifically designed for the Kabinet's speaker makes a lot of sense.

    It also would not take a lot of space in the floor housing.

    If it could act as a remote for both its internal as well as a second KPA, it would be killer. Maybe you

    could morph between profiles. Or use both Kemper's effects with one profile. Or use two cabs

    with one profile.

    I'd buy that in a heart beat to go with my non powered rack.