Profiler Stage Introduction Thread

  • Vinny the manuals are generally really good. Rember that the printed manual that ships with all Kempers is just a basic guide the full upto date manual is downloadable from the website.

    I would actually suggest starting with the tutorial videos on the Kemper website. Although they relate to the Head and Rack the functionality is pretty much identical between them and the Stage as far as I can make out.

  • Vinny the manuals are generally really good. Rember that the printed manual that ships with all Kempers is just a basic guide the full upto date manual is downloadable from the website.

    I would actually suggest starting with the tutorial videos on the Kemper website. Although they relate to the Head and Rack the functionality is pretty much identical between them and the Stage as far as I can make out.

    There's a pretty good 30 minute Stage video as well. Goes over the difference in layout etc.

  • Vinny the manuals are generally really good. Rember that the printed manual that ships with all Kempers is just a basic guide the full upto date manual is downloadable from the website.

    I would actually suggest starting with the tutorial videos on the Kemper website. Although they relate to the Head and Rack the functionality is pretty much identical between them and the Stage as far as I can make out.

    Thanks so much. Will watch the videos now. Cheers. ?

  • Vinny the manuals are generally really good.

    I just wanted to quote this for emphasis.

    Tech documentation is really hard to get right. On one extreme you can get dense information dumps that are technically accurate but mind numbingly tedious to read (looking at you, Roland). Then there's the stuff that tries to be user friendly but ends up being so light and fluffy that it's useless. Not to mention docs written by those with an inadequate grasp of the given language (every Chinese product ever exported). And then you have to consider that your target audience are musicians. We're not the brightest bulb in the room to begin with, and just wanna play guitar.

    A few companies over the years have nailed it. Mackie manuals, back in Greg Mackie's day, were comprehensive, accurate and written with a sense of humor that managed to entertain without getting in the way. While Kemper's docs don't opt for humor, in most other respects they're well written and highly readable. Good language skills, accurate information and they don't read like a technical data dump from an android with intestinal malfunctions.

    Maybe I just notice this sort of stuff more because I'm a writer myself, but product documentation never gets the glory. It's more often mentioned in passing, usually accompanied by the ever popular RTFM acronym. So, when a company does it right, I think it's worth a round of applause.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • A few companies over the years have nailed it. Mackie manuals, back in Greg Mackie's day, were comprehensive, accurate and written with a sense of humor that managed to entertain without getting in the way

    I learned more about ITB setup from Mackie mixer manuals than I did reading any DAW documentation. Maybe because I grew up with analog mixers the mackie manuals made more sense to me. BTW, you can find many of them online.

  • The USB port on the Stage... think it would support a Line6 G10 wireless? I use the USB port on the toaster to run a Bluetooth RX.

    I'll try the G10 on my toaster when I get home...


    Tested the toaster USB, and...

    It "operates". What does that mean?

    The better question is does it "work"?


    I was happy as heck when I plugged the USB cord from the Kemper port to the micro USB on the G10 and it happily lit up.

    Grabbed a guitar and it seemed fine.

    Then I started listening, and I could hear a whining noise when plucking the A string. Hmmm...

    Changed the USB cable to the thicker one that comes with the G10.


    So, the USB port powers the G10, and seems to charge the TX bug as well, but there is noise.

    Dang. Not sure if the Stage USB has more amperage, but the toaster won't do it for you/me.


  • I remember reading a post from the Mothership that the USB ports are ONLY for the purpose they were designed for and not for charging phones, connecting other devices, etc.

    Doing so might cause unexpected consequences.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Dang. Not sure if the Stage USB has more amperage, but the toaster won't do it for you/me.


    the USB port is designed for a USB stick only. It is not intended to deliver enough energy for what you have in mind. The worse case it that you will damage the hardware. This is true for every Profiler product.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • My Profiler Stage just arrived today. Never used a Kemper before, been using Fractal for years and before that, my old Bradshaw system rack.

    It sounds really good. Very happy. Just need to learn the Kemper way of doing things now and get my live set programmed up.

    Going to dig into the manuals tonight and work out as much as I can. Before I do that, is there a way to have a performance default to any of the 1-5 switches on selection of that performance? For instance, on selecting a particular performance, it will already be set to go on rig 3 in that performance. Do performances have to have identical effects chains to have spillover work properly when switching between rigs in any given performance.

    Anyway, like I said, really happy with how this sounds and looking forward to getting it programmed up. ?

    One thing I like about the Kemper is its quite intuitive to use.

    Couple of suggestions:

    1) Download Rig Manager to audition profiles - look for amps you are familiar with or like.

    2) Don't try to adjust profiles too much. If you don't like it, move on.

    Not sure about the default on performance mode? Not sure if its the last one you had on there or when you last saved? Someone else will need to answer. Not sure about spill over either...

  • Picked up a Stage at launch immediately, this unit checks all the boxes for me. Portable, all-in-one, and profiling. Amazing.

    I got rid of my Kemper about a year ago and tried out Fractal Axe III, which ended up being more than I needed. Couldn't be happier to be back in the Kemper camp with all my old profiles. What's great is I kept all the profiles I created of my studio amps, some of which I don't even own anymore, so it's like reuniting with multiple old friends all at once. Fantastic.

  • Glenn DeLaune got one. His first Kemper. He has quite the collection of great amps. I have used some of his previous Line 6 stuff in the past. His ear for fine tuning is amazing. I hope he profiles his amps. Fingers crossed. He is impressed with his Stage.

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