Kind of rude CS agent/repair tech or am I being crazy?

  • I sent in a request to see what I can do about a repair since my Kemper started smoking, smelling like burned electronics and gives off sparks on the IEC when i plug in the power... I got a response about there being a repair center in Colorado and basically the dude ended the convo with this:

    "Burn marks on circuit boards inside the unit are not covered under warranty though. We can tell if it is a manufacturing defect or not."

    I even mentioned I would pay for the repair if it's out of warranty, but I just feel like maybe they think I'm trying to scam them or something. Am I being crazy? I just bought this thing 2 months ago, still learning how to use it, and I feel like i'm being treated as if I'm trying to pull one over on them. Am I being crazy?

  • I haven’t had much direct contact with support but several of the mods on the forum are actually Kemper support team anyway.

    However, I had an issue recently which I thought was a software bug. I sent the back up to support and Burkhard answered it. My experience was that he was very helpful and professional. I have always found him to be very helpful in the forums too.

    Obviously my support experience is very limited so far but I would definitely have no qualms about contacting them again.

  • In all honesty, it's impossible to assess someone's attitude and intent when it's an isolated phrase from an ongoing conversation, taken out of context.

    The fact that burn marks on the circuit board were mentioned would indicate that there was a discussion about it. As for the final sentence, there's no way of knowing if the CS agent was being snarky or if it was the result of a conversation that became progressively contentious. Was it someone who was being less than sensitive, or was it a reaction to something you said earlier in the conversation? Or was he simply being matter-of-fact about it and you took it the wrong way? We have no way of knowing.

    That said, Colorado suggests that you're an American, as am I. Kemper is a German company. At the risk of pointing out the obvious, there are significant cultural and social differences between Americans and Germans, just as there are between someone born in New York and a counterpart in Georgia.

    Having grown up in the deep south, I was raised in a culture that believed New Yorkers were rude, aggressive and mean spirited because of their fast paced and direct nature. Then I lived in Long Island and played the bars there in the early 80s and discovered that not to be the case at all. What southerners took as hostility was just a normal, direct conversation in NY. No offense offered, none taken, because it was just the way people were. Once I understood the culture I found them to be some of the friendliest people I've known. Context is everything.

    Northern and southern mannerisms are actually a pretty good metaphor for Germans and Americans. I've seen statements by the Kemper guys on the forums that might be considered rude when in fact they were simply being direct, with no offense intended.

    I do understand the frustration when a customer service experience doesn't go well, but in fairness, flaming the guy on the company's forums might also be considered rude.

    All the Kemper guys are musicians and you know that none of us are perfect, so maybe the guy truly was out of line or having a bad day. However, I have to echo the sentiment that my own interactions with them have been nothing but polite, professional and (when you factor in differing cultures), friendly.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • doomtoof

    reading though the entire conversation, it appears to be a lengthly and friendly exchange. support explained to you what the statement you've posted means. maybe you should post the rest as well, the single sentence is clearly not revealing the entire context.

    thanks, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • That said, Colorado suggests that you're an American, as am I. Kemper is a German company. At the risk of pointing out the obvious, there are significant cultural and social differences between Americans and Germans, just as there are between someone born in New York and a counterpart in Georgia.

    Germans are considered low-context on the high/low context spectrum, culturally speaking.

    As I work with a lot of Germans I often have to deal with these exact misunderstandings. Germans are very straightforward and frankly often blunt to the point of tactlessness and rudeness.

    When they say "We can tell when it's a manufacturing error" they mean that and only that. They don't mean "We know, you smarty pants". They mean "for us it often at first glance that we can tell when something looks off". They don't soften their words or beat around the bush. And generally do not have hidden agendas.

    I've heard the dutch are even worse. Once you get passed that, you'll find they are really friendly and easy-going.

  • Cultural differences can make it confusing sometimes. But even in anyones own mother language people missinterpret and judge from their own filters. If you e.g. are straight forward some can accuse you of being harsh, and or angry and that person can't seem to understand why someone can accuse him of that. When dealing with other cultures, you can't expect them to behave and act the same way as you do.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • I haven’t had much direct contact with support but several of the mods on the forum are actually Kemper support team anyway.

    However, I had an issue recently which I thought was a software bug. I sent the back up to support and Burkhard answered it. My experience was that he was very helpful and professional. I have always found him to be very helpful in the forums too.

    Obviously my support experience is very limited so far but I would definitely have no qualms about contacting them again.

    I recently had an exchange with Burkhard on an intermittent issue and he answered immediately on a Sunday. The follow up went well beyond what I would expect and couldn't be more helpful.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Germans are considered low-context on the high/low context spectrum, culturally speaking.

    As I work with a lot of Germans I often have to deal with these exact misunderstandings. Germans are very straightforward and frankly often blunt to the point of tactlessness and rudeness.

    When they say "We can tell when it's a manufacturing error" they mean that and only that. They don't mean "We know, you smarty pants". They mean "for us it often at first glance that we can tell when something looks off". They don't soften their words or beat around the bush. And generally do not have hidden agendas.

    I've heard the dutch are even worse. Once you get passed that, you'll find they are really friendly and easy-going.

    sorry to be so blunt but the reply the OP was referring to came from a member of our service team in Denver/Colorado who was born and raised in the US of A.

  • I've dealt with Kemper in Germany and never had a problem , I was well taken care of, never felt any cultural differences or issues , business was dealt with, professionally with courtesy !

    and i'm Canadian, we're the nicest people on this side of the planet!