Fractal Audio FM3 announced

  • The first thing I thought when I saw the FM3 announcement was... "did I miss some kind of Kemper announcement this morning?" LOL

    Not the same processor as the AX8, but the same relative CPU power, Cliff said. If that's true, its not a huge leap financial leap from the HX Stomp to the FM3, and you get WAY more functionality.

    Of course, there's nothing in Kemper-land to compare it to.

  • I believe that it will compete in a market Kemper doesn't currently have an entry for.

    A $1000 fully functional Axe FX with a built in foot controller is a pretty high sound to dollar ratio. I have been wanting Kemper to come out with a foot controller version also .... but I would forego the editing on the unit in favor of a tablet and PC application. I would also include a physical format more like Kempers foot controller for performances.

    Still, Fractal has undercut Line 6 with a device that very likely has sound quality close to Kemper (and a much nicer editor) and kept the price under 1K. Not bad IMO.

    While I think Kemper should make a foot controller, and that Fractal's new offering is really nice, I will not change from a rack setup simply due to the fact that it is REALLY convenient to have only 1 cable going out to my performance area for my foot controller. You can't get that with an all-in-one foot controller. You always have a cord mess around your mic stand :(

  • I will not change from a rack setup simply due to the fact that it is REALLY convenient to have only 1 cable going out to my performance area for my foot controller. You can't get that with an all-in-one foot controller. You always have a cord mess around your mic stand

    You could easily keep in the FM3 on your "backline" with a poweramp and cab (or FRFR), then run a single XLR out to a FC-6 or FC-12 by your feet.

  • That.... actually looks pretty cool!

    However, I really can't stand the Fractal business process and attitude, so I'm really not keen on getting one personally. Great idea though.

    (Now just wait for the 'jump the queue' offers of pre-order preference if you pay an extra £100).

  • And eventually that one will be discontinued too and Kemper is still on mkI and we have seen updates we havent't had to pay for a mkII to get. I'm so thankful Kemper came. I was about to order Axe Fx mkI and then I heard about Kemper and waited a little while and decided I could order a Kemper and have it in a week and not have to wait at least 6 months before I get an Axe Fx and might regret I didn't purchase a Kemper instead. That was an easy decision.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • The Kemper actually cured my GAS. I don't feel interested at all by other gear at this moment. I also don't get why so many people absolutely want a floorboard version. But I'm a living / bedroom musician and like to interact with the Kemper using my hands. This is also why I'm not super excited about the upcoming editor. I have the remote as well, which is fun for looping and playing an entire song without needing to stop. I guess that a floorboard version is more interesting for gigging musicians. Whatever makes people happy I guess...

  • I am so glad I went for my second KPA instead of the AX8 some weeks ago..I already decided to go for the latter but something kept me from doing it.Well..^^

    The Kemper is a tool.The rest are digital gadgets to be replaced with the next digital gadgets.. I feel for all the AX8 guys.They must feel screwed.I know I would..

  • I am so glad I went for my second KPA instead of the AX8 some weeks ago..I already decided to go for the latter but something kept me from doing it.Well..^^

    The Kemper is a tool.The rest are digital gadgets to be replaced with the next digital gadgets.. I feel for all the AX8 guys.They must feel screwed.I know I would..

    Could not agree more. I own 3 Kempers (selling an almost new unpowered rack version at the moment for those who are interested!).

    B U T :

    I feel like, yes, I am one of Kemper's biggest fans, that's why fractal's announcement makes me somewhat sad. Kemper must wake up now. It's finally time not to sleep any more (even if Christoph himself answered about this point in the forum in the past, of which I am realy very thankful). Too many of the same request for too long time here. I am sure there will be something new in the near Kemper future (in Kemper years this means 5-10 years). But just imagine a new Helix with a new profiling option. Just imagine. What will Kemper do then? React instead of lead and act in advance? After all it's just the amp sound quality that keeps the world stuck with the good old Kemper. But what will happen when the first modellers add profiling to their function base? I bet Line6 will present this in a ground shaking Helix 2 or a separate all new unit in just a couple of years, after all we live in digital ages. What will I myself and millions of other Kemper fans do then? Keep our Kemper just because of its beautiful green colour while we've been wishing and requesting a floor version for the last 100 years? Renouncing a stunning Helix thing with the sound of a realistic, profiled amp just to have to carry around more Kemper gear? Come on.

    (To all the purists: please don't say again "hey man, good tone is good tone I don't need anything new". I do. Millions of other guitarists do).

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

    Edited 3 times, last by Alienator (April 24, 2019 at 2:05 PM).

  • To be honest..

    As much as I want a really small floorunit I always have in mind these stupid drunks with their beer in their hands..(including myself a few seconds right after the last note played on stage)..

    Since years I dream about a "Profileplayer" and a "modular concept" for the Kemperstuff but in the end it all comes down to money.Will I ever buy a floorunit which costs more than 500€?

    No.I know these stuff does not fit well to any kind of stage.This is just to risky.For me.I can risk to loose 500€ every now and then but not 1000 or more.I am no doctor with GAS.

    For some reason I believe that the Kemper-team has this in mind.By "this" I mean poor musicians with no money to spare.

  • As much as I want a really small floorunit I always have in mind these stupid drunks with their beer in their hands..(including myself a few seconds right after the last note played on stage)..

    Years ago, one of my cats peed on my Boss ME-80 and it was enough to kill the pedal... ;(

    Personally, if I had the luxury of free time/discretionary spending, I would probably be focused on my output options right now too much to evaluate or focus on floor options, even if the Kemper had one. But there is a lot to be said about more space and less objects on the stage, especially in the smaller venues. Which ironically increase the probability of someone spilling something. Pros/cons, risks/benefits to everything I guess. YMMV

  • Meh! Give it six months and they will release the new FM3 plus. Its newer and shiny and not backward compatible with older units.

    This doesn't seem to be the case, actually: CC stated that FM3 complies with Fractal's new modular architecture. I don't know much on the matter, but I grabbed that this environment is populated with compatible, modular, same-fw devices.

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • I feel like, yes, I am one of Kemper's biggest fans, that's why fractal's announcement makes me somewhat sad.

    There's nothing to be sad about. They (and virtually all other competitors) make new product announcements all the damn time for the simple reason that their business model is based on planned obsolescence. Meanwhile Kemper can actually work on developing other visionary concepts like the Kone, etc instead of constantly coming up and abandoning more soon-to-be-useless gadgets (like my Atomic Amplifier 3!)

  • I am so glad I went for my second KPA instead of the AX8 some weeks ago..I already decided to go for the latter but something kept me from doing it.Well..^^

    The Kemper is a tool.The rest are digital gadgets to be replaced with the next digital gadgets.. I feel for all the AX8 guys.They must feel screwed.I know I would..

    "Digital gadgets"... as opposed to kemper.. which is a tool instead.. right...

    If I was playing more, I'd definitely considering buying this new unit. It's running Ares and seems quite convenient.

    The bonanza

  • They (and virtually all other competitors) make new product announcements all the damn time for the simple reason that their business model is based on planned obsolescence. Meanwhile Kemper can actually work on developing other visionary concepts like the Kone, etc instead of constantly coming up and abandoning more soon-to-be-useless gadgets (like my Atomic Amplifier 3!)

    Sometimes obsolescence is planned, other times it's a victim of circumstance. As far as I know, Fractal has stated they are still supporting the AxeII and AX8 in terms of software and function upgrades. The newer models do pave the way for tons of other additions, which require added processing power.

    Why is your Atomic Amplifier 3 soon-to-be-useless? Even if Atomic were to abandon it, it's not like it would stop working. The tones and functions would be exactly the same. All the time on this forum users say they bought the Kemper as-is because it was good enough or perfect for their needs even without any additional upgrades. So even if a Kemper II came along or a floorboard unit, it wouldn't make profiling any less great in the original KPA. It's only as obsolete as not being in production, but the core of what people bought "as-is" doesn't change because a new product comes out.

    Personally, I don't get the attitude of Kemper users who thumb their nose at new devices and options that come out. I'd think people would be happy that the market is growing and advancing to give the consumer the most in return for their investments. The "Kemper still on MKI" arguments only seem to give personal satisfaction to the contributor that their choice and gear is the best, otherwise why would it matter? I don't know why anyone would oppose a "Kemper MKII" if there were a whole slew of added features that perhaps are not possible in the current format. Say, more amp blocks, dual-amp profiles, etc. It still wouldn't make Kemper MKI any less impressive or useful for making new profiles, and my guess is the narrative would change to how great Kemper is for releasing a new version with even more tools.

    I don't see new product releases as anything to dismiss. We should be grateful to live in a time where so many new and rapid advancements are being made with ridiculous options at nearly any price point. Anything else just comes off as brand protectionism.

  • Could not agree more. I own 3 Kempers (selling an almost new unpowered rack version at the moment for those who are interested!).

    B U T :

    I feel like, yes, I am one of Kemper's biggest fans, that's why fractal's announcement makes me somewhat sad. Kemper must wake up now. It's finally time not to sleep any more (even if Christoph himself answered about this point in the forum in the past, of which I am realy very thankful). Too many of the same request for too long time here. I am sure there will be something new in the near Kemper future (in Kemper years this means 5-10 years). But just imagine a new Helix with a new profiling option. Just imagine. What will Kemper do then? React instead of lead and act in advance? After all it's just the amp sound quality that keeps the world stuck with the good old Kemper. But what will happen when the first modellers add profiling to their function base? I bet Line6 will present this in a ground shaking Helix 2 or a separate all new unit in just a couple of years, after all we live in digital ages. What will I myself and millions of other Kemper fans do then? Keep our Kemper just because of its beautiful green colour while we've been wishing and requesting a floor version for the last 100 years? Renouncing a stunning Helix thing with the sound of a realistic, profiled amp just to have to carry around more Kemper gear? Come on.

    (To all the purists: please don't say again "hey man, good tone is good tone I don't need anything new". I do. Millions of other guitarists do).

    I’m not a “purist” who says ‘“good tone is good tone....” althought it is ?

    However, when I tried the Helix, AX8 and KPA, I Special chose the KPa Toaster because it WASN’T a floor unit. I don’t wantall the extra cables and the risk of drunks spilling stuff etc........ my mate uses the AX8 on a pedal board and its at least twice as much work to set up and strip down as my KPA plus Remote.

    I know its very much personal preference but I don’t think its right to assume Kemper are failing to capitalise on the obvious market demand.

  • I know its very much personal preference but I don’t think its right to assume Kemper are failing to capitalise on the obvious market demand.

    But there is a demand for an all-in-one floor unit a la Helix, Headrush, AX8, BOSS GT, Amplifire. Those units outsell their rack counterparts (with maybe an exception for the AX8). Of course that means more cables going in and out, etc, but clearly many players like having everything at their feet and are ok with that trade off.

    I don't see any problem were Kemper to have a floor board version for players who want it while still having the head/rack/remote configurations available for those that don't.