Playing response and "tone life suck"

  • I think it’s the synergy 5050 poweramp

    I wonder why the LXII was never released. That video is from 2012.

    the new synergy 5050 poweramp is designed by Fryette and it looks like the lx2.

    I just bought a syn1 on reverb and the seller had all the synergy system (combo, head, and all the modules) but wasn’t particularly happy with the 5050 poweramp.

    I’m thinking I should start profiling the synergy preamps and use them with my tube power amp and see how they compare.

  • Alienator,

    I'm experiencing that exact same problem. It should not happen while using headphones.

    I'll try getting pickup poles closer to the strings but I don't think I should have to do that to make it work.

    I'm glad I'm not alone but I'm disappointed to have this problem.

  • I had the same issue for years! Clean Sense was my problem, set waaayyyyyy too low. I was in the -2 to -4 range now I'm +4 to +5 and it feels like a real amp.

    I tried this and, yes, it definitely did something positive to the feel of the profiles I use a lot. Should it be that easy, I don't know but as you say, it seems worth to play around with this parameter with (in my case) edge of break up profiles (and maybe also the dist sense with cleaner profiles??).

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I tried this and, yes, it definitely did something positive to the feel of the profiles I use a lot. Should it be that easy, I don't know but as you say, it seems worth to play around with this parameter with (in my case) edge of break up profiles (and maybe also the dist sense with cleaner profiles??).

    actually it is genious, because of the interactions with impedance on real amps, different pickups also have a different behaviour, so a low clean sense would really take a lot of juice out of the signal path, and adding compression to the system (the natural amp compression) would turn out into a weak single note "punch" but everything would sound fine when struming. I believe dist sense is not really needed, it works more like a gain knob pre-adjustment.

    The answer is 42

  • I had the same issue for years! Clean Sense was my problem, set waaayyyyyy too low. I was in the -2 to -4 range now I'm +4 to +5 and it feels like a real amp.

    I also have the same issue (thank god I thought I was alone to have that problem lol) but my clean sense is set to have very minimal input clipping and I’m about minus 3db.

    Seems like the input is too sensitive... when you strum hard a chord or the low E string the input clip and when you just play fast lines it’s not enough...

    Tried a lot of things but never found a solution.

  • DonPetersen I've never fully understood the logic of clean/Distorted sense. I know what is does but not understood the need as opposed to a signle input level control?

    Is it based around the profiling process and being able to then balance profiles or something else? Not an issue, just curious...

  • DonPetersen I've never fully understood the logic of clean/Distorted sense. I know what is does but not understood the need as opposed to a signle input level control?

    Is it based around the profiling process and being able to then balance profiles or something else? Not an issue, just curious...

    It's based around the fact that Kemper found a way to disconnect volume and gain. On a traditional amp when you increase the gain you need to reduce the master volume to compensate. Kemper managed to find a way to make changes to the gain without altering the volume.

  • It's based around the fact that Kemper found a way to disconnect volume and gain. On a traditional amp when you increase the gain you need to reduce the master volume to compensate. Kemper managed to find a way to make changes to the gain without altering the volume.

    when I raise the gain on my profiles it increases the overall volume...

    Take one crunch profile, duplicate it, turn the gain knob : more volume

  • in that case you need to adjust the clean sense until he rig volume stays the same.

    the problem is that the clean sense is dedicated to the pickup output. Too high (even 0 with a Sh4) it’s clipping, if you set it too low you loose the dynamic or the gain output of the pickup.

    It’s quit difficult to set everything right.

  • the problem is that the clean sense is dedicated to the pickup output. Too high (even 0 with a Sh4) it’s clipping, if you set it too low you loose the dynamic or the gain output of the pickup.

    that´s not how to adjust clean sense. it´s not input gain. it´s purpose is explained in the manual:

     Clean Sens

    Different types of guitars produce different output levels depending on their pickups and string gauge: for example, humbucker pickups generate higher voltages compared to single coils, and active guitars generate even hotter signal levels. If you feel that clean sounds are either very loud or very soft compared to distorted sounds, you can adjust Clean Sens to a level where clean sounds have the same perceived loudness as distorted sounds. Clean Sens determines the volume of clean sounds, but not the way that the amp or the effects are driven. A guitar with low output level stays cleaner; a hot guitar will still distort more easily.

    Extremely “hot” guitars can generate unwanted distortion, indicated by the INPUT LED flashing red. This is only relevant for clean sounds, however - prominent amp distortion will completely mask a subtle clipping of the input.

     Distortion Sens
    Distortion Sens should normally stay at zero (middle) position. Every Rig will react as if you had connected your

    guitar to the original amplifier.

    If you feel that your guitar tends to drive the distortion too hot (or too soft) for most of your Rigs, then calibrate your guitar by adjusting Distortion Sens accordingly.

    ✓Clean Sens is not a simple input gain; you will notice that it does not affect the gain of a distorted sound. Distortion Sens is also not a simple booster, as it does not affect the gain of clean sounds. Neither of these parameters colors the sound.

  • I know but that doesn’t help because I have to lower the clean sense to avoid clipping and I’ve already tested and it’s not true. Clean sense is also acting as « input sense » and definitely have an impact on distorted profiles.

  • More one here!

    I like a lot to play shred stuff, but is very complicated to find a useful tone, it is strange because is great to hear when I strum it, but bad to play solos.

    I have tested all the suggestion that I saw in this thread. If someone have an another idea please comment.

  • Hi,

    An update here, I improve a bit with bass/high cut configuration, and input sensitivity.

    Please Kemper team, pay attention in this thread, the shredders needs your help. :P

    I havent found any problem with the kemper when shredding or soloing (mind you, the hardest I play is cliffs of dover, and not perfectly), it most likely is specific to the setup you use, or what you are used to hear EQ wise. Bump the right mids with the parametric, and most likely that will do.

    The answer is 42

  • Coming in this topic again

    today i wanted to try to profile my tubeman mkII preamp with a torpedo live (big fail but another subject).

    So I just plugged everything guitar>tubeman>torpedo live>Soundcard.

    It sounded simply awesome.

    I had NOT that weird attack response like the kemper. I almost forgot how easy it was to just play…

    Sustain, didn’t have to pick and pay attention to EVERY notes of my legato lines, feels like an amp and how I’m used to play for my entire pro career.

    So after my failed attempt at profiling this rig, I just came back to play the kemper stage with mbritt 69 tones.
    and… attacks problem back again…

    so I tweaked:

    compression to 5 : helped a little but compression bring more noise

    clean sense to 5 : helped a little too but now with my hss configuration (jb bridge, fender custom Texas special) I hit red on bridge on low notes pick attacks.

    Even with those parameters I couldn’t get the normal feel and normal amp response of a 200$ tubeman.

    Same guitar, same wireless, same Soundcard, same speaker.

    I’m a little bit disappointed, I felt this since I own the kemper and no matter what profiles I use.

    So Some question for my future test :

    - Putting more compression and sacrifice a slot with a noise gate but it may be counterproductive. 5 is already really high and it start to messe the original profiles. How far is it recommanded to go?

    - increasing clean sense : how far can I safely clip the input?

    - also gonna try tube bias as I understand that it could help.

    Like the others I never had this problem with any of my previous gear, is it because the kemper has too much headroom on input or something like that?

    i repeat I was so relieved to play on the tubeman and torpedo, everything was clear and Easy to play as it always was with tube amps.

    Is my input defective?