Profiler OS6 Operating System

  • Your answer lies at the end of this video:

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    (Imo Kemper should have designed the menu’s like that right from the start ...)

    In this video, he said they're showing the acoustic simulator at NAMM too. Did anyone see any vids showing that?

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    Well, this sounds like fun! I'm not really sure if this will be useful in a band-setting. Maybe I can steal some pad-parts from the keyboardplayer :D

  • A quick video :)

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  • LOL! I think OS 7 will deserve a brand new thread of its own :)

    That's what I was thinking. Although, since these verbs were to be a part of the new big operating system update coming this summer, perhaps someone should create a Ionosphere/Formant Reverb Thread under Discussions. When the new 7.0 beta comes out, a new thread for that where we review our actual experiences with it, versus our current speculation of it, which is what this current thread is about. All that to say, I loaded up 6.0 and love the new verbs and their presets. Curious as to why they didn't just label the new reverb OS 5 point (whatever number comes after the last update) since just two new reverbs hardly justifies it's own whole number OS.

  • I'm thinking they want to make each update have some kind of theme, for whatever reason. So if patch 5.0 was the delay overhaul, patch 6.0 was the reverb overhaul, and patch 7.0 will be the file system overhaul. Patch 8.0 hopefully OD / DS stomps? :D

  • Another video, this time using Ionosphere :)

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  • Wondering if Freeze is accessible via the remote in any way or if there is a midi cc assigned to it. Morphing will work I suppose if you keep it always on and then change the mix from zero to taste but I find that can leave traces of some effects even at 0% mix.

  • Wondering if Freeze is accessible via the remote in any way or if there is a midi cc assigned to it. Morphing will work I suppose if you keep it always on and then change the mix from zero to taste but I find that can leave traces of some effects even at 0% mix.

    Not in front of my KPA, but I'm nearly positive that Freeze is a latching function available on the remote and has been for some time.

  • Wondering if Freeze is accessible via the remote in any way or if there is a midi cc assigned to it. Morphing will work I suppose if you keep it always on and then change the mix from zero to taste but I find that can leave traces of some effects even at 0% mix.

    From the manual:

    Above the “Feedback” soft knob you will find the “Freeze” soft button and, on several delay types, an “Infinity” soft button. Both buttons are so-called "Action & Freeze" functions. These can be assigned to the Effect Buttons of the PROFILER Remote for performance applications. To assign them, hold the desired Effect Button on the Remote with your foot, while you press the respective soft button above the display on your PROFILER. To undo the assignment, repeat the same action.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer