Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • I’m not sure I like that button

    :D:D I like that one Morph! Sorry to tell you this, I've used that button many times. Nothing personal...

    The "Clear Morph" button in the Rig section is also very useful versus "Clear All Morph," as you don't have to lose all of your morphs, just the one you're working on.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Similar to the morph discussion, something that would be very useful to me in an editor is an easy way to view every parameter that is locked. I spent half of rehearsal last night pushing buttons trying to figure out why things weren't sounding right. Locked functions seem to be one the most common reasons for this but it can be a challenge to remember/find exactly what you locked.

  • Similar to the morph discussion, something that would be very useful to me in an editor is an easy way to view every parameter that is locked. I spent half of rehearsal last night pushing buttons trying to figure out why things weren't sounding right. Locked functions seem to be one the most common reasons for this but it can be a challenge to remember/find exactly what you locked.

    There is a simple way to see what is locked. From the manual:

    To get an overview of the lock status of all modules, press and hold LOCK - all locked modules will be lit, while those that are unlocked will remain unlit.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Similar to the morph discussion, something that would be very useful to me in an editor is an easy way to view every parameter that is locked. I spent half of rehearsal last night pushing buttons trying to figure out why things weren't sounding right. Locked functions seem to be one the most common reasons for this but it can be a challenge to remember/find exactly what you locked.

    Parameters are not locked - whole sections are.

    But it would be very useful if the entire locked section was grayed out or a message appeared that it was just locked.

    This is exactly missing in TME. The only thing you can guess that something is locked is that the parameters return to their original value. Informing the user about this state would be an added value.

    On the other hand, you could omit the blocking option when editing parameters, assuming that the user editing the parameters does not want to have them blocked. In the end, the lock option is useful mainly for changing not parameters but entire sections.

  • I think it was on the first request but having just for the first time tried IR's, it would be great to be able to manage all cabs and effects (don't think you can do this now on RM????).

    Can we also get rid of the need for a USB stick ? I'd like to be able to do all of those functions just via RM through USB..

  • Please please please, a decent Mac USB editor. This is schoolboy stuff. Please, please, please... it's amateur hour without it.

    Hello Jay,

    Just curious, have you been following Kemper related news at all? Have you read this thread, or at least the first page?

    Sorry to be cheeky, but "Amateur hour" might also be used for the case of someone asking about something that any Kemper owner/user should know, unless they have been imprisoned in a North Korean gulag. :)

    In any event, here you are:

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  • Haven't read through the whole thread: but since mods encouraged requests ... for me what's most important is having everything that is available on the hardware UI be accessible from the editor. The point of struggle with every-day use has been having to reach out to kemper. If clean sens wasn't an option in the editor -- hypothetically speaking -- I'd still have to use the hardware. That's something I really want to avoid having to do. This includes the profiling function as well and reference vs amp section.

    The bonanza

  • I'd prefer that they just get the version that currently exists out there, or it could never surface with the amount of individual requests. Surely we could all pick up update ideas more easily then.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Haven't read through the whole thread: but since mods encouraged requests ... for me what's most important is having everything that is available on the hardware UI be accessible from the editor. The point of struggle with every-day use has been having to reach out to kemper. If clean sens wasn't an option in the editor -- hypothetically speaking -- I'd still have to use the hardware. That's something I really want to avoid having to do. This includes the profiling function as well and reference vs amp section.

    Agreed. I think all the deep-edit parameters have to be in an editor at minimum and even go further into organization. Ability to select from the heads & cabs in the KPA via dropdown would be ideal, and ability to save and recall amp & effects presets. Sorry if these were brought up before, I haven't read through the 14 pages of this thread.

    The point of the editor IMO should be to remove any need of using the hardware while plugged in. Hopefully there's much more to it than what was shown at NAMM.

  • I’m not sure if I suggested this before but.....

    A column in the new Rig Manager where you can enter ‘Personal setting’. You could then free text write in the box for the guitar / pickup position you used. Allowing us to sort by this free text column would be good. The ‘favourite’ star in the current version is for sure useful but ‘favourite with what?’.

    I’m not talking about doing this as part of the profiling process but more of a thing that some profiles really sing with one guitar and are ‘just ok’ with another with the same settings dialled in. This is, of course, part of the joy of the profiler as you do indeed get the subtleties of different guitars coming through on many profiles.

    I was lucky enough to get a new guitar last weekend and have been auditioning profiles from my favourite packs. Many of my ‘favourite’ profiles don’t sound great with this guitar but others in the same commercial packs sound awesome as you’d expect. It’d be nice to have an elegant way of me pulling up patches ‘by guitar’ then that would be nice. I can currently make a folder for one guitar and another for a different guitar but I think the free text column that allows sorting in the main window would be a nice addition..... in my case, when I’m recording, I make a folder for a song I’m working on and put all the profiles in there that I’ve used. It’s then me trying to remember which guitar I used too...... I actually label tracks in my DAW to remind me but, if the new rig manager could help me in this way I think it would be cool :)

    Whether this makes it or not I’m very much looking forward to the new version. I’m not a fan of wishing time away but can’t wait for this to come out :)