NAMM 2019

  • Aaah Kemper, we love to hate them until we love them again. It’s not the first time but hey, this time love will last long. Thanks much for the works

    I need output preset management for sure. There’s so many I need to tweak when at home, with or without cab, at rehearsal or gigs, playing backing tracks or not. Please Kemper include output preset management. Input as well but that’s just few knobs and I don’t play many guitars

  • Nobody missing Input / Output and System settings in the editor screenshot? Hope it is hidden somewhere. As well as the „Lock“ feature.

    It's worth keeping in mind that the summer-ish delivery date of the editor, even though it's technically a new Rig Manager version, can really be thought of as Editor 1.0. Even if it doesn't include output or other things, it's just the first version. 1.0 is rarely meant to be the last word in what software does. Usually it just gets you a seat at the table.

    Since they're clearly putting a lot of effort into this, I would imagine there will be continual enhancements as time goes on.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • It’s Looks like they have amp, eq and cab on the line (see about 3:38). As you say there does not appear to be system, rig, inout, output etc. but as they are still working on the software and only releasing in the summer they may add those in (hopefully). As Toastme has shown all the sections are possible to be edited externally.

    The whole thing looks great though and I can’t wait to try the final version.

    Yup - I'll take what I can get, although to be honest would love it if everything was adjustable in the editor as the output/system settings are sometimes cumbersome to deal with on the hardware.

  • About the Kemper Kone, one thing is not clear to me. if we got 16 types of cone to choose, will they change According to the profiles (so they are stored in some way with the profiles) or if I will switch between profiles (and consequently maybe differnt amp models that require another type of cone) the model will not change?

    Being it an option into the Output section, I am afraid we can choose only one cone that will reamin the same for all profiles, so If I want to change from a v30 on a marshall afd 100 profile, I cannot expect to automatically switch (e.g.) on a greenback when I recall a silver jubilee profile.....



  • Though I have no need for the Kemper cabinet, Ive decided I'm going to buy one.

    I would use it if you want to but it for me..8o

    Seriously..i am going crazy.

    Today in the rehearsal, I have been trying several profiles, different vendors, free profile...xtc, recto, 5150 3...Very different through PA(FH), through my 2x12 v30 or through an old sound city 4x12 it was almost impossible to distinguish any difference. Band mates agreed looking to me like..:/

    Its like i only have one sound.

  • About the Kemper Kone, one thing is not clear to me. if we got 16 types of cone to choose, will they change According to the profiles (so they are stored in some way with the profiles) or if I will switch between profiles (and consequently maybe differnt amp models that require another type of cone) the model will not change?

    Being it an option into the Output section, I am afraid we can choose only one cone that will reamin the same for all profiles, so If I want to change from a v30 on a marshall afd 100 profile, I cannot expect to automatically switch (e.g.) on a greenback when I recall a silver jubilee profile.....



    I noticed this as well, surely we'll be able to save output parameters to individual slots within a performance by the time this comes around, it would be lunacy if we couldn't :S

  • Okay, many of you probably have seen my posts with thoughts on this issue -- that is, what the heck is the "broadband", "full-range" speaker that is in the Kemper Kabinet.

    I am going out on a limb, here. I will eat my shorts, if the Kemper Kone speaker is not based upon a variant/derivative of the Celestion F12-X200. That is to say, it is going to be coaxial.

    Oh please oh please oh please...spidey sense don't fail me now.

  • The guy ( CK) LITERALLY says in like 3 different videos, the speaker is designed for Kemper/in collaboration with/specifically for.... Kemper... he says it like 4 different ways... I don’t see how we are still talking about this..

    Perhaps because it’s a usual thing in the industry to tweak a few values in a product and rebrand it as something completely different when it’s not. AFAIK, CK is not a speaker designer, so when a leading speaker brand is releasing a new technology in a product long awaited for, and when an associated brand which as no history in that line of product is releasing a product which does the same thing « in collaboration « , one can get pretty damn sure that both those products have a lot (to say the least) in common.

  • I also hope we can edit the other Kemper settings from the editor, input, output, system etc. But so far it looks great, simple and just what the doctor ordered.

    what you see on the screenshot and on the videos taken at NAMM is a development preview and it is not complete. Saying that, it is not our goal to support absolutely all parameters for editing. Input/Output should be available though. let's not talk about those details right now, it's a bit to early for a discussion.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Choose this if you want stereo monitoring with the same specification used: CAB ON or CAB OFF for both cabs.

    In the aforementioned use case Eltzejupp will want to have cab off for the speaker output for use with the Kemper cab. He chooses cab off for monitor out which will determine that the direct out will remain cab on.

    If he chooses stereo monitor they will both be off.

    Btw, here is one understanding question left. What about the profile itself when routing in this way? That means to me, that I have to use merged or di profiles for this chain, right? I think that would be logical and therefore I ask directly if you can identify merged profiles in the editor. That would be great. Can you have a quick look on the editor and tell me;);)?