Taking the plunge

  • Kemper or Ax8 8

    1. Kemper unpowered (8) 100%
    2. Fractal Ax8 (0) 0%

    hey everyone!

    hows the holidays been?

    I've been looking into the Kemper and Ax8 for a while now and have a few questions regarding which to get.

    Primarily looking for a be all, end all rig.

    my current rig: Laney 60w tube head with 4x12 cab and a boss gt-100.

    I was considering maybe buying the unpowered Kemper and 44 magnum pedal amp, and use my gt-100 as a midi controller as well as replace some effects.

    and swap the big cab for a 2x12 perhaps.

    Price wise in Europe the Ax8 and kemper unpowered are the same right now.

    since I already have a foot controller with midi, I'm leaning towards the Kemper for pure tone quality.

    But the Ax8 is tweakable beyond my needs and can sound just as good if not better at times.

    there in lay the problem. I've been using the boss gt-100 for years now and have found myself getting lost in all the settings.

    (there is such a thing as to many options)

    Mostly play at home but gig every once in a while, May do more shows.

    Mostly high gain and chorus cleans.

    and for home practice I'm mostly going to be using 33ohms headphones or in ear monitoring.

    Realistically I'm going to find 4-10 sounds that I like, set them and forget them, and perhaps modify down the line when sound preferences change.

    and with the Kemper being so far into its production life I cant help but feel like they'll announce a new model the day after I order one.

    So... Kemper or Ax8, thoughts?

  • Ok, both units are excellent so you can't go wrong really.

    The general view is Kemper has the best valve like sounds, but the AX8 effects have the edge.

    Personally I like the fact that the Kemper offer a powered version. Then you can get rid of the laney and GT and replace with one unit that will work with your 4 x12, you can use for your studio as well.

    With regards to a new unit, given Fractal change their units every 6 months ( exaggeration but its certainly more frequent than Kemper), that is just as likely to get replaced as the Kemper. No one knows the product roadmap for each one so its always a gamble. If I had to start again I would not hesitate to get a KPA again.

  • Regardless of roadmaps and possible supersession, if a unit does and gives you everything you need, what's to worry about?

    One thing's for sure:

    If a newer Kemper came out and it sounded even-closer to the real thing, it'd be practically-indistinguishable from the current one 'cause it's so-damned-close already.

    Welcome to the forum, mate. 8o

  • Like others have said... both are great units

    If you like playing authentic real world tube amps, the Kemper has the edge.

    If you want to create new amps or stack amps , then the Axe unit is the way to go.

    You can’t go wrong either way really

  • Realistically I'm going to find 4-10 sounds that I like, set them and forget them

    I do not have a fractal but if this is your normal workflow, the Kemper will work 100%.

    I would not worry about the announcement of the new Kemper. They seem to be adding a lot of software features still for effects.

    (If they released the KPA2 and prices on KPA1 fell, I would immediately buy a second KPA1 (this time a rack one I think) I am jealous of my son when we play together that he has the Kemper. :))

  • Cant wait for Kemper 2 to come out...

    So I can also gobble up at least 2 more Kemper '1's'...

    It sounds like an amp...so it can't get any better in terms of tone.

    FX...of course, they can be improved...but please dont think they're 'bad'....its just that they're not yet as good as some very high end standalone effects units.

    Go for it!

    PRS Custom 22's - Fender Strats - Diezel VH4 - Carol Ann OD2 - Toneking Imperial MK2 - Colin the Kemper - CLR Neo ii.

  • I'm no Fractal expert, but one thing you may want to consider is the resale value. If you buy a KPA and don't dig it you can pretty-much flip it and get your money back. If you go with the Ax8 and don't like it i think you'll probably take more of a "hit" to the wallet. Back in June I was able to get a great deal on a new KPA and could probably make $100 if i sold it now....Not gonna sell it though. It's inspiring without tons of tweaking and is the best gear investment i've made.