Kemper in 2019

  • Kemper innovation has always been slow compared to other products IMO. This year it appears to be stalled.

    Love the product, but this is disappointing.:/

    Considering the core and primary function is more innovative than any other guitar preamp/modeller on the market, that's exaggerating, I would say. This year has seen the addition of an absolutely stunning spring reverb emulation (really!) in (almost) any slot, selectable sample rates and the showcasing of new reverb types to rival boutique standalone pedals, so to say it has stalled isn't fair at all.

  • I'am 100% happy with my Kemper.

    But i just want new stuff from Kemper. The next iteration. Not because i need it but because i want new toys.

    I'm afraid that Kemper might be a lil bit to late to the party when it comes to the next big things.

    Kemper needs to put a more complete package together like Fractal does.

    There is so much room for improvements. In my case the kemper alone doesn't cut it. I still need my Helix in combination.

    So guys go ahead and keep innovating shit <3

  • Hopefully beginning of 2019 will bring the new reverbs and the new preset management system (whatever that means ?).

    I guess we will also see some hints of an editor, new OD system, and why not a floorboard version ? I wouldn't hold my breath though, one of those three before the end of 2019 would alreday be something.

  • I don't think the OP is fair. Invention and cutting edge technology is hard to do right even with simple products. Kemper are not slow, they're meticulous. I appreciate this every time I use mine.

    I much prefer this to the frantic pace of their competitors that keep pushing irrelevant change for the sake of selling new hardware.

    I understand your frustration, but playing guitar helps. :thumbup:

  • I bought mine maybe 3 months ago. I'm still in the discovery/experimentation process! The Kemper is so rich with detail and options. I'm happy, for now.


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • Considering the core and primary function is more innovative than any other guitar preamp/modeller on the market, that's exaggerating, I would say. This year has seen the addition of an absolutely stunning spring reverb emulation (really!) in (almost) any slot, selectable sample rates and the showcasing of new reverb types to rival boutique standalone pedals, so to say it has stalled isn't fair at all.


  • The "innovation" the OP refers to, AFAICT, must surely be the addition of FX types and more I/O options, which is pretty much all I've seen added to competing products over the years.

    The Kemper continues to receive FX additions and has more I/O options than a typical guitarist can poke a stick at, so that's that taken care of.

    Real innovation? That'd be Profiling. When any competitor offers this and takes it a step further, the OP would have a point IMHO, but so far no takers...

  • I've owned my Kemper since early 2012 when it was first introduced in the US. One thing I definitely appreciate about the Kemper organization is that my unit after 6 years is better than when I received it. If you look at every other competitor, their models have either been discontinued or made obsolete. There are not many other cutting edge consumer electronic components that can claim that kind of longevity. What innovation is the OP hoping for? The basic amp tones are as good or better than any product available today.

    Do I wish Kemper would finish the update teased in June. Absolutely. I dislike installing Beta versions and I'd like Kemper to get with it regarding a final version but right now my Kemper does everything I need it to do.

  • Sure, Id like to see those reverbs (and other stuff) added. That said...

    I just played an MBritt profile of a 69 Marshall 50 at breakup, for over an hour.

    No, I don't want that hour back. Adding to my KPA is just icing on the cake for me!

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user